Jedi “Master” Now a Racist Term

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  • #172764

    The absurdity continues. Now the word “master” is evil and racist. Master bedroom. Mastercard. ViewMaster. Master of Ceremonies. Masterbate. All of it.

    Along with Chief, master-chief, (that’s a bonus there) hail to the chief, firechief, chief-justice, hey there chief, and others.

    George Orwell told us that NEWSPEAK was a never-ending (move the goalpost) degeneration of all language into a political language decided by the STATE.

    Native Americans were beaten when they spoke their native tongue. There was a stick called “the Welsh Note” used to beat Welsh children for speaking

    their native tongue, Welsh in English Schools. Now, ENGLISH is being transmuted to where everything is re-defined. Speak the old English and be cancelled.

    I advise everyone to download the old ENGLISH DIALECT DICTIONARY before they wipe it from existence. You think I’m kidding?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Sternwise. Reason: spelling
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Sternwise. Reason: link

      Are you f***ing shitting me!?!


      J Green is fucking right. The communist left needs to be rooted out and destroyed.


      What (and I can’t stress this enough) the fuck…


      So what so the new difficulty level for jedi fallen order sequel is going to be renamed to really good jedi difficulty?


      So when a movie or game is amazing we cant say it’s a fuckin masterpiece anymore… We just say it’s a fuckin piece… Fuckin piss.


      I wonder what will happen if this spreads to electronic engineering? We call our control devices ‘masters’ and the devices they control ‘slaves’. There’s a communication protocol that uses the terms ‘Master In, Slave Out’ and ‘Master Out, Slave In’ (MISO and MOSI) to describe the direction of communication. I guess all that will have to go if these lunatics get their way.

      No more fancy iWidgets for hipsters.


      Clown world.


      I swear, the previous eight years before 2016 was a shit show. No wonder it has gotten worse now because of coddling parents who can’t do their freaking job.  Schools continue to fail because of such garbage like this.


      How is Jedi Master a racist term?


      WTF?! That is offensive to martial artists!


      It’s already happening in software engineering. OpenZFS has accept a patch to remove all references to master & slave in the repo. Git is doing the same.

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