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I must say I’ve become a fan of Cal Kestus.
At first, I was a fence sitter. Then I played a bit of the game, saw some youtube videos about him and really admired that little Droid of his.
This games seems to see him…grow up and mature as it were into the Jedi religion.
He’s still being hunted, he’s still on the run….but that’s the drama right?
I look forward to this new installment and Cals continuing storyline.
As an aside….I really wish one of the powers that be would bring back Galen Marek aka Starkiller.
He still is one of my favorite star wars characters, and to think what could be if these two met….
Why did Starkiller fall out of favor and die so quickly, he was a powerhouse….
I just don’t get it at times.
@Rikirk69 : I too was a fan of Starkiller. But, Starkiller didn’t fall out of favor, he was abandoned because he does not fit in to the Disney Canon. He was essentially erased from existence, just like Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, Tahiri, etc. Another issue is that The Force Unleashed 2 was very short (the entire game lasted in 4-5hrs, I know because I had it day 1) and had a lot of drama behind the scenes. Not long after, Lucasarts was killed off.
I enjoyed Jedi Fallen Order, but it did have some frustrations. The fast travel being very sparsely placed was one of them. I thought there was too much retracing steps too, partly because some collectables were not available until you had powers you could only earn later in the game. So, you had to go back to planets MANY times over. I really hate it when they do that in games. I hope things like that are improved upon in the second game. I really liked all the Nightsister stuff and I WANT MORE! I really hope there is more Merrin and all the other characters from the first game. I will be pre-ordering the Deluxe Edition on PS5 later this week.