JJ Abrams Bad Robot Guide to Stopping White Supremeacy

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      JJ Abrams Issues Guide to Stop White Supremacy (this is not a joke).


      This of course is racist against whites.  All of it is.  Also, it is a bit hypocritical.  Abrams chose to live so far away from blacks it isn’t even funny.  He wouldn’t be caught dead moving into an actual black area of town.

      In Pacific Palisades 87.00% of the population is White
      In Pacific Palisades 1.41% of the population is Black



      virtue signaling at it’s finest


        I would love to hear John Boyega’s unfiltered thoughts.


        The Great Virtue Con.  All one needs to do is look and see who is talking about how “un-racist” they are and likely… they’re the racists. Those who are

        talking about how “un-misogynist” they are… they’re the misogynists. Those who are talking about how “un-homophobic” they are… they’re the



          This is, by far, the most insane thing I’ve seen in a long time.

          If this is the hill he wants to die on then I’m done with JJ Abrams. After that trashfire known as The Rise of Skywalker this weirdo uses his company to make up some dumb shit about white supremacy and even admits to controlling children. Disgusting

          Fuck JJ Abrams and Bad Robot.


          People have been dying on the WEIRDEST hills this year. The amount of friends I’ve had who said, “this! This random thing right here is the last straw and I will fight everyone who disagrees with me!” on something that would normally get no traction or attention is just insane. Social media is straight up destroying peoples’ lives and forcing them to dive into echo chambers because they simply can’t deal with thinking for themselves anymore and don’t want anyone making them think for themselves.


            If I were an employee there I’d walk out, right in the middle of the meeting this racist “guide” was introduced (speaking as one who has actually done that).  Those who remain employed there are enablers.  Weak.


            I never liked JJ or his movies. This policy is racist and should be reported, but California is lost in madness & most people are already running out’ve there.


            I agree with Jeremy. It’s par for the course with Jar Jar Abrams(to quote Gary and DC hail the inquisition!) though.

            2020 will be long remembered for so many reasons.

            All people need to stand up to the PC police and SJW Nonsense period.


            United we stand or divided we fall.


            I agree with Jeremy as well. I say we need to stop checking any project Bad Robot, JJ, and Hollywood is making and keep our children away from their projects as well along with spending more other mediums such as Anime, Manga, Tokusatsu, etc. Since that would be a perfect punishment for them.

            As for the SJWs, we need to stand up and use their logic and tactics against them. Like seriously, that would be a perfect punishment for the SJWs same would be said kicking them out of the west amd send to commie lands

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

            Screw him!

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