John Cena’s a tool

Geeks + Gamers Forums Sports WWE / Professional Wrestling John Cena’s a tool

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      Poor John Cena. You called Taiwan a “country” and had to apologize to your Chinese overlords. Your a real thug, aren’t you.

      To think I felt bad for you when you got booed for winning the belt at Wrestlemania in Chicago (of which I was there). But seriously, fuck you, dude.


      Just saw the Bounding Into Comics article….video made…Cena you fucking cuck…no wonder Nikki left your sorry ass.


      Saying a lie long enough does not make it true.

      Taiwan IS a sovereign country.  That is a FACT!


      Do they have citizens of Chinese decent? yes, but that does not make it part of Chyna.

      That is like saying the USA is not a sovereign country because it has citizens of Italian decent, so it is really part of Italy.  (or whatever ethnic group you want to use).



      Anyone else think that in his “hostage apology’-like video (as Jeremy called it), that John Cena does not look alot like Ernest?



      John, IMO, does not look like himself.


      He speaks the language. I like that and I respect that, but you guys are right about cuck. All of corporate America has sold you out to the Chinese Empire. We are a vassal state of China now. You have  to ask yourself, would I sell out my country to be a billionaire? Because that is what happened with these CEOs.  John Cena is more of a rep of the WWE and Hollywood. He’s not up high on the scale.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by comicsgate.

        With more and more coming to light about Covid being from the Lab “ya we all knew it” I wonder how long before shit hits the fan and people start distancing themself it governments do not out right sanction them and start demanding reparations to the WORLD?

        Cena is no different then any of the celbs, I wish people would stop looking at them as Hero’s or Idols and reserve those titles for people who deserve it that many of us will never know.



        Hey John, someone would like a word with you. tenor


        i was impressed by his mandarin level. it seems he lived in china when they were filming Bumblebee and he learned a little bit, it’s not fluent but it’s not bad.

        The thing about calling those autonomous special areas countries is a mess… because it’s hard to know what to call them when suddenly you are being interviewed… same with Macau, HK…

        When there’s soccer world cup qualification games, all countries participate and well, taiwan, macau and HK play against china and other asian countries… so in many people minds that makes them countries lol People dunno what else to call them. Who wants to say Special administrative region when refering to macau, hk or tw? lol that sounds complicated and kinda retar—- xD


        Screenshot_2021-05-27 Misheru Katorin 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 ( MKatorin) Twitter


        They are fake pretenders to the core.

        If they are NOT promoting a movie, I don’t give a fuck what they have to say/think.


        Apparently CM Punk is trolling Cena on Twitter by putting in his bio Taiwan is a country.




        • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Roas.


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