jojo’s bizarre adventure part 4 is trash!

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    jojo’s bizarre adventuer part4- diamond is unbreakable is trash, i recently watched it and it was the first part of jojo i didnt like, the plot was almost nonexistent, josuke had no personality and is the first jojo i dont care for, this a was also the first part that failed to make me cry, and i hate the new animation/ drawing style of the characters. it ruined jojo for me, i dont even wanna watch part 5

    after i watched it i went to youtube to watch some reviews i figured hearing other people tear it apart would make me feel better but when i go there all i find is positive reviews praising part 4 even saying it was the best part of them all, and some of them were insulting part 3 which is easily way better than part 4 in every way, i was like WTF did we watch the same show, these people gotta be insane, diamond is unbreakable is objectively garbage there no argument if someone wants to say “yeah its bad but i like it” then cool but you CANNOT tell me it was good. or that it was better than part 3 in any way.


    Ok dude, thats just like…your opinion


      Yep, insult people who enjoy something you don’t then tell them they can’t tell you it’s good. That’s a great way to win people over. Don’t give me this freedom of speech BS either. You don’t like it, cool. But you say yourself that you went to YouTube hoping to find people like you who hated it and were tearing it apart. You didn’t find that and that made you angry, so you came here to rant hoping people would join you in your hate. That didn’t happen. So I suggest you have a good long look at yourself, ask yourself if they’re insane for liking the show, or are you the problem and that you should accept that people are different and are able to enjoy things you don’t. Do some serious soul searching, and realise that you’re in the wrong.


      Part 4 isn’t even in my top 3 favorite parts but it’s still way better than part 3 for me (especially the anime). The pacing of part 3 was soooo damn dragged, they could’ve done it 5-10 episodes shorter. And it was the definition of rinse and repeat with very basic powers (fire, sword, shoot emeralds, wow) , lame fights and solutions to them, and useless characters (everyone except Jotaro, Polnareff and Joseph.
      The first and final 5 episodes were good tho, the rest was pretty damn boring tbh.


      yeah thats what forums are for, i didnt write this to say im right and if you disagree f*ck off, i wrote this to hear, see, debate and understand opposing opinions, if your sensitive to that and if your gonna sit here and critique my opinion instead of maning up and opposing it then why comment. people are soft these days bro.


      i meant to reply to someone, accidentally made a separate thread

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by pheonixking787. Reason: mistake

      how is part 3 worse than part 4? part 4 has all those same problems but worse, all the side characters are poorly written, its literally rinse and repeat, every episode, a random pshychopath stand user comes along out of no where, for absolutley no reason and they fight (which i think the fights are poorly handled, and the stands are laughably wacky) and they fight, the good guy wins, and the next episode the villan who was clinically insane one episode ago is now acting normal and their friends with the protagonist, this happens every single episode in the first half of the season and it repeats alot in the second half. part 4 had no direction or purpose at all random shit happens and they try to explain their bad/lazy writing away with that “stand users attract other stand users” bullshit, part 3 had a clear direction every single stand user they ran into had purpose, and real steaks, and when villans lose they dont become friends with jotaro the next day. give me  a comparison between part 3 and 4 that makes part 3 objectively worse, you cant, if you cut out all the pointless stuff out of part 4 it would only be 9 episodes which leaves me with like 30 episodes of wasted time. i honestly cant see how you can think part 4 is better, give me somthin bro, and like make a direct comparison to each dont just say 3 is repetative but ignore the fact that part 4 is 100X worse with repetition, or say part 3 was dragged but ignore the fact that part 4 was dragged even more with no purpose behind it, like atleast it all had purpose in part 3, they were on a journey in egypt searching for dio, whos not easy to find,and stand users for one motivation or another are being sent to kill them, vs part 4 where stuff just randomly happens because…..reasons


      ur feeling are really hurt huh kid, i stopped reading after “dont give me this freedom of speech bs” because i realized your a moron, take your politics somewhere else crybaby, my statement was to spark a debate, and to get other people to share their opinions, if you cant understand that me saying “you cant tell me its good” is to be taken literally,then theres something wrong with you, please seek help, if you want to criticize me personally or the way i didnt write my opinion delicatley just for babies like you, then direct message me but, but if your post have nothing to do with jojo in the first 2 sentences im not reading the rest, remember jojo part 4 is the topic, i didnt come here to talk about freedom of speech were talking about anime, if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen, otherwise feel free to demolish me in an actual argument as to why jojo part 4 is fantastic lol.


      I can’t really comment on Part 4 – Not read enough of it to really judge how it works as a larger story – But it seems to me people like it’s “villain of the week” format better than Part 3’s (which were only connected by the over-arcing goal of the heroes) by focusing on the individual heroes character growth. I don’t think that’s an opinion without merit: Koichi has pretty decent character development in these early episodes, for instance.

      I still prefer Part 3 so far; I prefer the 80’s action movie-style romp it has. But every Part kinda does its own thing, and is going to hold more appeal for one group of people over another. I don’t really take any issue with your opinion, but you’re just gonna have to accept that some people prefer Part 4’s narrative, even if you can’t understand why.


      part 4 doesnt really even have a narrative, stuff just happens, and it has the same villan of the week format, except it makes no sense in part 4, theres no purpose to it, the lazily explain these random pointless events by saying “stand users attract stand users”. the plot is just nonexistent, also i think koichi and his stand reverb are likable hes actually one of my favorite characters from jojo but reverb was under-explored, his abilies seemed endless but he just stops using them all or using them in a creative way, and just spams the same move the rest of the season. no one else in part 4 has any character development at all.

      btw im only talking about the anime, i know nothing about the jojo manga


      Have you watched/read later parts?

      And I think they handled Dio poorly in part 3. He was just a bad guy wanting to rule the world because that’s what bad guys do, sitting in his mansion for 45 episodes doing nothing while he just sends his bad guy minions after the squad.
      The beauty of part 4 is, as Araki said, that it’s a very down to earth mundane setting in a small town. Every part doesn’t have to be about ruling the world because the villain is an evil monster bad guy. If you don’t like that every-day life setting then I can’t affect your opinion, I personally like it.

      And the reason why some of the people become friends/stop doing evil deeds is because they aren’t evil psycho killer bad guys like in part 3, most of them are just doing selfish things because of the power they acquired and abuse them. And when they get cauht/defeated they kind of understand that if I keep stealing/harrassing other people, I will get beat up by people stronger than me.

      The narrative is good imo, as it has twists and turns in the plot where the main squad must react to what Kira does. While in part 3 it’s just Dio sits in his mansion waiting while the squad must kill him. There’s not a single twist or turn in the 48 episodes, after ep 2 or 3 you know exactly how it’s gonna end. They reach Dio and kill him.

      And if you prefer the usual ”fire power”, ”I have a sword”, ”I can punch hard”, ”I can control sand” abilities over the gimmicky trick abilities in part 4 then maybe JoJo’s isn’t for you, as that is what makes JoJo unique. So I’m sad to disappoint you but then you probably won’t like the later parts.

      ps. Part 4 isn’t in my top 3, part 5 will always be my favorite



      sonic it says in the feed that you made another post on this thread, but if you did i cant see it, must be a glitch, please try re-sending your reply.


      Have you seen part 5 or any later part?

      The beauty of part 4 is, as Araki (the author) said, that it is so down to earth and mundane. It’s about everyday-life. Every part doesn’t have to be about saving the world.
      My problem with part 3 is that it has no twists and turns, you can predict from the second episode how the show is going to end. They go on a journey, Dio sits for 45 episodes on his ass doing nothing but waiting to rule the world, because he is an evil bad guy and that’s what bad guys do. He just sends his evil bad guys minions after the squad who all have the same motive: kill the squad because evil master Dio made us do it. Zero creativity.

      In part 4 the villains have their own motives, they are mostly young people who acquire a special ability and abuse its power because they are young, stupid people who suddenly get power and feel ”better” than others. And they become friends/stop doing bad things because they are normal people in the end who understand that if you commit crimes, you get your ass kicked by people stronger than you. They aren’t psycho killer bad guys who got brain washed by some dude.

      Also, part 4 (and every part after 3) has twists and turns in the story, confrontations with the main villain which means the main characters must react to the actions of the villain which keeps the objective changing and story moving instead of being reach this destination while defeating 20 enemies on the way throughout the whole show, and when it’s 48 episodes it gets dull. Zero twists in the story. That’s why part 5 is imo a better version than part 3, they are on a journey but the objective keeps moving depending on what happens, making it less predictable.

      Also Kira is so much more interesting than Dio in part 3, as he has a unique motive and is active throughout the story actually doing other things than sitting on his ass thinking ”hehehe I want to rule the world because I am evil”.

      And the fights and abilities are more creative. If you prefer ”I have fire powers”, ”I have a sword”, ”I can punch hard”, ”I can create sand” over the more whacky, unique and fun abilities which make JoJo different from other battle series, then I’m afraid it might not be for you as the abilities get more and more creative.


      I’m about to watch Part 4 myself since I finished part 3 yesterday. I’ll have to see how good or bad it is myself.


      i watched the first 2 or 3 episodes of part 5 i cant really speak on it but its probably better than part 4

      okay so its in a small town, that doesnt make it good, it not being about saving the world doesnt make it good, or necessarily down to earth.

      so avdols dying, and being thought to be dead for multiple episodes to be revealed as being alive isnt a twist? and also what twist does part 4 have, theres hardly any story to it to have twist to, also dio doesnt just send minions, their warriors and stand users who have different motivations, some are in it for the bounty money, some worship dio as god, some just fear dio. when you say minions it just downplays the fact that their actual characters with real motivations. dio doesnt brain wash people, now in part 4 we have random insane people who pop up and fight the good guys lose, then the next day their friends, it doesnt make sense, the guy was ripping peoples eyeballs out for fun, literally wanted to murder joske and laghed while doing it, then the next day all his murderous intent is gone, he acts like a normal kid, you CANNOT defend that writing. you go find a robber, rapist or killer in real life and beat them up and see if they just turn normal the next day. zero character development at all, i remember the one scene where all the characters gathered after the little fatt guy died, and i was just thinking who the hell are theses people, i dont even know these characters, not one death in part 4 made me sad, part 3 every death made me cry at least a little. there is no character development at all, and part takes place over a longer period of time.

      also you failed to make a direct comparison on the twist part, like what twist are there in part 4, and what do you constitute as a twist? also saying “you can predict from the second episode how its gonna end” doesnt make sense all you could have guessed is they would defeat dio, i can guess that with anything, good guy beats bad guy, yeah thats usually what happens.

      also im just debating part 3 vs 4, you started making blanket statements like “part 4 and every part after it”. and part 4 had no objective really. they want an arrow, then they run in to kira.

      and kira is just a standard serial killer, its not new or unique or that interesting, dio is an immortal vampire that came back to life and took the body of jonathan joestar, if you compare screen time between kira and dio. i bet dio wins, kira encounters the heros earlier on, for like 1 episode then he disappears and it goes back to the villan of the week formula until the last few episodes now i will admit when kira changed his identity  and started living with the family things got interesting but again that was in the last few episodes. it seems like your villan argument is just that they encounte kira once like in episode 20 makes him a better bad guy. and dio is just a mustache twirling villan in comparison. the idea of part 3 is that dios the final boss, and this group of heros have to climb this mountain to get to him, kira wasnt much more than a villan of the week, that got stretched out for a bunch of episodes, also kiras dad shoots random people with arrows and they just so happen to be evil and run into the heros, and distract them from tracking kira,thats just stupid while dio sending people makes sense.

      i have no problem with creativity, and the stands the way they are in part 3 are enough to separate this show from other anime, it sounds like your implying all the stands do in part 3 is punch and their not creative, which is a blatant lie bro, the stands in part 3 get extremely creative, and different and those are the ones i like usually. you keep tryna downplay part 3 with cheap remarks, im starting to question if you watched part 3, every encounter and battle is unique, if your trying to make the point that every jotaro fight ends in a punch and every avdol fight ends in fire, thats not even a valid point and it doesnt make sense. part 4 has some cool stands too, when i say wacky im talking about the stupid ones, like the cheff guy, or the make-up woman, or the guy with the toy soldiers. dont put words in my mouth saying i dont like unique stands. also part 4 handles stands way worse, you say you dont like stands who only punch or whatever, how bout the fact that reverb literally only does 1 thing, when he evolves he still does 1 thing, and when he gets the 3 freeze move he just spams that and acts like he cant do anything else, or okuyasu whos stand can rip wholes in space but never explores or does more with it, he just spams that one thing, diamonds abilities never change or become more versatile he just punches and heals. most characters in part 4 feel like they have a 1 track mind they only use their 1 ability 1 way, while in part 3 the heros learned countless different ways to use their abilities to their full potential, their all open minded fighters. you keep saying things about part 3 and ignoring the fact that part 4 does the same but even worse.

      sorry for the essay

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