“Journalists” and Twitter

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      I have never seen so many crybullies lose their minds at once.  They lie and dox and get banned for it.  Then what do they do?  Lie and dox more.  They are truly the agents of Satan.



      PS – Taylor Lorentz is absolutely batsh!t crazy.  That video post from her “party” about Musk and Twitter was like a drunken jilted ex-girlfriend move.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Vknid.

      Activists pretending to be the arbiters of “my truths, my facts, my reality”.

      Well, THE TRUTH, THE FACTS, THE REALITY does not agree with those delusional idiots.

      And the, I think Taylor had a fake account to promote more lies and guess what?  Even that account got suspended for violating terms of service.


        It did but she is already back last I heard.


        It’s about time that they realise that they don’t own Twitter (that’s actually Elon now 😛). I laughed myself silly when I saw that video of that woman supposedly crying. I’ve never seen such fake crying in my life (aside from Megan Markel on a few occasions🙄)😂. “Boo hoo they’re being mean to me because I’ve got a different opinion than them! Boo hoo!”😂. Newsflash lady; it’s the internet. You’re going to have people with different opinions whether you like it or not. So sick of hearing people cry these days because someone has a different opinion than them.

        I’m glad people like her are getting banned. I’m sure I’ve read some of her comments about G+G before on YT. I’m sure she made a few remarks about Captain Marvel being the first female superhero film for Marvel and that it did well at the box office. Even though I’m sure said film made £500.000.000. The other half that made a billion was because Disney was buying the tickets because they panicked that it was failing. Also, I think she might find out that ‘Electra’ was the first female Marvel superhero film. So sick of these people thinking that any Marvel film outside the MCU doesn’t exist…🙄.

        Anyway, angry rant over😂. Time to go back onto YouTube and listen to some Synthwave 😎.


          Speaking as a man, I am never not shocked at the ability of good women to be able to point out the bad ones :P

          Us men are like, “aw she is crying”… Women are like “what a fake ass B”.  LOL



          Slightly off topic here, well, during the Amber Turd trial me and a friend spent most of it laughing at the Turd. Even my friend could tell the Turd was fake-crying. My friend was crying for an entirely different reason at the time; mainly because she was laughing too hard at the Turd😂!



            I think everyone had her pegged.  But of course she is the absolute worst case of fake and insane so that one is pretty obvious :P   However, the tears get us men most of the time as has been my experience. ;)

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