Just watched Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back

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      I had a throwback movie fest for two days and I watched Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back.  Both excellent movies.

      The fact that Disney fucked things up so horrendously is infuriating.  Just watch the originals and watch the dumpster fire that is Disney Star Wars.

      My God.  Trained chimps could have made a better movie than Disney.  They were handed the holy grail of movies and still screwed it up.  Years after the Disney Trilogy first hit the big screen — I am still pissed.


      There are still only 6 films. They were all ceated by George.


      Everything else is BAD fanfic bullshit.


      The only way they could get fans back, IMO, is if they release the ORIGINAL theatrical releases on DVD/BluRay.

      As much as I can understand Lucas’ reasons for giving us the “special editions”, in order to get fans back, Disney NEEDS to release the originals as they were in the theaters.

      Otherwise, like so many fans have stated “Star Wars is Dead”.


      I actually think the original Star Wars movie is really bad and has not aged well at all. I’d rank it with Phantom Menace and Rise of Skywalker as the worst movies in the franchise




      Please…please…please…give me your reasons so I can tell you how wrong you are.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Roas.

      I’m of the opinion that the more effort Disney put into the films they made for Star Wars, the worse the result was.


      Dont bother its obvious Soiboi never watched the films as they were meant to be unless they were cut to fuck for tv.


      As much as I love the theatrical cut there are things I prefer from the SE cut. Han shot only.

      The death star fight as awesome as it was in 77 was improved with camera angels that couldnt be made in 77.


        Good job stirring up some shit Soynic 💩

        envy laugh


        There is something to say about practical effects (models, etc), that the more modern CGI still can’t get.

        Jabba The Hutt and Yoda look awesome as muppets, but as CGI, they are awful.


        Sure, George did not have the money for technology to do alot of what he had envisioned (Heck, he had to create so much tech just to get them made in the first place).


        But there is something about seeing it as it was originally made.


        If we look back at film series like Sinbad (50’s, 60’s, 70’s), sure the effects do not stand up to todays, but still, it is fun to watch and marvel at what they were able to do back then.


        Enjoying the craft and the hard work that they had to put into it.


        That is why I like the original theatrical Star Wars better than the updated ones.


        It had a lot of feminist propaganda and woke agenda, I mean Leia, a woman, could shoot blasters? And the weirdo shipping between Leia and Luke was 🤮🤮


        No but seriously. I appreciate the worldbuilding and the fact that it started the franchise (which I still think is overrated, but still) but the movie itself was just not good as a stand alone movie.

        Horrible acting by Obi-Wan and Leia, worst battle choreography I’ve ever seen in Obi-Wan vs Vader, but I get it that Obi-Wan’s actor was a dinosaur and senile like Biden so that’s kind of a excuse for his horrible performance, scenes which were dragged so the movie got boring at points, a very unsatisfying solution for the conflict and the dogfight scenes were just garbage and uninteresting. In short, it didn’t age well and had straight up shit production value in everything. I said all this already in the ”unpopular Star Wars opinions” which I started.


        Thanks, appreciate it


          I get that shipping Luke and Leia, who are twins, is puke inducing, in fact there was nothing romantic between them in Empire Strikes Back, the kiss was to make Han jealous

          But what the f**k does Leia knowing how to use a blaster have to do with feminism???


          Nothing, I’m just making fun of a couple snowflakes on this forum getting triggered and seeing hallucinations of feminist propaganda in everything. Like Thor for example.


            🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good one

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