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> Comparing Alec Guinness to Biden.
well I could’ve compared him to any senile person, Joe was the first one that came to mind
CGI is best used when it is used sparingly. Movies with too much CGI are often bad. There are a few exceptions. The Matrix Trilogy comes to mind. A lot of CGI in that and green screen work … but well done. But the DC movies — really irritated me with their excessive use of CGI.
I think it depends on how the CGI is used and if it fits to the theme of the movie. For example, Dr Strange is a movie based on cool looking magic tricks and spells so the movie is a full CGI fest. I think the cool looking trippy CGI tricks was the best part of the movie.
Was this really too much to ask for?
Apparently, yes.
Somewhere in the multiverse this happened and our alternate selves were lucky enough to get to see it 😭
It was called the EU
Okay. I’ve had my day to mourn Sir Sean Connery.
And the weirdo shipping between Leia and Luke was
It’s called setting up a love triangle. Story telling 101. And as far as Star Wars production history goes, George had not decided they were going to be siblings yet. We all know he had not decided to make Vader Anakin Skywalker yet, either. This is nit pick bullshit without taking into account the factors of the moment.
Horrible acting by Obi-Wan and Leia, worst battle choreography I’ve ever seen in Obi-Wan vs Vader, but I get it that Obi-Wan’s actor was a dinosaur and senile like Biden so that’s kind of a excuse for his horrible performance
Honestly, I can’t tell how much of what you are babbling on about is about being a pure troll or serious. I’m gonna ignore the senile shit, because it looks like that is indeed pure troll bait….moronically stupid, but troll bait nonetheless.
His name is Sir Alec Guinness, and his acting is called being a classic professional. The man was a great actor, and his solid and sagely performance in ANH was what is called being an anchor in a cast of largely new actors. He brought what most people call a little “gravitas” to the movie. Carrie Fisher’s performance was decent, though there is always that criticism of starting off with a British accent during her scene with Tarkin and then slipping into a more American one.
And yeah, Sir Alec was an elderly man at that point and probably did not want to do a heavily choreographed duel, and if you want to say something in ANH did not age well, it was Vader .vs. Obi-wan, but that scene is meant to do one thing. It’s not supposed to be an amazing fight scene, it’s a story moment, it’s the classical moment where the wise man guide gives his life to save and propel the protagonist forward to grow. It’s’ called the art of story telling, and a key moment in the Hero’s Journey, which is what ANH is all about.
scenes which were dragged so the movie got boring at points
If you aren’t going to be specific and just generalize, I can smack you around and tell you why you are wrong and why you don’t understand story telling.
a very unsatisfying solution for the conflict and the dogfight scenes were just garbage and uninteresting
So….blowing up the Death Star that was already shown to be a huge success in its purpose, saving the day in the Hero’s Journey fashion of David beating Goliath, is unsatisfying to you? So what would make it satisfying for you? How would you tell the story of the final battle in a space opera? And you wanna shit on the practical effects of the time, you can, but even focusing on the original version .vs. the reshoots for the Special Edition (of which I have both of and enjoy both of), you are taking the most inane dump on the movie effects that changed cinema history. Just one year before you had Logan’s Run (also on my shelf), where while a good movie, is hokey looking at times. Then here comes Lucas and his vision, and they show us what the future of practical effects could be.
Before Lucas changed the game, the god among men was Ray Harryhausen and his masterful claymation and puppet effects. The man is a legend and was the bar to pass. Lucas did that with his team on ANH.
So all I can say is you are a poor soul who is addicted to CGI and cannot appreciate true art when you see it.
I can appreciate good storytelling tropes like the mentor’s sacrifice for the sake of giving the hero a chance to grow, but I can’t give a pass to Obi-Wan’s weak and non charismatic performance and especially the shit duel which was supposed to be a high point of the movie. It was ridiculously bad, and I think the mentor’s sacrifice trope was poorly executed as my initial reaction was just wtf and people are still debating why exactly he did it.
The R2D2 and C3PO on Tatooine and the Trash Compactor scene were really dull and dragging imo.
And with the unsatisfying ending I meant that it lacked a hype climax of the story ending in a battle, the dogfight shit was just messy and lame. The things you can do with a fighter jet is so extremely limited. If you wanna have dogfights then fine, but as the epic final confrontation? That was just boring.
And as I said, the movie did not age well. But my biggest problems aren’t things you can blame on the movie being old. Like shit acting, sloppy fight scenes, slow pacing, unrewarding final battle.
These are reasons why I rank it in the bottom half in the SW franchise. It’s massively overrated imo, pretty much like the entire franchise when I think about it.
That being said, I do appreciate and respect that SW pretty much created and paved the idea of space operas and making movies a series of a longrunning adventure, both are things in fiction I highly appreciate and consume. I just think that as movies and pure entertainment value, the franchise is just pretty good but massively overrated. It functions as a prototype to awesome concepts and ideas which franchises I really like use.
Soiboi proving yet again he is an unducated twat.
I can appreciate good storytelling tropes like the mentor’s sacrifice for the sake of giving the hero a chance to grow, but I can’t give a pass to Obi-Wan’s weak and non charismatic performance and especially the shit duel which was supposed to be a high point of the movie. It was ridiculously bad, and I think the mentor’s sacrifice trope was poorly executed as my initial reaction was just wtf and people are still debating why exactly he did it.
Clearly, there is no accounting for taste. Sir Alec was a master at his craft, and if you cannot see that, that’s on you. There is nothing I can ever say to convince you if you cannot appreciate a great actor practicing his craft.
The only reason you can possibly call Vader .vs. Obi-wan a “shit duel” is because you want to see tons of Force powers and leaps. I’m a sword guy. I love duels. I’m a trained fencer. When I watch a fight, I’m watching choreography. This duel is barely anything. It’s a few quick clips, and it’s more about the dialogue and the meaning. It was not remotely poorly executed, because it hits the marks and builds the world not only as pushing Luke to be a hero, but it is one of those moments that builds the lore and the world.
And debated? Frankly your dim take on it is the first time I’ve EVER had to debate it in my 40 years as a Star Wars fan. Never have I heard anyone criticize Obi-wan’s sacrifice. The fact that it’s a tame duel without major action is something 99% of people accept, because it was not something we needed to make the movie a success.
Tell me, are you one of these guys who things the Last Jedi throne room fight is great? Because that is shit personified.
The R2D2 and C3PO on Tatooine and the Trash Compactor scene were really dull and dragging imo.
Huh? World building. The droids wandering is meant to reveal how desolate Tatooine is, how out of the way we discover Luke is. The strange mystique of Obi-wan being out there and why. And ALL of it masterfully scored by Mr. John Williams, drawing you in and making you a part of it all.
Trash compactor criticism? Really? Again, I find myself in a debate about something I’ve never had to get in to in 40 years. So, it’s a “drag” to see our newly minted Trinity of Heroes in a situation they literally cannot get out of? Needing to be saved by R2, who begins his storied career of being the ultimate trump card in so many situations. This scene is all about R2 getting the spot light as becoming invaluable to the Star Wars lore.
And with the unsatisfying ending I meant that it lacked a hype climax of the story ending in a battle, the dogfight shit was just messy and lame. The things you can do with a fighter jet is so extremely limited. If you wanna have dogfights then fine, but as the epic final confrontation? That was just boring.
I’m not sure what I can possibly say to this. Let’s see. Lacked hype?
Giant planet destroying space station is looming….one tiny chance to stop it, and that chance is really not a chance because normal people can’t possibly get it done, but our underdog heroes are gonna go for it, because otherwise they are done for.
Space dog fights….you find that boring…you find something that had not really ever been done before boring. I mean, the closest thing at the time was the original Battlestar Galactica, because Trek ToS was not about that kinda thing.
You find it boring that all of the Rebel fighters are basically wiped out except for Luke and Wedge, because Vader enters the scene and starts owning things. You find it boring that Luke can’t evade Vader, because he has to “stay on target” to take that “one in a million shot” and is saved at the very last moment when Han and the Falcon swoop in to knock out Vader and his escort.
Then Luke, using the Force for the first time really, makes the shot and saves the day.
You find all that boring?
You truly boggle me, dude.
Yup, they were boring and didn’t satisfy me. If my opinion about dogfights being boring because of the lack of movements and actions you can pull off makes you uncomfortable then so be it. Agree to disagree, move forward.
”I disagree with his opinion so I must call him names”. The go-to tactic of an SJW.
Keep it up, cowboy. You’re no different from them.
Disney sucks.