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Of Spandex and Slow Mo: The Snyder Cut Rant
The Rageaholic
“How can we make this long, boring film even longer and more boring?”
-Literally Warner Bros.
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I am going to start this off with a little back story. I grew up on the 60’s Batman TV Show and the 80’s Superman Movies. My comic book history/knowledge ranges across the publisher spectrum as well as the various characters and teams. For me though Marvel and DC have always been two separate worlds of characters. DC was always the darker more serious, where Marvel has always had a light hearted side to it in my opinion. Because of this seriousness I feel it has not transitioned very well into the DC Movies. Don’t get me wrong there have been some good DC Movies over the years. I am a fan of the Tim Burton and Christopher Nolen Batman movies. Everything else has been very forgettable in my opinion.
That being said. I skipped out on seeing most of the DC Movies in the past few years. Just because I got tired of being let down. I did see Shazam and that was only because I got told that DC finally broke from the seriousness and actually put something out that had some comedy. Which I found very refreshing even if the movie itself wasn’t the greatest. So I went into the Snyder Cut with no expectations and really no knowledge of the movies that lead up to this point. I refused to go anywhere near the Whedon Justice League. My take on the Snyder Cut is this…and spoiler free…
If you walk into that movie with your only expectation being that you want to walk away having been entertained and forget all the real world bullshit going on for a few hours? Then the Snyder Cut is a fun ride from beginning to end. I felt that every scene and line in that 4hrs was a must have, nothing could have been left on the cutting room floor. I only have two solid complaints walking away from that movie.
I look forward to seeing the Snyder cut a few more times. I honestly enjoyed it for what it is…a movie about Superheroes beating the crap out of enemies.
This movie makes we wish we could get the novelized version of “Death of Superman” done right as a live action movie.
The novel was OUTSTANDING! Better than the comic.
I actually enjoyed it much more than the theatrical version. I find it weird that for some reason it was in the old square frame format on my tv. However I did have to watch it on the HBO Max ap on my Firestick. I’m going to give it a second viewing tonight if I have the time.
I loved the Snyder Cut. EXCLUDING bullshit Snyder said, this was so much better.
I finished my review. I think it’s fair.
finished watching.
I enjoyed. In my opinion is much better than the JL 2017. It should have a sequel, but with everything going on, I doubt it.
PS: Because I watched the garbage WW 1984 I almost forgot that Gal Gadot is hot af. Great to see her wearing hot outfits in the JL :)