Kentucky nursing board threatened licenses to push ‘racism’ training

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    Kentucky nursing board threatened licenses to push ‘racism’ training

    KBN, a government agency, told nurses across the state that they were “required” to complete “mandatory” training on “implicit bias.” The training included highly racialized content that Kentucky certified registered nurse anesthetist Rebecca Wall, who has been a nurse for 40 years, told the Washington Examiner was “offensive” and had very little to do with nursing.

    Inserting racism where there is none.

    While KBN denied the claim that the licenses were at stake, Kentucky law ties licensure directly to the completion of the courses.

    Do as we say, or else.

    According to Charles W. Miller, an employment and injury attorney in Kentucky, a nurse who refuses to complete the training is, in fact, subject to the possibility of losing a license. Kentucky law refers to the training “as a prerequisite for license renewal.”

    Taking this non-medical course that is offensive and racist, or else we can/will fire you!

    The KBN is set up to give nurses slack when failing to meet a requirement, such as additional time to do so, before a formal reprimand, Miller added, but that would still require nurses who have ideological disagreements with the content to take the course.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.  But in the end this racists and offensive course you will have to take or you WILL be FIRED for not having your license renewed for NOT being indoctrinated to it.


    As a Kentuckian, I hope the rest of the state remembers this and Bashear’s covid tyranny when it comes to the vote in a few months. Bashear needs to go, and he needs to be send packing with great electoral force.

    And remember, Democrats cheat, so lots of you need to vote so you can outvote all the votes by the dead and those who have moved elsewhere and don’t know they’ve voted in this state.

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