Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Movies › Lady Sif to Return in Thor: Love and Thunder
It was reported the other day on @geeksandgamers that #LadySif would be returning in #taikawaititi’s #thorloveandthunder…though I am excited for a #jamiealexander return, it may not be enough to counteract silly narratives #Thor
Ok, it took me a few days to collect my thoughts, and i’ve been wondering how Lady Sif will come back and what role she’ll play
1 theory came to mind – The first time Jane Foster appears as Thor in the comics was actually all the way back in the 70s in a What If? comic, and in that comic, well, Sif isn’t too happy about Jane taking on the mantle, mostly because she want’s to marry Thor, and, well, you get the picture. Also, in the first 2 Thor movies, it’s not explicitely shown, but it seems like Sif has a crush on Thor, but as we know, Thor likes Jane…
So, what if in Love And Thunder, Sif becomes Jane’s nemesis??
I hope they explain where Sif has been since we last saw her in the movies.
And not being a Marvel Comics fan/collector, that synoptics sure does make for a good background story of the next Thor film.. and how the title now makes more sense.
The movie is going to be so insane and also very romantic
Hail Odin!!!!! Long time no see High father 😀
Haven’t seen you since Youtube 😀
How is it been?
I still won’t be watching this rubbish. Even with Christian Bale in as the villain. Even if they managed to bring back Loki I still won’t be watching it. I’ve no desire to see a female Thor flying around thanks. Especially since the first Thor film was the first MCU film I ever saw.
To see Bale as a villain will be a treat. It says Hemsworth is in it, but that he will share the hammer? Natalie Portman has no business as either Thor or Valkyrie. Not sure why she’s even in the film. She does not fit. Also, not a fan of Taika Waititi, who is too much of a lame virtue-signaler. What was your favorite Natalie Portman film? Black Swan? I have never seen her in anything where I thought much of her acting. She was dull in Star Wars.
Eh. Marvel is dead to me. The MCU ended at Endgame. I haven’t paid to see an MCU film in theaters since Thor 2, which is also the last one I have purchased. I don’t care what they do.
Marvel MUST end.
Disney MUST end.
Nothing else will do.
@Hazu… Are those photos of Natalie Portman, Taika Waititi, and Tessa Thompson having a make-out session??? …. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Honestly, the actors and director can fool around on set as much as they want, as long as Jane doesn’t actually end up with Valkyrie in the movie, ’cause I’ll rip the cinema screen to shreds if that happens, Valkyrie can find herself a girl friend who’s into women
@digicat lol :P
nah, it’s Taika + his gf Rita Ora + Tessa… it seems they had a threesome and Tessa is getting more screen time in the new thor movie, for sure.
nah, it’s Taika + his gf Rita Ora + Tessa… it seems they had a threesome and Tessa is getting more screen time in the new thor movie, for sure.
Rita Ora?! Damn i didn’t recognize her, i even met her once
Wonder if Taika’ll give her a cameo in the movie… or maybe Rita’s playing Valkyrie’s girl friend and those are photos of them practicing kissig scene and Taika’s giving tips 🤣🤣🤣
Honestly, the actors and director can fool around on set as much as they want, as long as Jane doesn’t actually end up with Valkyrie in the movie, ’cause I’ll rip the cinema screen to shreds if that happens, Valkyrie can find herself a girl friend who’s into women
Omg I’m laughing DigiCat! And yeah, I didn’t recognise Rita either. I didn’t even know she was also an actress.
Omg I’m laughing DigiCat! And yeah, I didn’t recognise Rita either. I didn’t even know she was also an actress.
I guess Rita’s just getting into acting, or back into it? If i’m not mistaken she did some TV when she was younger ??? But recently she was in Detective Pikachu
Next Thor movie is gonna suck