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One thing I’ve always thought about is the inconsistency letists have in identity politics when talking about gender and race.
When talking about gender, it’s okay to go against biology and identify as something you clearly aren’t and everyone can be whatever they want. Also, they want to crush gender norms so that it’s socially acceptable for males to wear crop tops, dresses and other traditionally female outfits and vice versa for females, in order to break the boundaries and mix the genders.
But when race is the topic, it is strictly a no-no to identify as an other race or nationality and they try to separate races through ”cultural appropriation”, which leads to the ”this belongs to this race and that belongs to that race” mentality, basically grouping the different races on their own, straying away from unity which creates hostility, the ”we vs them” mentality. Which is in fact the opposite of their views on gender.
So why is it so important to tear down the boundaries between genders but separate races from each other? 🤔🤔
It’s not that they are inconsistent. It’s that the entire argument/movement is disingenuous, based on nothing and designed only to divide. In short, it’s not supposed to make sense.
I doubt they want to be messy on purpose. I just think they have two different narratives that contradict each other. In a similar way how they do anything they can to protect and shift the blame away from muslims and also try to protect women and LGBTQ+ people from the evil straight white men, while behind their backs muslims rape, kill and torture women for showing their ankles in certain twisted countries.
It is all part of their agenda.
Divide and conquer.
Divide and destroy the family units (no fathers, no life-long marriages) deny science (we have 52+ gender dysphorias), reduction of the human population (infanticides/abortion), allowing murder/homicides/rioters/loiters/etc. go unpunished.
Their war against human beings has no boundaries.
They MUST create division, be it between the two biological sexist, between natural genders and gender dysphorias, between races and even between generations.
This IS part of the toxic extreme alt-leftists agenda.
They MUST create a victim/oppressed narrative to fool as many people into believing theirs lies, to be the useful idiots to overthrow the western civilizations.
Race, sex, gender, etc. it is all meant to divide the people.
I mean in some organized far left cults and organizations, possibly. But I doubt some confused 14 year old girl on twitter with pronouns in her bio has a political strategy to divide and conquer the people to achieve some cartoon villain evil plan to start a war against humanity.
Not all people on the left with some of these ideas are bat shit crazy people who want a war and chaos, just like not all people on the right obviously are insane racists or whatever.
The foot soldiers you are referring to are sucked into the agenda based normally on the hatred, fear and angst they feel for themselves and others. However they are just being used by the powers that be which DO have an agenda. Those are the elites like politicians and the super rich, both whom think they are above everyone else and have a burning desire to engineer the world in their vision.
Why divide everyone? If we are all busy hating each other (1 little group against every other group) we have no power as a collective population and voting essentially becomes useless and easily swayed.
The division is just a means to an end.
Most of this is not at all new and has been going on forever. It is just with the advent of things like social media and the internet it is far easier to fool people and spread the agenda.
There have been many stories where people, wanting to be in the “IN” crowd, feel pressure to be an it or isism.
Saying what they think others want to hear.
They are the VICTIMs of the leftists agenda.
Sure, there might be some who truly think and believe they are not in the correct body, and think they don’t fit (or want to fit) into norms of the past.
I personally think it is alot less than what it is being reported as, currently around 5.6% of the total population.
And yes, gender dysphoria is a real think, and I think most (if not all) suffer from it.
But instead of treating the illness, the leftists want to deal with the results, IMO.
Hell, I recall an story (2016?) where Jenner was thinking of de-transitioning from Caithlyn back to Bruce, and how Jenner was always interested in females (with no interest in males). And how others have reported regrets and wanted to switch back (or after deciding they had no idea who/what they are, self-deleted themselves).
There is a gentlemen (born a regular male) with a website who had all the operations to pretend to be a woman and found he was just as unhappy. He got diagnosed with gender dysphoria and got help. He had some stuff undone and is now married to a woman. He helps people that come to him try to figure out what to do when they have these feelings.
I tried to find his website (which I have seen before) but could not.
We can expect more of this.
We have schools which allows kids to enter what ever bathroom they want because today they “feel like” they are something they are not.
We have kids who are afraid to use the school’s bathrooms and had to hold it in till they get home.
Not sure why we have separate bathrooms anyway?
Not sure why we have separate changerooms either?
If we are all the same, equal, why are we not like Starship Troopers and co-ed everything?
Oh right, this is where perversion of the leftism. And it was to end.
Ironically, a biological male just won “Miss Nevada”.
When there are no spaces left for women that are not dominated by men.
Will the women who allowed it be to blame?
Boomers aren’t exactly wrong when they go on about “divide and conquer;” it is a top-down ideology meant to demoralize and confuse people. Getting people obsessed with sex and sexuality keeps people sedated: You’re hardly going to think about how your actions could affect those around you if you’re too busy indulging in your own selfish desires. And the subject of race is another kettle of fish all-together; they’re more than happy to allow Africans to celebrate Black nationalism or Black culture, but Europeans celebrating white culture or even appreciate the history and culture of other races? Watch out, or they might give rise to the Fourth Reich and commit another genocide!
I mean, if you were at the very top of society, wouldn’t you rather have all the plebs fighting among each other than have their anger directed at you?
But to answer the OP’s question on how exactly does your cringe online activist resolve these apparent contradictions within leftist ideology? Well, simply put, they don’t. Your average 14 year old girl obviously lacks the life experience to recognize the actual incoherence and simply repeats the opinions she thinks she should have, because it’s frankly everywhere and she’s being exposed to it daily. And sadly, the same can be said for a lot of adults, too: Your average normie doesn’t have the time to watch a “Steven Crowder DEBUNKS transgender ideology compilation” and it’s much easier to simply go along with it if this what a majority of people believe now. Group mentality is a powerful thing; to disagree is to risk being “cast out” out of the tribe.
Not to mention our culture is extremely predicated on being accepting of others and not wanting to invalidate another’s lived experience. It’s altruism on steroids. When you push back on sexual identity, it’s almost as if you’re attacking the people who attach themselves to it and telling them they’re worth less as a human being. That’s why they get so upset whenever you criticize their nonsense; you’re depriving them of what gives them meaning.
The reason why identity politics has taken off so rapidly is because it is a crying out for identity. The only kind of identity that should matter is your national identity, but ideas of nationhood, heritage and religion have been hollowed out in Western nations since WWII. One of the biggest problems I had with the liberal atheist movement in the early 2010’s was how they assumed everyone in the world was just like them: Rational, thoughtful people who didn’t really need God in their lives. We’ve seen more than enough evidence these past few years alone that this isn’t the case: A majority of human beings can be utterly irrational, emotional creatures who don’t need much reason to spill one another’s blood and will pledge themselves to any kind of higher cause if it gives their lives meaning. I think the men who wrote the Bible understood that and figured that it would be better that people hold themselves accountable to a figurative higher power in the form of God, rather than an insane political ideologue who is just as flawed as everyone else.
I mean, look, at Islam. Perhaps not the best example, given that the worst among them just torture and murder dissidents. But everyone in Islamic countries identifies with their nation first, and their religion second. Sure, there is infighting (Sunni vs Shia) but when faced with a outside enemy they might temporarily forget the animosity and unite. Identity politics, as we know it, is least likely to take off in the Middle-East because nearly everyone there already identifies as being Muslim.
I mean, if you were at the very top of society, wouldn’t you rather have all the plebs fighting among each other than have their anger directed at you?
If you were at the very top of a society, and you selflessly protected that society instead of selfishly going after more riches and power, would there be a reason for the majority of the plebs to direct their anger at you in the first place?
That large post you wrote was magnificent. Well minus the part about God being an invention. I disagree with that portion whole heartedly but the rest was one of the best explanations I have heard putting the whole thing into a nutshell.
“Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.”
― William Penn