Let The Western Games Industry Starve

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    They Failed, We Don’t Need More Games. Let The Games Industry Starve.
    It is my strong belief & has been for a long time. I used to be an anarchist & I know how these sick people think. Activists have somehow infiltrated our games & movies & have been plotting for years how to chip away at western Capitalism. They know what good games are, many of them have made them in the past, like Quantic Dream who worked on great games like Detroit Become Human, now they crap out Dustborn onto our laps.
    They know what we do not want because we tell them, NO! & they say “The more you say no, the more we push, deeper & harder. They somehow get hundreds of millions of dollars to fund their games, Concord cost Sony 200 Million dollars, Sushiside Squat cost Warner Bros 180 Millions dollars, God knows how much tax payer dollars were stolen from European countries & potentially even Canada.
    They willfully bankrupt studio after studio while they laugh at us & call us all sorts of stupid nonsense. This is a sick society that must be starved out & the only way to do it is we stopped buying games altogether for a couple of years. Let Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Steam, let them all know we have options. There are tons of new games that will be coming out over the next 2 years that have been contaminated because it takes up to 10 years to develop a game, it won’t be pretty.
    Imagine if there are other & worse games than Dustborn. Let them beg us to put food on their plates & then they will see how we were always the boss. They need our money, we don’t need their games. They brought it onto themselves by not paying attention to what their developers were making. There are probably over a million games we can play across all the platforms. Get to your backlogs, get those modern retro games out.
    Enjoy video games again. This video will not get recommended, for obvious reasons, PLEASE Like & share this everywhere you can & lets be the most effective type of activists, that actually make an impact, Customers, The Money! Thank you very much.


    Couldn’t agree more. For me, this is not that big a deal. Of course, I drop it and have quit a lot of things for life, and when a person does quit these habits, it makes you realize it was kind of a drug. Gaming is just one thing, but I already quit watching sports, quit ESPN, quit some comics and I rarely watch movies and shows. All are woke. They sided with the kneelers which was just a psyop to get people to submit and they hid behind racial groups to groom people to kneel and worship the false idol of sports. All this woke trash comes with blaming and accusation from rich career, high profile, high status people and I’ll never support any of it again.
    We also saw this with The Acolyte, but by the time that show came along, it’s just the same old story we’ve had to deal with our entire lives starting in grade school, the frivolous accusations, the grooming, the antiwhite and antiwestern hate that they embraced from the UN and the EU. One person said that once they got the world to hate white farmers in South Africa, then they just do the same to any white western person who has very little, but globalists want to take that, too.

    I never thought I’d get like this because people liked consumerism and people liked corporations, but all that left me. I have contempt for celebrities now and their moronic preachy speeches and, since the plandemic scamdemic, it exposed that corporate commercial messages are toxic poison. Another thing I dropped a very long time ago was CNN. CNN, like these gaming companies, lied about Bubba Wallace, Jussie Smollet, Kyle Rittenhosue, Nick Sandmann, lied us into wars and ripped us off for billions and continue to do so. I cannot relate to people who listen to these celebrities or these reporters anymore. All have been exposed as liars and frauds. The gaming companies hitched their wagon to this Vampire Squid HYRDRA Kraken of ESG and DEI from BlackRock and Larry Fink and Steve Schwartzmann over there at BlackStone. Both bought out Webtoons and Manga recently to feminize the messaging, that was their one goal.

    Last thing, but I gotta give people like Gigga and Madam Savvy credit for punching up and saying don’t support and to boycott. Real authentic people. One of the saddest things about all this is the amount of preachers I’ve actually heard say that boycotting makes no difference and they actually shill for demonic corporations that have evil symbols, but that’s a whole other tangent.

    Gamers are clearly more aware and more astute that the sports fans. Gamers get it. Sports fans remain hypnotized zombies and just get pummeled with AIDS commercials and social justice messages and ads and commercials and all kinds of subliminal messages to break them down. That’s the thing that has been really interesting in all of this is that it’s all so counterintuitive. The Gamers, Nerds, Geeks, Dorks all stand up for themselves much more than sports fans, who kneel and beg and grovel and worship at the false altar of power of corporate money banking.

    Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 05-48-20 Vox Popoli



      I like to watch your videos.  When you talk about stuff like this you are even keel.  Your playthroughs are funny and even keel.  I detest screaming in videos.

      Your takes on these topics are well thought out and I appreciate that vs the typical wailing and gnashing of teeth.

      For me this stuff is simple. I buy what I like, and avoid what I don’t.  If you make a good game, I reward you with my cash.  If your game blows you don’t get my cash.

      I know boycotts can have an effect and they do sometimes make sense, but I find that often rewarding for the positive and penalizing for the negative has more effect than just penalizing.  But that’s my opinion only.



      Thanks guys. I appreciate  you watching. There is more coming. This will likely last another year or 2 & we will see much more cuts & worse games as they go into their final death grips before it dies out completely.
      I try to be fair & balanced because I know that there are people that want representation, I am Greek & I do feel great when I see my representation, but not at the cost of others being taken down. The thing is, diversity always existed & it was objectively balanced.
      These activists are pushing a Brand called diversity, that’s why they all look & sound the same. They are the book that can be judged by it’s cover.



      @comicsgate Great points!


      I’m a gamdev myself, and I’d love to see most this industry full of lazy, backscratching assholes burn to the fucking ground <3

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