[Let’s Play] Hogwart’s Legacy

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming General Gaming Discussion [Let’s Play] Hogwart’s Legacy

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  • #293270

    I completely forgot that that creating a site to dox people is actually illegal in the UK. If that’s the case, why are they not being arrested (if they’re from the UK that is). I’d also like to know why Twitch isn’t banning these bullies? I’m pretty sure the last I checked bullying and harassing someone online results in a ban. In all of my 18 years of using online message boards I’ve never came across anything like this. Not even when ‘Joker’ came out.


      The only thing that’s illegal is wrong think.  So long as you serve THE MESSAGE you can get away with most anything.  I find this to be the biggest problem in society right now, the 2 tiered justice system (really 3 tier if you count the political elite).


      They are upset over its name, for all things.

      Yeah I saw that on Twitter and rolled my eyes. It’s pretty far fetched.

      But I do agree that Rowling tends to make stereotypes of religion/race in the HP franchise. Some examples are naming the Asian character Cho Chang which doesn’t make any sense and is just basically basic Asian sounding names mixed together. Also all the Asian characters are Ravenclaws which is another stereotype. And the jewish family named Goldstein as well as the greedy bankers having stereotypical jewish traits.

      I don’t mind these stereotypes but it’s just a small pointer that Rowling operates on western stereotypes about characters


        “I don’t mind these stereotypes but it’s just a small pointer that Rowling operates on western stereotypes about characters”

        Well yeah that is logical since she is from the west.  Her literary work will reflect her point of view from the part of the world she hails from.  Who cares.  Everyone just needs to leave each other alone.  Buy her stuff if you like it and don’t if you don’t.  The problem is not her work is that you have professional activists out there who make it their life’s work to track down and rage against people that disagree with them.



        The boycotters are a bunch of crybabies but it’s hilarious to see that many of the people laughing at these soy sipping smowflakes boycotting the game are the same ones where crying and pissing themselves boycotting M&M’s for making one of the characters less sexy so they can’t jerk off to fictional mascots anymore. And the same people who cry and boycott movies for ”waah waah woke” or products for slapping a rainbow flag for one month. Jeez a lot of snowflake man babies everywhere


          No one has any issues with boycotts.  Everyone is free to not buy something.  The problem and what all the fuss was about was the attacks and attempted censorship of people who did buy the game and are streaming it.



          Really enjoying the Hogwarts Legacy threads. The game looks great and I am not a gamer and regret that.

          It was amusing to see Hasan Piker scared and afraid to play this game. He is in California. It is radical there. The climate there makes me understand his point of view very much. It’s something other people in other parts of the world do not have to deal with.

          Most media does not appeal to me as a straight man. They try to show me ugly or twisted and warped things and I am just not interested. The Grammys would be an example of that.

          You Gamers inspire me though. Not intimidated in any way and playing Taboo games and having a blast.


          I’m still waiting for this game. It’s the 10th so why is it not on Steam yet🤔? I ended up downloading the preload this morning which took nearly 3 hours to do (started at 8:15am and finished at 11:50am). I hope that the installation isn’t going to take that long…😑

          • This reply was modified 2 years ago by DragonLady.

          Your Journey Has Ended…. 5 times!



          Loving it so far😁. Yeah I do agree with a lot of people on here about the character creator being limited. One things I always hate about characters creators (looking at you ‘The Sims’) is that they never seem to have any hairstyles that have a full fringe which is very annoying if I’m trying to recreate myself on a game😅. It’s usually either half a fringe or none😂. I try and pick the closest to my hairstyle.

          Loving the Victorian era outfits and I was surprised and delighted to see the Thestrals (the winged dead-horses) right at the beginning😍. Despite their appearance I’ve always thought they were rather cute😍







          Your Journey Ended 4 times.


          You Were Caught 3 times.

          Naughty Naughty!

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