Let’s Talk Dune 2020 Trailer

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    WARNING!!!! I will be talking MILD Dune franchise spoilers ahead!!! You have been warned.




    First off, I’m a huge Dune fan. Read all the main story books (s0me of them multiple times). Own the Sci-fi mini series, and always enjoyed them because they were as close to book accurate has we had seen ever.


    So, I just watched this trailer, and I didn’t hate it, but I do have a couple of issues, mostly with some of the casting. First off, Zendaya as Chani….BLEH! Chani’s a white ginger! Why are we denied a hot redhead? Why? I could at least sorta forgive the race swapping if it was at least someone who was a good actress. Zendaya is an abominable actress, and I also personally do not find her attractive, so it’s a downer for me to watch her. Also, the choice to change the dialogue from Paul’s vision to have her say “Paul” instead of “Moa’dib” or “Usil” is kinda fail. Though, that could be trailer trickery, so that could be a fake out to avoid spoilers.

    The Sandworms….size wise…hell yeah…design? Meh. Not a fan. Gaping hole mouth full of teeth feels wrong after classic artwork and live action depictions of the opening maws.

    I don’t know who the dude playing Paul is, but I’m not sold on him. His coloring and complexion is right, but I look at him and get an immediate feeling of soy. I’m ready to be proven wrong, but we shall see. I simply do not see him growing into the powerful and intimidating Moa’dib. Then again, Paul at this point of the story is only supposed to be 16, so…maybe the kid buffs up a bit to play Paul in later years.


    Now what I do love is freaking Momoa as Duncan Idaho! If they manage to actually run the race and do the entire saga…., and I mean go all the way to Sandworms of Dune, oh man, having Momoa be Duncan all the way through is a fantastic choice. Considering how important Duncan is, I love this. This hints to me that if they decide to do it, they’ve actually planned ahead and put someone in a role to carry the franchise as it’s lead, because any fan of Dune knows that in the end Duncan is the lead, despite Paul’s continued importance.


    Obviously this is a part 1 of 2, because that entire trailer was about the first half of the first book up until the “betrayal” and “murder” of Leto and House Atreides. We saw nothing of Paul as Moa’dib, barely any fremen footage, and no shots of Fayde.


    Despite my few objections, I’m willing to give this movie a chance. I’ll just have to suffer Zendaya :P


      They seem to like casting Zendaya as gingers 😁

      The actor playing Paul’s Timothée Chalamet, his acting’s a bit flat imo, i first saw him in Ladybird

      As someone who knows absoloutly nothing about Dune, this trailer’s got my attention, i like most of the actors in it, inclueding Zendaya ;P hey, personal taste, i might suffer Timothée and watch the movie :P


      I’m interested. Don’t know shit about Dune but scifi-blockbuster franchises are always welcome.


      Well, as someone knew to Dune, I hope the movie gives you the accurate story. What the trailer showed everyone today were basically classic Dune lines and moments. What will remain to be seen is if they get the story details right, and if they chose to subvert and alter anything in the name of agenda.


      Of course that is my greatest fear. I can always live with bad casting, imo, but when a story gets butchered is when my heart breaks. Dune has a massively fantastic story to tell about fighting against Fate and Destiny while being trapped in it, and how in the end humanity’s will to survive pushes them forward. Dune already has strong female characters, which does not require gender swapping, and it exists in a future where again, sexuality is not something anyone cared about. So there does not need to be any SJW agenda shoe horned into it. Frank Herbert and then Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson already organically wrote all points of views and topics into this franchise.


      All anyone needs to do is put what’s in the books on screen. Nothing else is needed.


      As someone who doesn’t read Dune, I’ll say this:

      Looks nice and interesting although I’m not going to watch Dune. I’m kinda concerned about Anti-Capitalism messages being included within Dune. Just like the Dune Articles and videos say.


        That is possible, but a lot of times the marketing is way woker than the actual movies


          SJWs don’t seem to like the Dune trailer, that’s a good sign, right? 😁


          It’s not a sign of anything. Like Yellow Flash says, they just want to hate things, and by the tweets shown, these people don’t even have any idea what Dune really is. It would have been nice if YF had Dune knowledge, because he would have been better able to comment on some of the stupidity he went over.

          Specifically, cultural appropriation is nonsense, because 1) in the time of Dune, humans have not been on Earth for THOUSANDS of years for a specific plot point that I will not spoil here. 2) You can’t have cultural appropriation if classic Earth cultures no longer exist. To call what goes on on Arrakis (the actual name of the planet Dune) Middle Eastern appropriation is fucking stupid, because it has nothing to do with Middle East anything. Yes, Frank Herbert wrote most of the Dune books during the height of the 20th century oil boom, and one could say the Spice does represent oil, but that still has nothing to do with culture…it’s a natural resource, and in the world of Dune, it is the only element in the entire Universe that allows for space folding by the spacing guild navigators…another plot point I won’t spoil as to why a navigator is necessary as opposed to using technology to travel through deep space.


          As you can see, it takes very little for me to really start going on, but I think I’ve proven my point. These mental midgets likely know nothing about Dune and are purely attacking it because they are rotten inside and want to simply hate things. It also shows how shallow and hypocritical they are, because those behind the movie already did race and gender swapping (even when it was unneeded because there is plenty of organic representation in Dune), which means SJWs should have accepted the pre-knee bending. Based on the reasons they don’t like it means nothing as to the possible quality of the movie.


          As I’ve said above, the final verdict will lie between these two movies, because this is a two movie feature splitting up Book 1. Will they tell the proper Dune story, or will they poison it with agenda. With so many people already giving their takes and saying “I know nothing of Dune” I am frightened that we will get a butchered overall story and no one except the old school faithful such as myself will know the difference, and even solid geeks, many of whom we know and watch, will be essentially normies because they won’t know the difference.


          All my issues I’ve already stated can be coped with if the story is told properly.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Roas.

          It’s not a sign of anything. Like Yellow Flash says, they just want to hate things, and by the tweets shown, these people don’t even have any idea what Dune really is. It would have been nice if YF had Dune knowledge, because he would have been better able to comment on some of the stupidity he went over.
          Specifically, cultural appropriation is nonsense, because 1) in the time of Dune, humans have not been on Earth for THOUSANDS of years for a specific plot point that I will not spoil here. 2) You can’t have cultural appropriation if classic Earth cultures no longer exist. To call what goes on on Arrakis (the actual name of the planet Dune) Middle Eastern appropriation is fucking stupid, because it has nothing to do with Middle East anything. Yes, Frank Herbert wrote most of the Dune books during the height of the 20th century oil boom, and one could say the Spice does represent oil, but that still has nothing to do with culture…it’s a natural resource, and in the world of Dune, it is the only element in the entire Universe that allows for space folding by the spacing guild navigators…another plot point I won’t spoil as to why a navigator is necessary as opposed to using technology to travel through deep space.

          As you can see, it takes very little for me to really start going on, but I think I’ve proven my point. These mental midgets likely know nothing about Dune and are purely attacking it because they are rotten inside and want to simply hate things. It also shows how shallow and hypocritical they are, because those behind the movie already did race and gender swapping (even when it was unneeded because there is plenty of organic representation in Dune), which means SJWs should have accepted the pre-knee bending. Based on the reasons they don’t like it means nothing as to the possible quality of the movie.

          As I’ve said above, the final verdict will lie between these two movies, because this is a two movie feature splitting up Book 1. Will they tell the proper Dune story, or will they poison it with agenda. With so many people already giving their takes and saying “I know nothing of Dune” I am frightened that we will get a butchered overall story and no one except the old school faithful such as myself will know the difference, and even solid geeks, many of whom we know and watch, will be essentially normies because they won’t know the difference.

          All my issues I’ve already stated can be coped with if the story is told as it should be.


            oops, posted in wrong place :P

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by DigiCat.

              “It also shows how shallow and hypocritical they are”, you couldn’t have described SJWs better 😂

              Ultimately this shows that no matter how much they pander to them, SJWs’ll always find something to reeeee about

              “that’s a good sign, right?” is kinda a half joke, i say half ’cause i’ve seen in the past that things SJWs like tend to be shit while things SJWs hate tend to be good, but of course we’ll only know how good (or bad, hopefully not) Dune is when it comes out

              I know you mentioned race swapping in your first post with Zendaya, now you mention gender swapping, i’m curious, as someone who knows nothing about Dune, to ask you, someone who knows a lot about Dune, who got gender swapped??

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by DigiCat.

              I know you mentioned race swapping in your first post with Zendaya, now you mention gender swapping, i’m curious, as someone who knows nothing about Dune, to ask you, someone who knows a lot about Dune, who got gender swapped??


              In Dune, Chani’s father is Liet Kynes, the Emperor’s ecologist and planetologist, but he is a fremen. They have gender swapped and made him into a woman…and now a black woman to boot, which is how Chani is now race swapped. Course…it’s one of the dumbest moves, because if they tell the proper story….spoilers….













              He dies early in the story.

              So…you go through the trouble of race and gender swapping a character that dies and does not play a significant role beyond becoming an inspiring presence. I could go on…but that’s more major spoilers from down the line in other books.


                So they made it Chani’s mom instead of her dad, got it, that’s a pretty dumb and useless move

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by DigiCat.

                If you know Dune lore, it is about the only place you can do it and not TOTALLY fuck up the story from beginning to end. To gender/race swap any other major character could have dramatic and franchise breaking results.

                So while it pisses me off, because I am a continuity hound and I like things to be as they were intended, it doesn’t fully damage the franchise. It’s just stupid and obvious when you take a look at it, because it’s a total knee bend to to pre-satisfy SJWs and hope they don’t swarm your movie.

                Course SJWs are soulless and empty inside and hate everything no matter what, so good job, morons.


                  😂😂 If you want to piss off SJWs further, i konw how to say moron in japanese, moron = baka

                  Apparently learning foreign languages is now cultural appropriation 🤣

                  So SJWs are a bunch of baka!

                  envy - moron gif small

                  I learnt that from FMA Brotherhood 😜


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