LGBT groups trying to prevent release of the Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto?

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  • #296603

    Saturday. Nashville. 5pm. April 1st.
    Might be a good watch. After Asbury, it’s fun for me to watch the faithful. All my life, these people were mocked, but now, to me, they are the most interesting. Everyone else has kind of a Pepsi/McD’s generic franchise mind of an NPC.

    There really is not much difference between the shooter and Zelensky. Just scale and scope and, of course, the looting, so they make you pay to kill Christians.


    CLEARLY mental illness is a HUGE HUGE issue here.  I have heard it called the “elephant in the room”.  I don’t think it is.  Whatever is causing rampant mental illness is the true elephant.

    then why aren’t actions being taken?

    Gun regulations are proposed, but the other side denies it and says it’s mental health.

    Mental health services are proposed but the same side opposes that too suddenly


    Now as far as this “The Trans movement is targeting Christians including with violence.”

    statements like this from donkeys like Tucker Carlson is what grinds my gear. Why make it now about identity politics, but not about the countless other mass shootings?

    The fact is that transgenders commit mass shootings WAY less than CIS people, in proportion. 91D72F4B-3C4B-4604-A12E-A1C8A75C6E01


    “Trans Day of Vengeance” on April 1st in DC, the same  day as the prayer rally in Nashville, so people have options.

    So, people can go brandish weapons and make threats with the Blue-Hairs.


    Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 09-02-42 (1) TruckGab (@TruckerGate) - Gab Social


    Imagine valuing your rock collection more than children’s lives


    Nothing ruins children’s lives like trans procedures. Did you know that ONE company has a monopoly on the manufacturing of those hormones? Wouldn’t you like to own that company and all that sweet money while charging the people for butchering kids? That’s right. Those hormones and hormone blockers are monopolized. Complete profiteering. Not even as diverse as Big Pharma.

    Per Capita. Per capita most like to be mass shooters? The Zelensky flamer twink is butchering kids all over. What else? The Vaxx. The vaccines killed more kids and definitely messed up kids more. Childhood vaccines do far, far, far more damage.

    In the movie Divergent, there is a part of the movie where  Jeanine speaks over Four and says something like, isn’t it fascinating that everything that makes us all boils down to biochemistry. In the movie, Tobias does break his conditioning, but I do not think that would happen in real life. They can override all that Oxytocin, Seratonin, and Dopamine with other neurotransmitters.

    I always wanted to do steroids, but was told not to, so never did. Someone explained that even at the nano particle level, the effect of steroid hormones have a radical effect on the cells. Makes you wonder the severe effects of this chemistry on the minds and bodies of these trans victims. It’s chaos. GMO people.


    Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 15-55-48 efc1e852ebc52664.jpg (JPEG Image 680 × 680 pixels)


    Why do they use the term “genocide”? Planned Parenthood has long used abortion as real genocide. The trans pushers see their psychological grooming and mutilation of young children as a kind of birth — of “transkids” taken from “breeders”.

    Genocide? Trans See Laws Against Grooming as Abortion of “TransKids”


    The fact is that transgenders commit mass shootings WAY less than CIS people, in proportion.”

    Wrong. 6 is not “way less”. The fact that the media wants to divide between CIS and LGBTQ is also a problem unto itself. It’s what the media and government wants. Everyone divided into groups so they can play the blame game over and over. They give more privilege to get away with bad things to one over the other based on who is the most victimized of the week.

    It all boils down to a Mental Health crisis that has been going on for a long time now, Trans greatly is in that category. As I have explained on here in the past, I see it and have seen it first hand since I work in healthcare.

    I don’t see gun owners running around saying they want a “Day of Vengeance” for all the people hurt and killed from the last 3 years of bullcrap from Antifa and BLM. But, hey, the Trans want to do it so somehow that’s ok…..because poor poor victimized trans people. They are wanting strict gun laws, but sure do want to use them when it fits their narrative.


    Wrong. 6 is not “way less”. The fact that the media wants to divide between CIS and LGBTQ is also a problem unto itself. It’s what the media and government wants. Everyone divided into groups so they can play the blame game over and over.

    Well it’s an amount high enough to claim that trans people do less shootings. But anyway, I agree with this that it doesn’t should not matter if they are transgender as much as it matters their height or what colors of socks they were wearing. And it’s especially stupid to draw the conclusion that transgenders are trying to end christianity or whiteness or whatever when the numbers show the complete oppsite that they are less likely to do it. The issue is that every right wing hero is hyperfocused on the fact that it was a transgender and their audience is nodding in agreement. Playing identity politics is not something you wanna do, especially in this situation when ”facts and logic” aren’t on your side.

    I don’t see gun owners running around saying they want a “Day of Vengeance” for all the people hurt and killed from the last 3 years of bullcrap from Antifa and BLM. But, hey, the Trans want to do it so somehow that’s ok…..because poor poor victimized trans people. They are wanting strict gun laws, but sure do want to use them when it fits their narrative.

    Well during January 6th, BLM protests etc there was for sure a rise of people talking about rise up etc.

    You can twist it the other way, asking why:

    this is based and patriotic



    this is problematic and trans people shouldn’t own guns.

    Also, keep in mind that not all trans people are anti-gun.

    You could also ask the questions why don’t trans people run around shooting people in Europe or Asia. Nay, you should ask why don’t people run around shooting people in Europe or Asia.



    Basically what I want is that people on the right stop hyperfocusing on identity politics in this shooting and handle it like any other of the countless mass shootings in America. Then the left and trans community wouldn’t need to fight back on that issue. Why not handle this like any other mass shooting?

    Well, actually what I want is mass shootings to end or at least significantly decrease, but with no countermeasures what-so-ever being taken except for even more useless thoughts and prayers, the next best thing I can wish for is people stop treating this as a sign that transgenderism is gearing up to murder all christians or whatever.

    Were the statistics flipped around and trans people were mass shooting proportionally more then the discussion could be had.


    It all boils down to a Mental Health crisis that has been going on for a long time now, Trans greatly is in that category. As I have explained on here in the past, I see it and have seen it first hand since I work in healthcare.

    also about this, I agree but also disagree. I disagree with the statement that trans is a mentall illness (which is a discussion we can have on another thread as it’s slightly off topic) but I think you’re on the right track that mentally unstable people should not have firearms. Which is what the left has been wanting for a long time. Stricter gun regulations. Background checks, waiting periods, tests, refulations to what kind of firearms and attachments you can purchase and so on.

    The notion about ”the left is coming to get your guns” is impossible and a strawman argument as that is not something any serious Democrat wants. It’s like saying ”the right wants to murder and lock up all immigrants” when the right is saying we shouldn’t let in illegal immigrants.


    Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 09-34-40 FsUCkLzaAAQW50f (JPEG Image 1560 × 686 pixels)



      That story is equally horrific and beautiful.  To think that such an evil mindset can be brewed in a young person based on a lot of misinfo and meds is frightening. However the change of heart through Jesus is wonderful.  This is why I don’t understand militant atheists.  If you don’t want to believe in God then fine but why would you want others not to do it if it makes them happy, content and allows them to handle the world?  It’s as if ANYTHING that makes you happy is OK so long as it is not God.


      @Vknid Thanks for those words. The thing is, I am very reluctant to post anything related to religion, unless it happens to come up which is why it makes me laugh if anyone calls me a Bible thumper, when I have never quoted it on here. I do have a problem sometimes with thinking comments are directed at me when they are not.

      You have a point about militant atheists. I always heard to “keep an open mind.” I even wanted to read atheists’ opinions on the Jesus Revolution movie, but they refused to see it. That is close minded to me.

      Your bring up atheists at a good time because I think I give atheists too much respect that is unearned, but one atheist in particular, who is a scientist, actually bent my ear when he said that saying that “thoughts and prayers do not work” is wrong. He said there is a scientific study that says that people who pray regularly are far less likely to commit violence, so the prayers work on their end. This was very interesting to me coming from a militant atheist that is hostile to religion. It’s a man who is absolutely an evolutionist as well and even he said that “thoughts and prayers” do work for the ones who actually do them.


      Screenshot 2023-04-01 at 07-44-01 Jean-François Gariépy 🧬 on Twitter


        Understand what I mean by “militant” in that context.  I do not really mean devout.  When I say militant I mean the atheists that claim to not believe in God and do not want anyone else to do so either.  The irony there for me is I have always believed those folks actually hated God.  And you cannot hate something that does not exist.

        God gives folks free will.  You can absolutely give him the finger if you wish that is between a person and God.

        But it is something else entirely to not want others to do so when it CLEARLY it can have a positive effect on their life.  Why would you not want people to adhere to something that promoted morality, community, love and all the rest.  At the end of the day some choose to ignore or disbelieve because they don’t want to be judged or be told how to live.  But that judged part will happen regardless and there are consequences for our actions or inactions in this world and the next in any case.

        Humans are full of hubris and as a collective tend to think if we cannot explain it must not be.  That is very incorrect. I rather be wrong in my belief than wrong in disbelief as those consequences are forever.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

        Rally for Nashville tonight. In 6 hours.


        Screenshot 2023-04-01 at 08-14-53 Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) _ Twitter


        I like that hashtag “Kingdom To The Capitol.” It is strong.

        The thing about the detrans story above is that I don’t think most religious people have had an encounter or an experience. There was a comment on another thread that some pastors may not even be believers themselves. That was the exact point of the movie Leap Of Faith with Steve Martin. He was a fraud, but the belief inside of the boy healed him. It was the faith of the believer and not the showman preacher.

        Your post is totally on point. Why wouldn’t you want moral community for another? It really shows you how the agitprop is done to perhaps create enemies of the state, where there previously were none. Give people belonging and they are more likely to just stay out of the way.

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