LGBT groups trying to prevent release of the Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto?

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      One of the most beautiful things I ever saw on TV was after a shooting where someone innocent lost their life (and I think it was a police shooting) instead of going insane (and this was a few years ago) people got together on the street en masse and prayed and sang hymns together. It about made me cry.  If that wasn’t the Holy Spirit with those people I don’t know what it is.  My point is, despite the tragedy these people were helping to heal their community and themselves through the power of God.  Now, if someone wants to argue that it’s a placebo effect you can.  But you cannot argue the results.


      I’m not a religious person but I knew a lot of people at school that went to church and most of my dad’s relatives are also church goers too so I’m pretty tolerant when it comes to religion. The joke is on these SJW activists though; everyone I know who goes to church is tolerable with the LGBT+ community and they’ve told me that they’re more than welcome in their churches.

      SJW activists and Biden’s disgusting behaviour this morning isn’t helping matters at all.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by DragonLady.

        “everyone I know who goes to church is tolerable with the LGBT+ community ”

        That’s really the crux of it is it not?  Anyone who is Christian is at this point is called anti-gay by some.  While I am sure there might be a few who think that, as a whole Christianity is not.  YES we consider the lifestyle and the sexual activity a sin.  That is in essence no different than any other sexual sin that people are called not to engage in.  But gay people are not considered any less God’s children than anyone else.  We are all called to keep it in our pants except within specific confines and every person on this planet has their crosses to bare.  In short to be gay is not a sin that is how God made you.  Engaging in the activity is.  The difference is one is a choice and the other is not.

        “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” –John 3:17


        “In short to be gay is not a sin that is how God made you.”

        Sorry, not trying to be antagonistic, but where exactly did you hear that from God?

        Sadly, our culture has been infantilizing us like crazy for at least the last 100 years. We have been taught continually that ‘Want’ = ‘Need’, as Children think.

        We are told constantly, ‘Trust your Heart, it will never lie to you.’ When God has said the exact Opposite. “The Heart is Deceitful above all things, who can know it?” (Jerimiah, 17:9)

        Again, just because someone wants something, doesn’t make it right.

        Sin is Sin and make no mistake, We are *All* Sinners, but even so, God considers Same-Sex behavior as a sign of Deep Rebellion. If someone is attracted to someone of the same Sex, that doesn’t mean God made them that way. I spent nearly a decade as an Alcohol Abuser. I wanted it, I could even say I Needed it (I have inoperable Spinal Damage & have had Chronic Pain for 30 years as a consequence.) but valid excuses don’t make wrong things right.

        Lastly, that also means if we are going to be logical and consistent, that God made some people to desire little children. I’m just some Shlub on the Interzone, but I can say with confidence, God HATES  the corruption of His Little Ones.



        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Mycroft1325.

        @comicsgate your pic about all the trans/nonbinary murderers and your identity politics go down the toilet when you compare the percentage of transgender population with their mass shooting rate and you can see they do it less than CIS people. Also, Anderson Aldrich is be another name counted in the long list of white far right lunatics committing a mass shooting, just sayin


        YES we consider the lifestyle and the sexual activity a sin.  That is in essence no different than any other sexual sin that people are called not to engage in.  But gay people are not considered any less God’s children than anyone else.  We are all called to keep it in our pants except within specific confines and every person on this planet has their crosses to bare.  In short to be gay is not a sin that is how God made you.  Engaging in the activity is.  The difference is one is a choice and the other is not.

        people are allowed to have their opinions as long as they don’t act upon some of them and cause others harm, I’m all for it. I don’t think everyon should be forced to hang out or have gay friends, just interact with them as regular human beings is all I personally ask. And even if someone finds it sinful, I would appreciate if they kept it in their head and wouldn’t verbally lecture or mention it in order to be respectful, because not all obviously are religious or believe religion is a good indicator for political beliefs


          “people are allowed to have their opinions as long as they don’t act upon some of them and cause others harm”

          You need to let your friends on the “tolerant” radical left know this truth.

          ” just interact with them as regular human beings is all I personally ask”

          That should go for anyone regardless of who you sleep with or voted for. You cannot legitimately ask (or demand) tolerance and then not be willing to extend any.  That is just disingenuous.

          ” your identity politics go down the toilet when you compare the percentage of transgender population with their mass shooting rate and you can see they do it less than CIS people.”

          It is hypocrisy of the highest order to complain about someone using identity politics and then you turn around and do it yourself by using the slur “CIS”.  That is the N word for straight people and you should apologize for using it.


          One thing that’s disgusting right now is that they’re trying to tell people to not misgender the shooter because it’s an offence to his memory. What about the memory of the victims??? I’d be more worried about their memory being removed than whether or not I’ve hurt some SJW’s feelings!


            “One thing that’s disgusting right now is that they’re trying to tell people to not misgender the shooter because it’s an offence to his memory.”

            You find it disgusting yet you comply with it.

            I get people wanting to be respectful to gender challenged people and that is fine.  If people want to go along with it they can.  But on the same token they have the option not to.  But let’s not mince words.  You cannot change your sex only your appearance.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

            You need to let your friends on the “tolerant” radical left know this truth.

            as far as I know my friends haven’t done anything violent. If you refer to the person who commit this shooting then sure, but I’m pretty sure the list of shooters on the right is a bit longer.

            It is hypocrisy of the highest order to complain about someone using identity politics and then you turn around and do it yourself by using the slur “CIS”.  That is the N word for straight people and you should apologize for using it.

            what is this snowflake behaviour, cisgender is the correct official term that is the antonym of transgender. Also, even if it was a slur I’m CIS myself so don’t see the issue


              “If you refer to the person who commit this shooting then sure, but I’m pretty sure the list of shooters on the right is a bit longer.”

              No, no it’s not and the reality is the fact that we even consider what “team” a shooter is on is the actual problem.

              “what is this snowflake behaviour, cisgender is the correct official term that is the antonym of transgender. Also, even if it was a slur I’m CIS myself so don’t see the issue”

              Hypocrisy.  Are you invalidating my lived experience and my perception? I consider it a pejorative just because you don’t means nothing. I know gay people who think the “F word” means nothing but I know many find it a terrible slur.

              In all seriousness “CIS” is used as a pejorative and I do find it offensive. It is a made up word used to label and divide.


              @ SuperSayanSonic “when you compare the percentage of transgender population with their mass shooting rate and you can see they do it less than CIS people”

              Are you sure of that? There’s like what, 0.3% transgensders or so right? That would mean for every one of them who committed a mass shooting, there would have to be 300 straight people. That statistic may have evened out with the last few shootings by transgenders.


              And yes, CIS is the N-word for straight people. It’s absolutely a derogatory term. You can say straight or heterosexual or normal.

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Wisdom.

              No, no it’s not and the reality is the fact that we even consider what “team” a shooter is on is the actual problem.

              of course, but it’s funny how Tucker Calrson and other ghouls make it front page news talking about TRANSGENDERS DECLARE WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANITY and plays identity politics only when it benefits his agenda. Same with this forum, one trans people commits a shooting and a thread is made but not for all the other shootings?


              I consider it a pejorative just because you don’t means nothing. I know gay people who think the “F word” means nothing but I know many find it a terrible slur.

              And yes, CIS is the N-word for straight people. It’s absolutely a derogatory term. You can say straight or heterosexual or normal.

              It’s not comparable to N word or F word because they have been marginalized and oppressed and those words were used to mark them as oppressed second class citizens. Non-transgenders have never been oppressed and will never be, that’s just snowflake victim mentality.

              And hetero is not a synonym for CISgender. Hetero refers to the norm in sexual orientation while  CIS is the official and correct term describing the norm of having the same gender as the one assigned in birth. CIS is not the same as straight, it’s like mixing up gay and trans and being offended for being called ”straight” or ”white”, because it’s literally the neutral and correct term to describe someone who is not trans and have their assigned birth gender.


              Are you sure of that? There’s like what, 0.3% transgensders or so right? That would mean for every one of them who committed a mass shooting, there would have to be 300 straight people. That statistic may have evened out with the last few shootings by transgenders.

              In the last 5 years there’s been 2826 shootings by CIS and 3 by transgenders.
              2826/3 = 942

              there are 942 times more cis shootings than trans shootings

              trans people (~0.5%) over cis people (~99.5%) 99.5/0.5 = 199

              942/199 = 4.73

              cis people are 4.73 times more like to be a mass shooter than a trans person.


              And I really don’t want to play identity politics for mass shootings, I would much rather focus on what to do to stop or decrease them. But when all these freaks are witch hunting a marginalized community for this, when in reality if you pull up statistics it turns out that this marginalized group is less likely to commit and more likely to be the victims it becomes clear that these ghouls just play identity politics when it benefits them and are doing anything they can to get dirt on trans people and strip them of their rights


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