Liberals in a nutshell

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    Liberals in America and Specifically Feminist Liberals are quite sexist and racist. The entertainment industry is now aware of this and It either truly supports or just panders to these people whose numbers are increasing by the day. These people are so empty headed and obvious that you can recognize them by the way they talk cause they like to sound “Woke”. Let me elaborate what I mean. These Liberals whether female or male are racist, but mostly against White people themselves. In their shame of their past, they want to pander to all other ethnicities by consistently demeaning their own. It is still racism just “positive” racism. Hypothetical Example: If such a person throws a party, he would give the best drinks, seats and everything to Non white people, as a way to show that they are not racist. Ofcourse, giving special treatment to non White people is still racism. These people set themselves as their saviors or helpers which is disgusting. Now specifically White Female feminists, Have an issue against White males, and while I understand that some white males are indeed sexist. These girls take it a step further, in a country were equality is a big thing and occurs for them more than most, they are not satisfied and want to ascend above men as well. A good example of such women is Actress and Self-inflated Egotistical Maniac Brie Larson. A situational Example is What Marvel did in Avengers: End Game, although they as a company might not have the same beliefs, they are still a company who know how to make money, its business basically and since they were aware of such ideology that exists now a days, they rolled with it, proven by the Scene were all Female Heroes gather to attack together… Who the hell does that? In the middle of battle? When did Men ever only gather together intentionally at least? Did they ever tell Black widow not to stand with them in the first Avengers movie? NO, it wasnt about making a male stand there just wasn’t more female characters yet and am glad there is more, but it doesn’t have to be a challenge. You want to know how a genuinely good movie respected a true woman way before Avengers back in 2003? Lord of the Rings, of those of you who watched lord of the rings are aware of which scene I am referring to, The “No man can kill the Witch King” ended up getting killed by a woman. You see? They didn’t go out of their way and out of the consistency of the Plot to pander to liberals or feminists. It is just a written master piece. Honestly, America is infected by a disease of idiocy and hypocrisy. Any laws or civilized principles and order the Liberals seek to remove including religion itself so they are free to go wilder than ever. Not gonna forget the atrocities done in Star wars, Last of us, GOT and the list goes on and on. When will these companies know to stop pandering to SJWs and start Pandering to their actual fans.


    When we stop giving them our money.


    Like some people say, entertainment doesn’t have to be good. It just has to make money. As long as people are blindly handing money over to these companies, these people will be able to continue producing and pushing their garbage agendas.


    If liberals aren’t liberal any more… and democrats aren’t democratic any more… what do you call them?





    Holy paragraph Batman! A nutshell to me is: Salt is white.

    Liberal: RACIST.


    Nazis fit too. Not being sarcastic. They push the exact same agendas. It’s like they finally combined the two ideologies into one.



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