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They have destroyed so much in this nation.
It is only a matter of time my friend. Even if they can’t beat Trump in 2020, look at everything they have done without the WH. The illusion that there is a left or right is also an issue. But if I have to stand on a side I pick the right. When back in the 80’s and 90’s I stood with the left.
This is not a conspiracy site so I will keep it short. But you really don’t even have to subscribe to conspiracy theory to see what is going on now.
The one thing they are screwing up on is taking away the zombies sky flowers. We are all zombies in this example. We are JuJu Zombies, the left are the mindless horde zombies.
Fox did that themselves like thirty years ago.
Go out to Mr. H reviews…. and watch his video on this…good channel.
The television content listing vid from the other day? That’s hardly ruining Aliens.
It is more than just that. It is also the complete leftist agenda they pushed in Prometheus. It is very evident.
I think you really need to take the negative energy on the Republican Party as a whole for being pussys and allowing this to happen.
No. I am putting the blame exactly where it should be. It is the liberals and the Democrat party. There isn’t one damn republican destroying our culture.
It wasn’t pushing a leftist agenda so much as it was playing upon common struggles of someone that had faith in a field that clashes with those beliefs in a story that actually called for it. Now sure, there were abortion themes, but that just goes along with the sexually driven undertones of what the franchise was built upon. That stuff was there from the beginning.
I would disagree and I’ll tell you why: Every single Republican in office has had a chance to stand up to these ridiculous leftists and all they do is play defense. They are completely reactionary to whatever the Dems are proposing instead of going on the offense and countering their proposals. When all of these protests broke out and the leftists went crazy with all of these demands to defund the police, the conservatives defended the cops instead of putting together a bill to abolish all of the insane gun laws in this country that have destroyed the spirit of the 2nd Amendment and prevent people from defending themselves and their property in a reasonable amount of time.
Politics is a give and take and the Republicans have allowed the Dems to take take take on their own watch! While I agree that the leftists will truly destroy this country, it’s only because the Republicans never stood up to them and forced them to back down! Which begs the question which we have always pondered: Is this really a two party system or are they just two sides of the same coin? Unless the Republicans prove me wrong (which I would truly be overjoyed if they did) my money is on the latter…
I am thinking more of Alien Covenant than anything. It was a completely leftist film. From the feminist agenda and all the key players being female except for David and his alter ego. Then there was the weak Christian leader who did nothing right. Then there was the female who always had to correct the male leader. Then there were the gay overtones. Then there was the inter-racial agenda. Etc. Etc. Etc. I don’t have time to flesh out all the details, but frankly, the entire movie was leftist. In fact, every single movie in that 2015-2017 timeframe was really done to socially condition society for Hillary Clinton. Those fools truly thought she was going to win.
The entire film was leftist. A person has to be blind not to see the complete leftist agenda throughout TV, music, and movies. Hell, they even are ruining Sesame street now.
That is a larger issue actually and I do not disagree with you. Personally, I feel whatever agenda they have for America is absolutely sinister. I believe it to be an attack on Christianity. Once America falls, Christianity falls.
The reality is Trump really has been a good President for all people in this nation. I cannot think of one policy he has done which has hurt Americans. In fact, he has done more than all the last 4 Presidents combined for the people. At one point, we literally had the lowest unemployment ever. That is impressive because with employment comes prosperity for all people.
Now the fundamental question is why on earth are all the forces aligning themselves against Trump. What in the world is he standing in the way of? Whatever it is —- is not good for any of us. I am 50. I have seen it all. Done it all. Traveled this world in ways you cant imagine. I honestly believe behind it all — is a sinister satanic agenda. In fact, none of what we are seeing is truly new. Antifa is just like the Nazi of the pre-World War 2 era. People forget. They aligned themselves with Islam. Guess who backs BLM? The Nation of Islam. We have seen this script play out before. The difference is back in the 40s we had strong family and strong patriotism. Now it is different.
If you get a chance, look up Yuri Bezmenov on YouTube. I think he hit the nail on the head with what is going on now. He predict this was coming back in the 80s.
Outside of Alien: Covenant being a horror film, and the latest installment in a series known for their strong female characters and dedication to the final girl trope, there wasn’t much of a feminist agenda. In fact, given every female was quickly killed outside of Daniels, one making some pretty questionable decisions under pressure which got herself killed and left them stranded, along with the revelation of what happened to Shaw and how the film ends, I’d say it does a piss poor job if that was its intent. The “key players” were Walter, David, Daniels, Tennessee, and Billy Cruddup’s character who’s name escapes me. Only one of those was female, and there was understandable tension as he fell into the captain’s role (he wasn’t comfortable with) when her husband died in a crew that was basically a couples retreat in space.
Given that premise, why wouldn’t they have a gay or inter-racial couple aboard? Also inter-racial agenda? Are you living in the 60’s, bud? It wasn’t leftist. It was an accurate depiction of what the world is now (what it’s been like for awhile now if you haven’t been living under a rock), and what it will most certainly be in the future. Not to mention the shower scene, inter-racial or not, was important as Ridley Scott wanted the climax to have a lame-ass slasher vibe as that’s what he felt Fox has done with the property and they were forcing the creature on him…but as we found out, this particular story isn’t about the creature…it’s about the creator.
The obvious answer (to me at least) that he is standing in the way of is Globalism. He is trying to defibrillate the heart of American Patriotism and sovereignty (even though I question that bump stock bill and the co-signing of the latest bailout bill). While I would never call myself a Trump supporter in the sense that I would never wear a MAGA hat or anything, to compare him to the presidents we’ve had in the last 30 years I would say he’s been the best and definitely has been the most authentic!
Globalism (which despite the dictionary definition, is basically global communism) though is the biggest threat and is one of the main things that got Kennedy killed. While I truly hope he is able to completely “drain the swamp” as he stated he wanted to do, I hope he doesn’t get caught in the crosshairs like JFK. There is just so much opposition that I feel like that is a very extreme likelihood, especially if he wins in November!
BLM (Self proclaimed Marxists) + ANTIFA (also Marxists) = The one true enemy of all free people in the world because if the US is conquered the rest of the world will easily fall! The Man in the High Castle foreshadowed some of this ironically. The Black Communist Rebellion from the book/show is literally Black Lives Matter!
Suffice to say, Communism is real and all of these businesses and organizations bowing down and donating money to BLM are supporting communism whether they are aware of it or not! People need to wake up fast because if they don’t this is going to spin out of control really fast and I’m not sure there will be a way to truly stop it!
I think America can survive without Christianity. Christianity is just a good target for commies because it preaches putting the family before the state.