Like movies, older games are more fun

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      I have been going backwards in time with movies finding all the gems.  Many have been forgotten about.  I am now doing this with games.  I am noticing that older games (in general)  are more fun.  Some, maybe 10 or so years old, seem to even have better graphics. And it’s not even a nostalgia thing as these are titles I have never played.   For example “Alien Isolation”.  I never played it, don’t remember it but it’s awesome.  There are a number of such examples, “Titanfall 2” being another one.

      As someone who grew up with gaming, this is a new paradigm where the newest and latest is likely not “better” than something in the past.

      I attribute this to a severe lack of creativity in the industry due to wokeness (like in Hollywood) as that creates a small tribe of people who tend not to let others in.  So it’s the same shallow pool of ideas.

      Lack of competition in the AAA space is another issue.  When large companies do not have pressure to innovate they will stagnate. In the indie space you will notice there is much innovation and creativity because there is a lot of competition.

      I hope this paradigm shifts soon.

      • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.

      Congratulations on starting your journey of discovery! I’ve been gaming since the 80s and there are many classics from the past (and also a lot of duds!). Alien Isolation is still in my backlog though :P Older games are free of the woke b.s. for sure. Gaming was much smaller, niche and encouraged creatives to make names for themselves in an exciting and emergent industry. Also, games did not garner nearly as much media attention as they do today. I miss those days so I often revisit the classics that I like. Also I’m busy carving my way through Witcher 3 at the moment (for the first time). Older games like Neverwinter Nights 2, Morrowind and Bloodrayne I admittedly replay with nostalgia goggles on but so what? Bloodrayne is the epitome of a game that would never be made today lol


        Nothing wrong with nostalgia goggles.  Games are meant for fun and that’s all that matters.  Heck at this point I watch old movies and TV just so I can be reminded the world was not always entirely hateful and insane.  You watch something like “Andy Griffith” or even shows from the 80s/90s and it’s like you are watching an alien planet vs now.   But those shows make me feel normal for a short time.  Same with older games.

        Great point though about the media attention.  But I think all that did was put a target on gaming’s back, just as it did for comics.  I don’t even think it’s about pushing an agenda anymore.  I think they wanted to ruin those forms of entertainment with their own beliefs as a form of retribution.


        I like watching old stuff and consequently not giving money to mainstream modern day crap. I get to choose which stories and characters live on in my imagination! Every time I can deny these idiots money is a win for me, although their logic baffles me, why do they spend money trying to engineer social change when just about nobody wants it? Back to games yes there is some great stuff coming from the indie space. And when the gamer market is not being catered to, new companies will come in and “pick up the slack” for sure. I’m happy to see the current big name companies all collapse and be supplanted because change is good and no one lives forever. A reference there to a great game with a female protagonist that wasn’t forcibly inserted.


          Every time I can deny these idiots money is a win for me, although their logic baffles me, why do they spend money trying to engineer social change when just about nobody wants it?

          This is something I could not figure out either, but I think I have a complete picture now. Big business runs on other people’s money very often.  That means that even a large company will take on investors so that they are not taking all the risk on projects.  This is how gaming works.  So if company ABC wants to make a AAA game they might take on big money coming from known peddlers of agenda like BlackRock, State Street or Vanguard (those companies control trillions).  And with that money comes strings.  Like, sure we will fund your 300 million dollar game but it needs to include this woke thing and you need to have x% of diversity hires etc.

          Now you may ask, why would a company do that if their game likely sucks.  Well, if they did not float most of the investment then whatever it might make is profit to them and the trillion dollar company who put up most of the cash actually trying to push agenda does not care because they have more money than most countries on the planet combined.

          Also, I am no financial expert, but I think it might look good on a company’s books to say “yay look at our new huge project that is so awesome we have gotten millions of investment!”.   That could raise stock prices and at the end of the day, that is all a board of directors or a CEO cares about, especially if they can get such a bump on a regular basis such that the companies annual returns are fairly predictable and stable as that too raises stock prices.

          The reason we are stuck in this cycle is because the industry is very consolidated and there is little competition in the AAA space stifling creativity and raising prices.  And if someone wants to break into AAA they end up going to the same people with the big money.

          This is why Indie is so good right now.  No big money and TONS of competition.  This leads to options, evolution and low prices.


          The only reasons why I play older games is that they’re more fun and DON’T require the internet in the way that a lot of current games do.

          Was playing on my PlayStation 2 today but playing on some old PlayStation 1 games that I’ve had since I was a pre-teen. Sure the controls a wonky by today’s standards (and less said about the camera angles the better!) but I still go on them for FUN and I like the soundtracks to a lot of them too. I’d rather be playing my old ‘Land Before Time’ games on the PlayStation 1 than something more recent like ‘Dragon Age’ LOL! Only when there’s no-one in the house though! ‘Racing Adventure’ was my favourite since I like a good racing game…and I don’t care if I’m in my mid-thirties and STILL playing them!


            I think at this point, game evolution in the AAA has nearly ceased.  Without only a couple large players in that space, they don’t have to try hard or risk new things.  They can sit there and crank out “meh” a few times a year and get some consistent profits.

            But fun is not exclusive to a AAA $70 game.  In fact, at this point, AAA almost excludes fun.   I don’t mean entertainment that you play some here and there.  I mean games that suck you in and you plays for hours within a few days or one you always remember.

            Fun for the win :)


            The other thing I don’t like about a lot of modern games is that a lot of them are loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. Take ‘Assassins Creed: Odyssey’ as a example. I’ve had that game since its release and as much as I love the graphics and setting to it…I feel like I’ve barely moved since I first started it.


            That is so true indeed Dragonlady, modern games are quite long because they are mainly made that way by the gaming devs & the company and some peoples like that, even though I couldn’t imagine playing a game that might take you a day or a week or more to play


            Like classic movies, older games have a unique charm that makes them incredibly enjoyable. Their simplicity, paired with creative design and challenging gameplay, offers an experience that modern games often lack. Titles like Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda focus more on pure fun rather than advanced graphics or complex mechanics. Playing these classics evokes a sense of nostalgia, taking us back to a time when gaming was straightforward and heartfelt. Sometimes, less is truly more, and older games are a perfect example of this timeless appeal. Hotel Master is an engaging and fun simulation game that puts you in charge of managing a hotel. The gameplay in this browser game is simple yet addictive, as you handle guest requests, manage rooms, and upgrade your facilities. The graphics are vibrant, and the mechanics are easy to learn, making it perfect for casual gaming sessions. It’s a great choice for anyone who enjoys time management or simulation games. However, the lack of deeper strategic elements might make it repetitive for more hardcore gamers. Still, it’s an enjoyable and relaxing experience overall.

            • This reply was modified 3 months ago by samui.

            You are Absolutely right on this Samui

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