Limited topic created threads per day

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  • #171698

      Maybe just limit the amount of topics someone can create in each category. How about 3-4 a day for each. But only 3-4 overall is not enough.


      Ghost99 Thanks for your input.  Blocking someone is not what I want to do. This isn’t Twitter and I don’t want it to be seen like that.  It is only annoying and abusing a system that is new.  Not like I dislike the guy, nor do I disagree with him.  So for me to block said person or people is not what I am looking to have happen here.  I leave that crap for Twitter and places for people who get offended.

      So I think a limited topic thread creation per day is more than reasonable.  Don’t want anyone banned or censored from speaking their minds.

      This is pretty simple and straight forward on most forums.

      IMO the only reason someone would do that is to get lots of “points”.  Not to really engage in discussions.

      I think we can find a reasonable solution to a minor issue here without blocking or banning or censoring anyone.


      Did you not read the OP?  I had already suggested that, but 5-10.

      Blocking someone or ignoring them simply passes the buck along.  I would like a fix to this instead of a bandaid or ignoring the problem.

      This is a sickness of Twitter and other platforms with a block button.

      I understand blocking someone if they are being toxic, vicious or a bully.  But we are not talking about that here.  I have seen this forum community members doing a great job with self control and treating others with respect.  Sure we are going to get trolls and those who hate what we stand for.  The internet will always have this.   No one hates the guy, we just want to preserve this forum from the get go.  Not let it fall into darkness.

      Stand up for the things you use and care about.  Not block, ignore and allow them to become some one else’s problem.   Not here man, we have lost to much ground already.

      Also it is very important for me to note this is only happening within a very small confine.  This also could stop trolls from flooding the forums.  All it takes is a group of people with no limit on topics to bog things down.  So this is not just about 1 person.  Trying to stop that before it would happen.

      As I want to make very clear, not here to pick on one person. If they have good intentions and not farming here we can come to an understanding.  I am all about people blowing this forum UP!  Just to make things very clear for any new readers in here.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Oldie_Wan_Kenobi. Reason: Clearing it up

        OK Ghost99, uncle.  I’m all aboard with that Block Button.  You were right.

        BTW, I think there’s a big difference between censorship and being personally selective.  There are a lot of publications (written, visual, or audio) that I  personally choose to avoid, out of respect for myself, while supporting the freedom to create that content.

        A block button won’t infringe on anyone’s right to free speech.  It benefits only me when I choose to use it, without detriment to anyone else.


          So I just had a topic deleted. It was GOT season 8.. Fuck this site if you guys are censoring now


          Was it an active thread, or did it not appear after you posted it.


          There’s a forum bug going on based upon the posting tools used. If you go too heavy using tools the thread won’t appear.


            Im deleting my account. Im not going to be censored by Facebook, Twitter or you guys. Fuck off


            I doubt a GoT thread was willfully deleted. But people have been having posts disappear or not show up due to forum bugs.


            He already deleted his account.  Oh well. If someone is going to sperg out that quickly and assume the worst, over what is obviously a forum bug then there was probably going to be something to set them off within a week or so anyhow.


            I have not seen evidence of any forum censoring yet. These forums are very buggy still, and by Jeremy’s own admission, his webmasters are doing this for him on the side, so we cannot expect full time rapid response fixes.


            It doesn’t make sense that a GoT thread would be deleted, because this whole place is built on the concept of free expression. When someone wants to leave someplace, they are usually looking for an excuse.


              Hi Roas, read this thread and just wanted to share a piece of information with you, He Who Shall Not Be Named Less Another Of His Pointless Threads Be Spawned’s record of posting pointless threads is 40 in a day!

              laughing rocket


              No one is censoring anyone in here Anonymous.

              Well the sperg is gone now anyway.  Just here to try and stir the pot or just really low IQ type person/sperg.

              I have already done a stress test on this server for censorship.  WE good here folks!  (You already know this)

              Yet all it is going to take is a group of He who shall not be named to flood this place with non sense, forcing the mods into un needed work.

              Take a group of 5 people who plan an attack on this forum, just 5 people could make unlimited topics which would just give mods a head ache to clean up.

              You have been warned.  lol

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