The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

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    Also, no-one in the UK will watch this rubbish. Lord of the Rings is massively popular over here and we Brits have the right to be angry with them.


    These are the correct JRR Tolkien quotes concerning evil’s lack of ability to create anything, for the record. The #Tolkien “quote” that is quite aptly being used everywhere in response to the abhorrent Amazon abortion is actually a paraphrase from TV Tropes.

    “The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them; and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures.”

    “For the Orcs had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance of life, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë before the Beginning: so say the wise.”

    But quote or paraphrase, the criticism of Amazon’s twisted perversion of The Lord of the Rings is legitimate and the sentiment it expresses is 100 percent correct.

    The Rings Of Power Character Images – First Full Pictures & Story Analysis!

    Vanity Fair shares Amazon Prime’s Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power Character images from the Second Age of Middle Earth.

    They share the story concept and the arrogance Amazon empowered two untested showrunners to replicate J.R. R. Tolkien’s masterpiece, talent and experience. In theirs words: “Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote and do it as the mega-event series that could only happen now?”

    This is called Hubris!

    Big shock, it’s not about Lord of the Rings.

    It couldn’t be more obvious what happened. The production company had its own 2022 fantasy story they wanted to tell. Basically, nothing but a rip-off of Game of Thrones.

    But it is 2022. They have to make it Woke AF because everyone in Hollywood is terrified of being seen as not Woke. At the moment it’s an instant career ender especially if you are white.

    And they knew that their story would never sell in 10,000 years.

    Not under it’s own name anyway.

    So they followed the standard procedure and bought up a name they could slap on it even though that franchise didn’t resemble the story they wanted to tell in the least. They knew perfectly well there is always a ton of middle-aged Gamma Males that will sell out the thing they loved at the drop of a hat for just a little ego inflation. Throw in some Twitter Stans that are happy to work for free and few d-list journos at (lol)Kotaku and they are in business.

    It won’t do well but they already know that. Their objective at this point is to blame their inevitable failure on white supremacists which they have already done.

    The important thing to remember about this POS is that it was never meant to be Tolkein. They are just stealing his name for their Game of Thrones fan fiction.



    Funnily enough, when ‘Game of Thrones’ first aired it got a lot of comparisons to ‘Lord of the Rings’ even though it didn’t rely very heavily on magic compared to LotR. I like both franchises but even I’m staying clear of this. When Aragon said that dwarf women had beards he didn’t mean it as a casual joke!


      The companies that traditionally made entertainment now only make propaganda to facilitate social engineering of the elites because they are their slaves.  This started about 2010.

      FCK such things as this.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Vknid.

      Someone pointed this out in the RoP comments (yeah I’m reading them all lol) so I decided to visualize it in case any of the G&G crew missed it, haven’t seen anyone talking about this.



      Wow, completely re-worked it the day after Christopher Tolkien died. A buddy of mine is a normie and said he was going to watch it.


      Amazon: We’re going to mess up ‘Lord of the Rings’!

      Fans: Execute Order 66!

      I’m just going to leave this excellent crossover here.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by DragonLady.

        If Y’all looking for that video to downvote to hell for fun. here she be.



        How can they be “superfans” if they’re saying that they can’t relate to a character if they don’t have the same skin colour as them and yet they claim to be fans for years??? Doesn’t make any sense…🙄


        Paid actors.


        Attention seekers.

        And I was told they DELISTED this vid, so everyone needs to SHARE the link and let whole in control of the entertainment that WOKE SHIT/agenda will NOT be supported by the majority.


          Lady, they are in no way shape or form “superfans”.

          I would love to see them all sit down and go head to head with a true fan with just basic knowledge of the books. They would not last 5 minutes. FFS they thing Lady Galadriel is young in this movie… She is around 3,000 to 5,000 years old at this point.  They are superc-shills being paid a lot to LIE.


            Yes the video link should be shared…. wish all of G&G youtubers would make a video just to it and GIVE THE DAMN LINK.

            Millions of fans sending a video to ratio-hell that was delisted even the Main-Stream Media would report on it….. Youtubers make videos about it but never give the direct link for some reason. Share it ffs.



            Another thing I also laughed at in that video. They know elves are MUCH older than they look…right??? I know the saying about not laughing at stupid people but sometimes you have to make an acceptation🙄…

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by DragonLady.

            Agreed with everything he said on this. Oh Amazon, how could you’ve messed up so big🙄???


              The ratio on the “super-fan” video is hilarious…. 135 like to over 10k not liking… wish the youtubers would link to it… I want to see it get over 100k dislikes.

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