Lords of the Fallen is a damn good Souls game. Why the Hate?

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    Lords of the Fallen is a damn good Souls game. Why the Hate? With the upcoming release of THE Lords of the Fallen, I decided to revisit this old Souls-like game & see if it was any good & why people hated it?
    Honestly, it is a very good Action Souls Like game. I remember playing it when it came out in 2014, almost 10 years ago & it was very good, I made it pretty far. So let’s revisit to see if it still holds up. It does. It absolutely still holds up.
    Sure it has it’s issues with Frame rate drops, some input lag on occasion & you can easily cheese the game, but the positives are great. Graphically very impressive with massive heavy weighted characters, voice acting is better than you would expect it to be, the music is stellar & world layout is logical.
    Make sure to pick this up, it’s always on sale, it’s actually on sale right now on the Playstation store.


    Lords of the Fallen is an excellent Souls-style game. Although it has been unfairly criticised, it provides a refreshing experience with hard combat and a captivating atmosphere. Accept its one-of-a-kindness and admire the craftsmanship behind it.


    And a lot has changed, as the v.1.1.441 update showed up two days ago. Opinions vary. For me, the biggest plus is the two-worlds theme which works great, especially since it provides a good basis for environmental and spatial puzzles. If in one world a given door is closed, chances are that in the hereafter it can be bypassed.

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