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Lord’s Prayer opening may be ‘problematic’, says archbishop
The archbishop of York has suggested that opening words of the Lord’s Prayer, recited by Christians all over the world for 2,000 years, may be “problematic” …
…because of their patriarchal association.
In his opening address to a meeting of the Church of England’s ruling body, the General Synod, Stephen Cottrell dwelt on the words “Our Father”, the start of the prayer based on Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:2–4 in the New Testament.
And what is wrong with using them?
Canon Dr Chris Sugden, chair of the conservative Anglican Mainstream group, pointed out that in the Bible Jesus urged people to pray to “our father”.
He said: “Is the archbishop of York saying Jesus was wrong, or that Jesus was not pastorally aware? It seems to be emblematic of the approach of some church leaders to take their cues from culture rather than scripture.”
That was the prayer Jesus Christ taught all to say.
It is the modern day extreme feminists that are against Christ’s words/teachings.
He told members of the synod: “We remain stubbornly unreconciled, appear complacent about division, and often also appear all too ready to divide again […] We have got used to disunity. We think it’s normal when in fact, it is a disgrace, an affront to Christ and all he came to give us.”
Speaking about disunity… like allowing/promoting things that are against the Bible, and then saying Christ’s own words are causing “division”?
As we are seeing in the US with the United Methodist Churches losing alot of their denominations over such teachings.
As was warned in the Bible against schism, that is exactly what is happening in Christian Churches all over the world, in all forms, be it Catholic, Methodist, Anglican, etc.
Churches and the “leaders” are moving more and more away from the teachings of the Church and the Bible, toward “MODERN” (self indulgences) ideologies and immoralities.
Those people (IMO) are the corruption within the church.
Say to them, “As I live!” declares the Lord GOD, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die, O house of Israel?” Ezekiel 33:11 (NASB)
In other words: “Hate the sin – love the sinner”.
Yet the modernists then want to allow sin into the church, since God will forgive in the end (if you repent). And not the message of “Sin no more”.
It is one of the reasons people identifying as religious and practices their religion is going down.
Martin Luther posted The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences to counter what he saw as the Church’s abuse and corruption by Catholic clergy. (Which lead to the Reformation Movement.)
Well today, we need such again for the abuse and corruption of all Christian Churches and their liberal/modern ideology that moves away from God’s and Christ’s message.
Now more than ever, we need to return to God’s love and message and commandments, and Christ’s teachings and what the Bible is telling us.
And away from this extremely toxic far alt left destructive ideology.
Everything is “problematic” now days. I am so sick of hearing that word. When anyone uses that word, I check out of the conversation.
Apparently, everyone gets to choose their own gender identity, except God. Amusing, how people want that kind of stuff to work.
We must realize that those whom want to control the world and remake it in their image (WEF types) will attempt to infiltrate every institution they believe can grant them authority and influence.
A high ranking member of a Christian Church saying such obvious blasphemy publicly is not a sign that this institution is beginning to get infiltrated, it is a sign that infiltration is complete and is now making moves to effect change.
The same thing is and has been going on in the Catholic Church which is why as a life long Catholic I no longer listen to anything that organization itself has to say.
We are all called to hate the sin and not the sinner. Just like Jesus we are not called to condemn but to try to save. However, do not conflate not judging a soul with not judging sinful behavior. Whether someone is condemned or not is solely up to God. But we are called to point out sinful behaviors and lifestyles not to make ourselves feel superior but to try to help those in sin. And we all are on some level or another.
No one who truly believes in God and Jesus would say, well I think he was wrong there. Those 2 thoughts are mutually exclusive. The man saying this does not believe in God.
Maybe I’m missing something. Is the Archbishop of York suggesting doing away with the prayer all together or is he suggesting that “Father” be replaced with something else?
I can see it now:
Our “All powerful and omnipotent Being who is of no fixed gender but is of all genders that have been, yet to be and will be created”,
Which art in heaven…
Some people today want a “gender neutral” God in all prayers and in the Bible.
They don’t want to hear of “His Mercy”, because “his” is problematic as being masculine.
With “Our Father”, “father” is problematic as it represents masculine.
“Our Lord”, “lord” is problematic as it represents masculine.
In other words, anything that is in the Masculine when referring to God is problematic to those word-hating people.
It no longer matters that Jesus Christ used “Father” when talking about and to God and told us to pray “Our Father”, it is problematic to them now.
The cognitive dissonance in this thought process they are putting forth is strong. To say there is a God whom is all knowing and powerful and you believe his words, except the problematic ones is clearly silly. And I do believe that’s the entire point. One sure fire way to make people not want to be a part of something is to make it not the thing that drew people to it in the first place.