Lore of Varlaurea

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    Monster of Kaoren lake

    This is a repaint from memory of a mural I once saw when I visited an old temple in Aulacia kingdom. The mural depicting a wide known legend in Aulacia, “Dragon Emperor slaying the monster of Kaoren lake”. A legend about an emperor called Suk Lam of the ancient Varlann empire, of which Aulacia kingdom claimed to be descended from. A very interesting legend I’d learned from the temple’s keeper, and in the next section of this chapter I’ll try my best to retold these stories of Emperor Suk Lam’s exploits to the readers.
    From “A journey to Varlaurea continent” by Chickknight Greenleaf


    Chim Kuuk


    The Kuuk

    “The Kuuk is a kind of bird being kept and domesticated by the inhabitants of Varlaurea continent as poultry, they’re being raise for meat, egg and feather.

    They’re an omnivore bird, usually saw digging the ground for seed, small fruit, insect and sometime even hunt animal smaller than them.

    For everyone to picture the Kuuk easier, imagine the chicken of our world, with a longer neck and a long tail wholly covered in tail feather, personally I find these birds look more akin to the feathered Therapod Dinosaur in our world. And according to the local folk, their tail is the best part of the bird (confirmed)

    They’re being farm throughout Varlaurea continent, and like chicken, had been breed and develop into many variations of shape, size and colour. They also had been kept at pet by every social class and further being breed into more impressive and fancy breeds.

    Due to sexual dimorphism, the male Kuuk usually have more colourful feather coat than the female, the main colour variation are copper red, brownish red, light brown, grey, black, white. They also have a mane of feather on their head and under the neck. Their flight feathers and rectrices are longer and pointier than their female counterpart, with a slightly puffy feather coat. Female Kuuk have less colour variations, only brown, light brown and white. Their coat gave them a smoother and slenderer silhouette than the male, their flight feathers and rectrices have rounded tip, and the rectrices also shorter than the male.

    The Kuuk lay between 3 to 7 eggs each time, the male and female take turn to incubate their eggs in 20 days. After hatched for an hour, the chick already can walk on their own and follow their mother to find food, at this stated the chicks only have a fine fuzz coat with a cute fuzzy tail. They’ll change their coat overtime and will look like the adult bird when reached 6 to 7 months old.”

    From “A Journey to Varlaurea continent” by Chickknight Greenleaf.

    Chapter 3 “animals of Varlaurea”

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