Lying to ill people does not help them (sad story)

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      This is tragic and sad. Politics of this situation aside, what you had was a young girl suffering whom ended up taking her own life. That should not be overlooked or minimized.

      But at the end of the day, if you have someone whom has actual dysmorphia who does not want to be their sex, lying to them by telling them they can change their sex and all your problems will be gone is criminal abuse.  This was not a case of having the wrong body parts and being denied surgery to solve that. This was a case of strong mental illness not being addressed and instead being fed.

      There is no such thing as “gender affirming care”, that is an evil phrase.



      “This was not a case of having the wrong body parts and being denied surgery to solve that. ”

      How do you know that? Nobody did any testing on the kid. No f-mri, no endocrinological testing, nothing. But then again, that’s normal in Europe. Their garbage free health care doesn’t cover diagnostics for ANYTHING except cardiology, ultrasounds and scopes. European health care is worse today than it was 80 years ago.

      “There is no such thing as “gender affirming care”, that is an evil phrase.”

      There is, but only for people with actual legit gender misalignment syndrome. Don’t blame the treatment if it’s being used for the wrong disease. Every treatment has its purpose. Leg amputation can save a life in some cases, but it won’t help someone with gastritis. Likewise, gender transition surgery won’t help someone with mental illness. It only helps people with pathological gender misalignment syndrome. Doctors don’t care to do diagnostics. It’s the same with every single one of these kids who kill themselves, either because they don’t get the treatment or because they get the treatment and didn’t need it.

      Beyond that, this kid was afraid of being bullied at school. That’s probably the real reason. Heck, I never had any gender issues but the idea of having to go back to school after vacation and be bullied again made me think of offing myself twice every year. Went so far that I ate toothpaste and other stuff to give myself diarrhea so I didnt have to go back to school. Alas, it never worked :(   School is without a doubt the worst thing you can do to a kid. I’d rather have gotten raped.


        “How do you know that? ”

        Because I am of the opinion lopping someone’s body parts off does not heal their mental illness.

        “There is, but only for people with actual legit gender misalignment syndrome. Don’t blame the treatment if it’s being used for the wrong disease. Every treatment has its purpose. Leg amputation can save a life in some cases, but it won’t help someone with gastritis.

        The term “gender affirming care” is another BS leftist phrase.  It’s used to soften the language so that mutilating children does not sound so bad. Leg amputations can save a life yes,  but you amputate an organ that is no longer functional.  This is not the case with sex surgeries. All sex surgeries are, are amputations and or changes that approximate the other sex’s organ.  It’s not the case you end up with an actual vagina or penis.  It’s a pretend vagina or penis.

        “Likewise, gender transition surgery won’t help someone with mental illness. It only helps people with pathological gender misalignment syndrome.”

        Again with the leftist terms. You cannot transition your gender. Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness.  I personally do not believe it is healthy or good for even an adult to change their body parts and take synthetic hormones because they wish to be the other sex.  In my mind that is a self acceptance and or dysphoria issue.  However, I am fine with adults making that choice if they wish. I know there are some adults whom have some level of success while living as the other sex. But at the end of the day harming your body to your heal your mind seems counterintuitive to me.


        It is only the last and wildest kind of courage that can stand on a tower before ten thousand people and tell them that twice two is four.

        Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith). Heretics (p. 29). Kindle Edition.

        And the modern version of a person with this “last and wildest kind of courage” is the kid who got suspended from his school for wear a shirt saying “There are only two genders”.

        When such an evident reality is denied, and to even plainly state it is regarded as hate that must be silenced, then we are dealing, not with madness, for madness may be excused, but with evil, and evil must never be excused.



          I am not sure that denying objective reality and publicly punishing those that don’t is not a Picard/Cardassin “there are 4 lights” situation.

          If you can fear people into denying reality, you can make them believe it and at that point you control them fully.


          @vknid: “Because I am of the opinion lopping someone’s body parts off does not heal their mental illness.”

          You must be awfully sure this kid was mentally ill and didn’t have real gender misalignment syndrome. My question remains unanswered. How do you know?

          ” but you amputate an organ that is no longer functional. ”
          Yep, and even that is routinely done, like colon removal, stomach removal, esophagus and so on.

          “Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness”
          No it’s not. We’ve been through this. Absolutely 100% physical cause. Therefore not a mental illness. You are stigmatizing people with a birth defect as mentally ill. That is disgusting and evil.

          “But at the end of the day harming your body to your heal your mind seems counterintuitive to me.”
          Only because you fail to understand that the brain is an organ like any other. The “mind” is not some esoterical construct independent from the body. All character traits are hardwired into the brain. Since you can’t operate the brain to fix the defect there, the next best thing is operating the body. It’s not a good solution, but it helps some carefully selected patients (and harms the rest who get it based on false diagnosis).
          Instead of fighting the science behind it, you ought to be embracing it, because it has finally uncovered the primary causes of gender misalignment and homosexuality. If this science hadn’t been suppressed by both the left and the right, then by now we’d have immunosuppressive drugs that mothers could take during prenancy, if they test positive for certain antigens that are known to cause sexual identity disorders, thereby effectively eradicing the conditions.

          Instead people continue to suffer because of ego tripping fundamentalists like you and the pedo psychopaths on the left.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Wisdom.
          • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Wisdom.
          • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Wisdom.

            “You must be awfully sure this kid was mentally ill and didn’t have real gender misalignment syndrome. My question remains unanswered. How do you know?”

            I made no claim like that of any kind.  My point was just what I said it was. Lopping off someone’s healthy body parts does not heal their mental illness and any sense of dysphoria is a mental illness.

            “No it’s not. We’ve been through this. Absolutely 100% physical cause. Therefore not a mental illness. You are stigmatizing people with a birth defect as mentally ill. That is disgusting and evil.”

            Look if you want to come on here and virtue signal you go right ahead, but up until the last 5mins of history gender dysphoria was 100% known as a mental illness. Calling it for what it is is not stigmatizing anything and your accusation as such is unfounded and silly.

            Now with that said I am open to new information. You have made some claims that gender dysphoria and homosexuality are physical defects. Let’s go with that.  How should gender dysphoria be healed as the physical manifestation you claim it is?

            “Only because you fail to understand that the brain is an organ like any other. The “mind” is not some esoterical construct independent from the body.”

            The brain is an organ.  The person inside the brain is very much an esoteric mash-up of physical and not physical things.

            “Instead people continue to suffer because of ego tripping fundamentalists like you and the pedo psychopaths on the left.”

            Ego tripping fundamentalist?  Wow, because I think differently than you?  Because I don’t take a few links from the internet as gospel?  You sound like someone from the climate change crowd, “the science is settled”.   I am quite sure the powers that be would not want any evidence of such a thing to get out because that would remove the shield and the hammer of their political movement they are trying to enslave people with.  But just because that’s the case does not necessarily mean what you are claiming is correct.  I am not necessarily saying it’s wrong but just because its mere existence is politically inconvenient does not mean its true.

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