Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › General Discussions › Many radical leftists know the truth, they choose the lies.
Why would someone have an inkling that their entire personal belief structure is incorrect and yet continue to not seek truth and go forward as they did before?
If you think about it, it’s not at all surprising and I have a feeling this is quite common.
If you live your life for an agenda. And your entire moral code and identity is wrapped up in that, would you want that all to come crashing down? I am not sure how many have the emotional fortitude to consider that much less weather it.
Think about it. If you know that if you find the truth and claim this openly you will lose your friends, your whole identity, family might disown you and then you might get cancelled and possibly fired. Whisper 1 word of opposition and you get kicked from the tribe and you find yourself alone trying to construct a new personal identity.
How many people do you figure worked for Hitler that thought killing millions was wrong? I would imagine quite a few and look what they went along with because they knew the consequences of speaking out. We know of course that there were very brave men and women who did what they could to counter the madness and this happens with the radical left as well.
But I am not shocked that people rather cling to the lies knowing they are lies. As in love with comfort as most are, they might not even consider it.
It is far easier to believe the “lie” than to accept the truth.
And there is only ONE TRUTH. None of the BS about “my truth” verses the “truth”.
Their NPC programming cannot accept anything that goes against their agenda/narrative. So I do not know if they “know” the “truth” or are so brainwashed as they cannot accept the truth.
Facts and logic and science and history and the truth cannot exist in their delusional minds.
They literally had a full mental breakdown/temper tantrum.
Being part of the herd offers comfort and protection by affirming who they are. It essentially allows them to avoid confronting their inner demons.
“It is far easier to believe the “lie” than to accept the truth.”
Like I mentioned I think many know the truth or at least know they are following lies. But for many of them their entire identity is wrapped up in it and to shift to truth is to lose yourself.
But there is something else to it. It IS like a cult. Why? Because any person that says I KNOW and I COULD NOT possibly be wrong and as such takes in no new info/data is making a massive philosophical. Humans cannot evolve or further themselves without always taking in new information and always entertaining the idea that you could be wrong.