Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Sweet or Weak?.?

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    I’m thinking about purchasing the game but, people keep telling me its not worth it so here I am looking at the trailers and free roam plays but I honestly can make up my mind. What do you guys think???

    Spider-Man Miles Morales, >>http://Https://

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by HelloToday.

    Depends. If you want/expect groundbreaking new gameplay etc then no, if you are invested in the game franchise’s plot and seeing Miles grow and become a good ”sidekick” for Peter when the Spiderman 2 game drops then yes.

    The gameplay is more or less the same with some unique tricks for Miles so it’s still really good but not that different from the first one.


    I won’t get it on the sole fact that I dislike Miles Morales intensely. To me, he is the poster boy of woke characters created in the beginning of the woke culture war to try and replace Peter Parker for good. People can like him and like his version in Into the Spiderverse, but will never be a fan.

    I didn’t like him being in Spider-Man PS4, but I will say I’m glad he has gotten his own game, because now I don’t have to worry about him being a major role in Spider-Man 2. I expect him to show up, but I suspect it will be minimal, and I can enjoy being all Peter all the time…while probably taking on the Green Goblin and possibly Venom.


    Miles is most likely going to be a side kick in that one. And I really enjoy Miles. His content is usually good and I like his black teen swagger.


      The fact it gives a shout out to BLM/Antifa is enough for me to not want it.
      I dont care how minor it is, they are reflecting a terrorist organization in a positive light and I will not, financially, support that.


      There is a difference between the BLM organization and the thought behind it. I can get behind the thought because yes, black lives do matter obviously. I can’t get behind the organization because I do not support many of their points and thry are the ones terrorizing and looting.


      It is a good game plagued by some political nonsense.


      Here is why:

      – 70% less sales than Spider-Man in 2018(I’m sure this has something to do with the political nonsense)

      – BLM Billboard(pandering)(I don’t listen to that organization until they admit that Black on Black violence kills more Black people than cops)

      – Miles Morales doesn’t like working with law enforcement even though his dad is a cop


      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Cashmoney.
      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Cashmoney.

        The term will forever be linked to the terrorist organization.  Just like the swatstika is linked to Nazis, despite what it actually means.
        And every life matter. Black lives arent less important but they arent more important.
        Fuck BLM and it’s Black supremacy messaging and sorry piece of trash that supports them.


        It’s unbelievable that we live in a time where people get triggered if someone says Black Lives Matter. Also, it’s unbelievable that we live in a time where people get triggered if someone says All Lives Matter.

        And there still is a difference between the idea and the organization. In the same way as there is a difference between a human who supports Trump’s policies as a president and a terrorist who violently broke into the Capitol, tried to kill Pence and killed a cop. Generalization is dangerous and puts innocent people in harm.


        – Miles Morales is a spin off, considered almost a DLC while the 2018 game was marketed years prior and was a main installment. Also, people don’t want to pay full price for a game as short as MM, like me, so they wait for the price to drop. People who refuse to buy it because their feelings got hurt are quite few, in my opinion.




        -It’s because he’s Spiderman. Cops don’t like Spiderman, as he’s a masked vigilante which is considered cowardice. Both Miles and Peter would gladly cooperate with cops if cops were willing to do the same, but they won’t. (There are some individual exceptions)


        I think some of the political nonsense did hurt sales.  When people found out about the BLM billboard, they weren’t interested in the game anymore.  The fact that Insomniac Games decided to do some pandering is pathetic.

        • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Cashmoney.
        • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Cashmoney.
        • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Cashmoney.
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