Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster! Take my money!

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    I can give ME3 one complement, the whole game I had a complete sense of “I don’t see how we can win this”, but that was also part of the problem later on.

    They needed a magic button to solve everything because the enemy was overwhelmingly powerful.

    I suspect they didn’t have the main plot sorted before making the games.

    Look at Dragon Age Origins with the same premise, good guys defeated and need to gather for one last all in counter attack, simple but the enemy wasn’t unbeatable.

    They made the Reapers so powerful  but didn’t seem to have a good solution, use the Reaper gun button thing to Control, Destroy or Merge.

    I chose Synthases because it seemed the only way for lasting change but I didn’t like it anymore than the other options.

    Imagine if Dragon Age Origins ending was get to the tower and kill the Arch demon, Control it or mate with it…to be honest if the option to bang a dragon was there I’d do it just to see what happens 😆.


    What gave you the idea that change is necessarily better? Everyone becoming a robot by having their molecules replaced with synthetic matter.

    Dragon Age Origins was fantastic, 2 was OK, and Inquisition unfortunately chose to focus more on the combat mechanics and the graphics than the story. I never cared about the combat being boring and repetitive in Origins because the story was so engaging that I couldn’t wait to progress so I was happy to put up with shitty combat although it was pretty original.


    Well I didn’t like any of the options but I chose that because I thought it was a chance at the universe not repeating the same thing over and over again.

    I loved DA origins back in the day, Elf Mage all the way.


    But with the reapers gone the cycle would have ended regardless. Anyway you provide a good example as to why one man shouldn’t be deciding the fate of the world or the universe.


    It would’ve happened again, the Geth and multiple crazy AI encounters proved it.


    You don’t know that. The war brought humans and the Geth together united against the Reapers though, so they learned to put their differences aside and work for the greater good without having to be forced into artificially merging into some ungodly monstrosity. Is there anything in the universe now that’s left that has a soul? I don’t know whether or not souls are a real thing, but it’s too much of a gamble to make and never mind how unethical to do this to everyone in the universe without their consent. It’s like forcing a trans surgery on a child because you believe that’s what’s best for that child.

    Shepard could have just defeated the Reapers which was what everyone wanted, and then he could have preached about what he saw and tried to convince organics to merge with synthetics for the sake of mutual survival and some would have listened to him – at least that way it would have been ethical.


    I firmly disagree with that comparison, the idea was linking all life together not completely changing a person’s identity.

    But I don’t think we’re gonna see eye to eye on this.

    Did you play much of DA 2? What did you think of the story and characters compared to the first?


    If you don’t think that there’s an inter-connectedness between someone’s physical body and their identity then why do some men want to appear as women and why do some women want to appear as men?

    I finished the story and all the side quests I think only once unlike DA Origins which I played through twice. I still liked it but not as much as Origins. I don’t remember much except that I was kinda glad it was over because I found the same forced, repetitive combat in the same or similar dungeons to be boring as hell. I remember I procrastinated doing the next mission because I knew exactly what to expect every time and the only difference would be that it would take longer because the enemies would have more HP.


    The combat wasn’t fun for me.

    The initial story had me interested and I liked some of the characters but it fell flat after a while, I liked the idea of a family having to rebuilt and your prosperty is connected to the city but by the end I was losing interest, I wasn’t happy with my character and restarted part way than when I finished I never played it again.

    I didn’t even bother with the DLC which turned out to be connected to DA I.

    I miss the old Bioware.


    Honestly, I think debating the ethics of the choices in the ending is just a massive waste of time. It was deliberately designed to be controversial by playing on every player’s sense of morals. If BioWare wanted an ending that would be talked about years after release, well… They certainly succeeded in that regard.

    It was a ham-fisted ending out of nowhere that not only went against the core themes and values of the first game, but even the subsequent two. If ME1 was Star Trek, and 2 & 3 are Starship Troopers, than… Well, I don’t even know what that ending was. But it was definitely out of place and felt like it was written by someone who had no clue what this trilogy was supposed to be about. Like a producer writing the ending for a film before the screenwriter could, and barely paying any attention to what the story was trying to convey.

    I earnestly think that such an ending could’ve been avoided if BioWare had just stuck to the original script – Keep the Reapers as Space Cthulhu: Mysterious, unknowable and terrifying, working through agents and the like. When BioWare decided to have a galactic war plot, instead, they were doomed. There was no way you can keep such an OP antagonistic force appealing by making them an invading army – It harpooned their luster. Just having them slowly move into the Milky Way galaxy out of dark space was daft: The idea was is that they were trapped there. The Citadel was supposed to be their only means of invading the galaxy. It’s implied in dialogue with Virgil that Sovereign had been looking for a way to activate the signal for centuries, well before humanity took their first intergalactic steps. Apparently, they could invade without needing a Mass Relay, they were just too fucking lazy!

    And don’t get me started on what the fuck they were even doing with the Collectors in ME2 and how exactly that would herald their return, because I sure as hell don’t. Ultimately they just abandoned this plot thread of harvesting humanity and came up with the most boring explanation possible in ME3 because they didn’t know what to do with it.

    In the end, we had to settle with the Extended Cut DLC. Far from my ideal ending, but I could understand what was done was done, and BioWare were offering a compromise. I’d take an ending that’s merely bad instead of one that’s downright atrocious.


    Played Mass Effect 1 a while back, and boy, it hasn’t aged too well from a technical standpoint.  This trilogy could definitely use a modern 60fps makeover.


    I love mass effect, I think the first 2 games were really amazing rpg’s, had everything I love in rpg’s games and the story was really good, even if we don’t like the ending. The characters were also very well made. I’m not sure if I would buy the remakes thou, but I guess it’s a good way to get money.

    About andromeda, I played, sometimes I even enjoyed it, but yeah, it wasn’t the same thing… was full of bugs, the story was predictable, the gameplay very repetitive, but it still gave us that nostalgic feeling, and because of that, it’s worth it (not for 50 bucks, but for 10 or 15 bucks it’s okay.


    That sounds an awful lot like…..the Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy……only not as big of a disaster.


    “RPGs aren’t RPGs anymore.”

    That is exactly the prooooooooooooooblem. Everyone’s trying to tap into the same market for the same cash flow. Idk if these developers don’t have the patience, or simply lack the creativity, to create a legit RPG anymore. It’s why I gave up on the Final Fantasy franchise after FF IX. It was the last legit FF game. FF XIV finally got the story elements right, but the dialogue was so bad, I had to give it the boot after a couple of months of playtime.


    Thanks for the hearty laugh. I needed it right now.

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