MCU will get rid of white male superheroes.

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  • #177647

      We all ‘know’ you can’t be racist or discriminatory against white guys.


        excellent point


        I had to problem with Michael B.Jordan in Fantastic Four as Johny Storm.

        Even though I preferred the four actors from the 2005 film over the cast of the 2015 film.


        I also loved Michael Clarke Duncan in Daredevil as Wilson Fisk / Kingpin.

        No other actor at the time fit the description/personality of the Kingpin as MCD.

        Big but not fat.  Professional one moment then threatening the next.


        In both instances, the actors FIT the role.  That I have no problem with.

        Now, instead of picking the best actor for the role, they want to commit racial discrimination by ONLY allowing one race for the role.


        Clone them. Replace them. Eliminate them. The one missing is the one which is noticed… AND REMEMBERED.





          I a glad you are so triggered.


          That’s absurd.


          You’re being absurd, Niko.




          Also, after the last week of relatively tame threads you’re slipping as the King of Lunacy around here. If you don’t watch you’ll be handing over that crown.


          They’re comin’ for yer crown, bro!


          Dont forget they need the fools that the other characters need to save.


            Hail Niko The King of Lunacy 😹

            laughing rocket


            Actually I think its a video of them with a pony and a bottle of Olive Oil.



            Actually I think its a video of them with a pony, and a bottle of Olive Oil.


            I don’t need an article from ANY source to tell me what’s right in front of my face. The entertainment industry is actively in the process of replacing as many white male characters as possible. Terminator: Dark Fate, Johnny Storm in the last disaster of a Fantastic Four movie, replacing Captain America with a black man, instead of the obvious choice in Bucky (his best friend, a man he went to war with and risked everything to help find redemption), Iron Man is being replaced with a teenage black girl, Luke Skywalker with a white girl from the Palpatine bloodline, the list goes on and on and on.

            It’s called common sense and the ability to think for yourself. The truth is right there, slapping all of society in the face. Those who choose not to believe it have their heads buried so deep in the sand, there’s no point trying to reason with them.


            He’s racist for even implying such a thing!!!


            Exactly what’s going on. Destroy the strong, moral, white, heterosexual heroes (gay Alan Scott anyone? Haven’t bought a comic book since that fiasco happened) and replace them with alternate skin colors, alternate sexual lifestyles, etc., etc. Vilify and weaken those characters that many people actually look up to in real life. Their powers might be fictional, but acts of heroism happen all the time in real life that are no less awe-inspiring. I served on a ship named after a man that sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers in a valiant act of selfless heroism. Left the military a long time ago, but stuff like that will stay with me until the day I die.

            Pop culture builds upon real life acts of heroism. Can’t have whitey thinking that he’s capable of such things.


            Dang, that was a good song.


            They’re both simps. They worship the female form. That’s how this madness has become so widespread. Male simps capitulating to women.

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