Metroid Dread

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    Yeah, so hyped. I’ve always wanted Metroid Dread to happen but lost hope in it when it got canceled and thought we’d just get interquels from then and on. Not only that but after playing Zero Mission, I’ve always wanted a stealth Metroid. It’s a two for one deal here.

    And I gotta say, we’re sure lacking videogame threads despite this being Geeks &Gamers.


    Already pre-ordered , this is going to be good.


    I’m playing Samus Returns to prepare for this game.


      I thought gamers were all the bad things? All the ist’s and phobe’s?

      I mean that’s what Anita Sarkeesian says (seriously I threw up in my mouth typing that).

      Yet here you are celebrating a strong female character.



      Yep we are all evil here , apparently.



      Take a look at this E3 video from 2001.

      Keep in mind that Samus had only 3 games with no Metroid Prime yet or Zero Suit yet. More fanfare than even the Zelda characters.


        That was pretty interesting indeed.

        I am sure that was still a room full of ist’s and phobe’s. I mean EVERY generation was an ist and phobe before the latest one. Only they have it all figured out. Just ask them. (sarcasm)

        To your point though, the only folks who are steeped in what sex and or race everything in creating is are those doing all the finger wagging about doing just that.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Vknid.



        Can’t wait for this game to come out. Good thing it comes out on birthday so I can take the day off work

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