Michael Knowles and Allie B Stuckey blamed loli for making Chris Tyson trans

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Michael Knowles and Allie B Stuckey blamed loli for making Chris Tyson trans

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    I’m not a loli guy. But it’s stupid and ridiculous to claim that loli makes people especially Chris Tyson a Trans-person. Chris Tyson is just a mentally unhealthy guy https://youtu.be/7D7FurxaXwM


      Dysphoria is an illness so clearly that is the case.  I would imagine the illness came first then the Loli not the other way around.

      I would also charge this man with being selfish.  He has entered into a marriage and had a child.  Once those things happen (especially the Child) your life ceases to be about you.  So doing something for yourself that deeply negatively affects your wife and kids is beyond selfish.

      Now someone might say, well what if he legitimately feels this way.  He is just being his “true self”.  Too bad, you had a child.  You brought a life into this world that you are responsible for.  Once that happens your top priority for the rest of your life is the wellbeing of that child and yes to the exclusion of doing things for the self.

      Now you don’t have to be trans to be a sh!tty parent.  Many normal man/woman couples are a-holes to their kids.  And it’s the same issue.  Putting yourself above your children.

      In my mind this man taking hormones and doing whatever else is no different than if he was not suffering dysphoria and was just the everyday John Doe but spent all his family’s money on drugs and gambling.  It’s intentionally doing for yourself to the point where you family is harmed.  Just because a sexual thing is involved does not make it any different.




      Hardcore conservatives are like a mirror image of the left. They will always project societal ills on things they don’t like. Be it anime, rap music, video games.

      As the old saying goes, when there’s a school shooting, the democrats will blame guns and republicans will blame video games.

      Both are wrong. Same here. I’m not too familiar with this loli art stuff, I know that in Japan “pedophile” is an accepted sexual fetish. They make porn films in a “pedophile style”. They don’t use actual kids, but small women who dress and make up like children or rather pubescent girls, talk in a squeaky voice and pretend they are virgins. It’s… pretty sick by our standards, but apparently they see it as acceptable and not related to real child abuse. Hard to wrap my mind around. At the same time there is this loli subgenre of anime / hentai. I guess it makes sense for a culture where there are literally vending machines for worn schoolgirl underwear.

      But if loli turned people trans, much of japan would be trans. They’re not. That disproves this idiot theory. That being said… anyone who is into loli very most likely also has child porn on their computer. That is a safe bet.


      Hardcore conservatives are like a mirror image of the left. They will always project societal ills on things they don’t like. Be it anime, rap music, video games.

      this is something I’ve been talking about on this forum for a long time already. Far left and far right people start being more alike than different, with some differences in their methods but at the end of the day both are just a bunch of freaks. It’s basically the horseshoe theory



        “Far left and far right people start being more alike than different,”

        It’s because they are both controlled by BS and in the same manner it is just different types of BS. In most cases you even have the same puppet masters.

        This is why people are pushed into tribes and wars are started between the tribes, it’s all divide and conquer.  And that is all any of the my team vs your team crap is.


        I also made calling out Knowles and Stuckey while at the same time calling out Mr. Beast & Chris Tyson

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by VinzingerG.

        Here’s Rev says desu coverage on Knowles


          Michael Knowles is a mouth piece. He has no ideas of his own he just repeats talking points. Japan has a lower per captia trans population than america and loli comes from there. People want to project their morals onto people. They blame Loli for everything when its convenient to do so. This is just the latest thing. Last week Loli was the reason people get raped, the week before that Anime is the future and is better than western markets products. Then its back to pushing morals on people. If a teacher showed up to school dressed like Miss Midnight we would protest in the streets about sex in school, In demon slayer they have several back ground people getting married at a young age yet no one has a word to say about that because its a popular anime. Dragonball constantly made lewd jokes about Bulma but its popular so it gets a pass. Ghost files had a 16 year old going around grabbing womens breasts, and guys dicks, but again, no one has shit to say. Most anime has underage girls in it. and most anime has the “beach episode” Japan doesnt have the crime rate we do, per captia their crime rate is 1/4 of the states in all areas including sex crimes. If Loli promoted Degen behavior why is the Capital of anime and Loli safer than the west? I dont like looking at Loli because its not my taste, but im rational to understand that people that play violent games arent going to go out and kill people because, and i dont think someone who looks at Loli is a going to go out and hurt a child.


            I think you might be conflating a few things.  Does violent video games cause people to do violent things?  No.  Does Loli or anime cause people to be trans or whatever the case.  No.  Often times we hear such things with politicians looking to push an agenda and they need a boogieman.  This has been going on for decades.


            To say these things have no influence, especially on the young, is incorrect in my opinion.

            PS – Someone needs to instill morals on society because not having a coherent set of them ( that most folks agree on) is not working out very well.


            I had to look up who he was. Oh, that guy. Over a million subscribers. Knowles did come off like some kind of gatekeeper or firewall. Like a propped up version of a rightwing figure. This is the first video that popped up. I was actually reading all about hallucinogenic experiences before the Jesus Revolution movie came out, so that is why it made me so curious at the time. How these kind of psychedelic people end up religious.

            A Christian Took Psychedelics: What He Saw Will SHOCK You | Joshua Zatkoff
            Michael Knowles

            Largest YouTube Channel Has a Transgender Cohost Into Anime Kid Porn


            @Vknid “To say these things have no influence, especially on the young, is incorrect in my opinion.

            PS – Someone needs to instill morals on society because not having a coherent set of them ( that most folks agree on) is not working out very well.”

            Well said. Nihilism has never worked and will never work. Without values, we are only left with instinct.
            We live in a nihilistic time. The one thing people attribute value to, both on the left and the right, is power over other people. Power is not a substitute for values, because it hinges upon others. True values come from within, from a recognition of truth. Truth is not required for power. Quite the contrary, historically there has never been a greater threat to truth than power.


            Here’s Allie B Stuckey vid on it.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by VinzingerG.


              I agree with that. I think Nihilism is highly dangerous for a multitude of reasons. It harms people and it harms and destroys society.  But morals (in my opinion) are not innate and cannot come from within.  In my mind this is a reason why God is important.  Because this is the root of morality.  Without a morality (as you mentioned) its just about power.  It boils down to what a person can do and cannot do and that’s it.  The result of that sort of the thinking and behavior can be seen in the streets of Chicago right now.


              “Because this is the root of morality.”   Of A morality (yours). Not all morality. Humans invented had laws banning certain destructive behaviors before we even discovered writing, let alone religion. Morality came first.

              The streets of Chicago… ah yes, lovely pandemonium. I’m not sure how much a lack of morality is even the root cause there, or if it may simply be a secondary symptom. Seeing these most recent videos, it looks to me like a whole lot of fetal-alcohol and fetal-crack syndrome retards living out their 60 point IQs. You get what you breed. In this case: you get shit.


                Morality and legality are 2 different things.  One can exist without the other.  All legality is, is a list of consequences of what happens if you violate the rules.  Morality goes deeper than that and it is also personally relevant.  A society agreeing on a morality is what creates laws not the other way around.


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