Michigan HB 4474, uhh reeductation?

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      I just finished reading this bill and I saw something in it I found pretty creepy that I have heard no one else mention to this point.  I am not a lawyer but this sounds like legalese for reeducation?

      What do you guys think?

      “Except as described under “Enhanced penalties,” below, a hate crime would be a felony
      punishable by imprisonment for up to two years or a fine of up to $5,000, or both. Instead of
      or in addition to those penalties, the court, if the defendant consents, could impose an
      alternative sentence that may, if the entity chosen for community service is amenable, include
      an order requiring the offender to complete a period of community service intended to enhance
      the offender’s understanding of the impact of the offense upon the victim and the wider


      Lots of questions.

      What is a “hate crime”? Who is defining what a “hate crime” is? What is the difference between a normal crime and a “hate crime”? What are the factual, objective characteristics of a “hate crime”, as opposed to the subjective “I know a hate crime when I see it” non-definition? Will the idea of “hate crime” be fairly applied; for example, if a pro-abortion person vandalizes a pro-life crisis pregnancy center, will that pro-abortion person be given the option, or even forced, to do community service at this crisis pregnancy center, so he or she can better understand the impact of their offense on the people at the center and on the people they help?

      Or should I just sit over here and laugh my stupid head off, because I know this is all just politically-correct woke-language designed to hammer one side while allowing the other side to get away (figuratively, but in a pinch also literally) with murder?



        As I just explained in another thread this is all written in such a way to use words that are open to interpretation. This is done intentionally so that it can be used selectively and probably as a weapon against anyone whom dissents.  Sure, that probably initially means folks whom disagree with trans whatever but to think that’s the only way in which it will be used is shortsighted.

        The entire “hate crime” issue is just politicians pretending to do positive things that actually are basically redundant and useless. For example,  that whole “lynching bill” thing that was being discussed for some time.  That’s already illegal, you cannot make it more illegal.  If someone murders someone else, I do not think the motivation for it matters as it relates to punishment.


        Once they leave terms and clauses wholly or partially ambiguous then anyone in authority sympathetic to the cause like those DEMon appointed Judges who can’t define what is a woman will use such ambiguity to further their cause.

        Anyone who thinks otherwise is either genuinely stupid or one of the left’s indoctrinated minions.

        Full Stop.


        But…I thought these people didn’t know what a woman was🤔? Riddle me this: so how can they “misgender” someone if they don’t know what a woman is🤣?



          100% true

          “you misgendered me”

          “prove it”


          Also, here is something I bet most of you have not considered.

          I am a dude.  But I am a small dude.  I get misgendered daily just about every time I call any business. This has been the case my whole life.  And you know what?  I have not made 1 single TikTok about it. Decades of misgendering, not 1 video, not 1 tweet.  Why?  Who gives a sh!t.

          But, with that said.  I am compiling a list of Michigan businesses I will be call daily. :)



          I was only ever misgendered once at Secondary School. I just laughed it off. I’m more often mis-aged as so many people think that I’m a 16 year old when I’m in my mid-30’s (I wear no make-up). They’re usually shocked when I tell them my real age and I’ve had some doubtful looks until I showed them my ID card. It’s annoying but I don’t go and make TikTok vids about it.


            As I have mentioned on another thread I really think the whole “identity” and “gendering” thing needs to be understood for what it is.  And like most everything coming from the radical left it’s a sweetened poison pill.  A kernel of quasi-truth with a giant lie baked around it.

            When they say people just want the right to identify as they wish or be whatever gender they wish, this is a fallacy. Everyone in this country has the freedom to see themselves in whatever manner they desire.  You feel like a cat?  Toss on some cat ears, put a giant litter box in your bathroom, eat some mice.  No one will stop you or even give a damn.  But this is not what is being demanded.  What is being insisted on is that you treat someone in a manner they personally require regardless of whether you agree with it, whether you find it incorrect or distasteful or even you just find it unhealthy to treat another human as something they are not.

            NO ONE has the freedom or right to force someone call them whatever they wish or treat them in a particular manner.  This is the case regardless of whether the situation is tied to sex or identity or not.

            Part of me thinks the goverment goes along with this because at what point they can create laws to compel speech or action for any reason there is no going back from there.


            Different state and different issue, but the word games and the ideas seem similar, and the way reality is ignored in favor of a non-reality seems relevant.

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