Might & Magic

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    Hello there, Geeks & Gamers. Come sit by the proverbial fire with me and check this out. I have a commentary I’d like to share with you involving one of my favorite RPG franchises from long ago. A franchise I still hold out hope for restoring or seeing restored. Here is my commentary on Might & magic, please check it out. And afterwards please let me know your thoughts on minds or here. Let’s start a gaming conversation about this.

    Might & Magic: Then and Now



    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Animeman73. Reason: Misspelled words that needed to be fixed

    I played one MaM game back in the day…it was a two in one edition with first game and its sequel. I remember what the game looked like in my mind’s eye, but I can’t remember the number…maybe 6 or 7? I just remember it had two parts to it, and I got really far beating at least one part, but the save file somehow got corrupted and I couldn’t face replaying it from the beginning again.

    I remember having fun with it, but after that I never really found my way back to the franchise.


    Well-well-well, so the Rensaince Nerd comes to my little chat. Good to finally hear from you.  Just click on the link I’ve put a lot of time and effort into the article.  There’s been 10 Might & magic games and Seven Heroes of Might & magic games. Trust me read the articles and you’ll see the kind of reserach I put into this. Good to hear from you. I hope we can talk soon.


    Just joined site and saw one of my most favorite game mentioned here :) I’m  fan of MM games, and game developer, currently our team is developing Grid/Turn based blobber, inspired by World of Xeen.




    I noticed the YouTube video is from 2021. I think it’s ssfe to say you’ve been busy working on the levels and getting the glitches out of this thing. I am quite intrigued.

    Please feel free to check out my commentary and my writings On Minds. One of my dreams is to have my work turned into a game. It looks like a cross of Might & Magic VI and V as well as Lands of Lore.

    I’m intrigued to see what the finished result will be. Will it be On Steam or GOG? Let me ke know what happens.


    I really enjoyed Might and Magic 6! :) The castle of eyes was memorable….


    Thanks ! Ilooked at your writings on Minds! Good work!
    Currently we are working on Demo, so far it has 1 outdoors level ( some parts must be added ) , 3 dungeons , about 10 mobs, about 30 items (weapons, armor, misc items), 3 quests are planned for demo (1 main, 2 side quests) , currently working on Paperdoll inventory. Demo will be released for free, probably Steam, then we will try to get some funding, so far it’s zero budget project.

    Demo will have many things which will be used in final game, so switching from demo to final game development will be easier.

    Probably I’ll need to make separate topic here on site, but we didn’t yet came up for the game Name :) seems that all good names are already occupied :)

    P.S.: if you are planning to replay MM 3,4,5 I highly recommend mod: “Where are we?”   https://www.eskimo.com/~edv/lockscroll/WhereAreWe/



    Ooh the Castle of the flying Eyes! That place gave me some serious fits. But it was enjoyable.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Animeman73.

    Thanks for that. Let’s stay in touch, the Demo and music show this game has loads of potential. Interesting Mods. And as for the game when you make that thread, I’d like to know what the premise of it is.

    And it’s good to see that Might & Magic is getting some love after all.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Animeman73.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Animeman73.
    Dean Plankey

      OMG I used to play that game for hours on both the PC and console, Still is a rpg series to remember!!!


      Yes it is an RPG series to remember.


        I was never into Might and Magic but I did cut my teeth on Wizardy 7:Crusaders of the Dark Savant.  It still rates as the most mind blowing game I ever played.  But that is because it was one of the first PC games I ever played and for sure the first RPG.  Very fond memories.  Hell, maybe I will buy it off of steam.


        Wuzardry 7, I’ve played that. One of these days I’ll get back to that as soon as I get out from all the games I’m drowning in.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Animeman73.

        Hello, it’s been a while since I put anything here. Well, that’s about to change. Here is a link to my new commentary. Mind you there won’t be any profanity or objectional images. However, be prepared for some very strong opinions. ANd I will be calling out Ubisoft on some stuff. Enjoy.

        Why I want Might and Magic

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