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So everyone is posting videos about this as if it just happened but it was actually released a few months ago as I understand it. So about the time Bud did their thing Miller was doing about the same and it’s all for the same reason and done by strikingly similar people. No surprise there.
What I do find interesting is the content of this ad. It really shows off the cognitive dissonance of the radical left. That agenda does not follow logic but the reality it is not supposed to. The whole idea is to whip people up into an angry frenzy and get them to act based on that. This is why logic and facts do not apply most of the time. Sure this can happen on the right as well but that’s a subsection whereas for the left that is their entire schtick.
In this ad is essentially the claim that beer companies have exploited women and owe them an apology. They specifically point to older ads with attractive women as problematic.
Really? Were not those women paid and often times handsomely? Did anyone force them to do this or did thousands volunteer for the opportunity to compete for such a job. Also, if we flip the script, what happened to “sex work is real work”? Why are “slut walks” with half naked women ok but getting paid to be in a bikini is not? Why is an attractive woman in an advertisement bad or problematic but a man pretending to be a woman (an undercover patriarchy agent) wearing even less is just fine?
People need to realize the only goal of all this nonsense is to subjugate all people equally.
Case in point.
Scantily clad women, bad.
Half naked men pretending to women (undercover patriarchy agents) A OK.
But OF COURSE another beer company did it!!! This is what happens when one group, company, or person does something. Then EVERYONE else has to jump on the bandwagon and do it to. It’s exactly how Wokeism started actually. It only took one person to get hired in Disney to start what we have with Disney now. It freakin disgusts me frankly how humans do this. It’s part of why I am so antisocial. The herd mentality. The “need” to be in a group. Everyone copying what someone else did to get the attention and fame, to fit in with them. To be part of the “new cause”. Far too many times in history the “group think” has created hell for everyone due to the “new cause”. It’s happening now. Everywhere.
Ya we have the Spots Illustrated trans model. Victoria’s Secret did it too. How are we to know what we are looking at is a female then? It’s like they WANT to trick us and lie to us, and get a kick out of it. It’s disgusting. You set there thinking “ohh she’s attractive? NOPE, that’s a GUY, then you feel gross, misled as well as lied to.
What a fantastic world we have now. I want off this rock.
And, I want to say. Dylan Mulvaney. I am SICK of hearing about this guy. I am SICK of people covering him and giving him the attention he wants out of it, because that’s really why he is doing what he is doing. He is an attention whore. Please, stop coving this lunatic. Stop glorifying him simply by covering what he does, because in the end that’s what it is. And yes, I am goin to call him a HIM.
“It’s part of why I am so antisocial. The herd mentality. The “need” to be in a group”
I am with you 100%. I have always innately recoiled from anything the masses find popular or mesmerizing.
But to some degree you cannot blame people for the herd mentality because it is part of evolution and therefore part of humanity. A person can do smart things and rise above but people tend to move in a group and lean towards whatever benefits them as a group.
People in general are mundane creatures willing to deviate to whatever is comfortable or whatever lacks misery. But that makes it all the more spectacular when a person will do what is right. best or correct in spite of that. Heroes do not exist because people are special, they exist because most of the time we aren’t but on occasion we rise above.
As someone stated elsewhere, these marketing morons and their corporate bosses all live in big cities which are very much leftist controlled, and they are very much removed from their customer base.
I think Tim Pool indicated the Miller ad came out before the Bud Light fiasco and it’s only now coming to “light”.
Matters not, boycott their arse.
@Maverick : “boycott their arse”
I don’t drink beer, nor do I frankly like beer. I drink Sake. :) No need for any boycott of that. KANPAI!!!!!!
Tavistock and Frankfurt school psychological warfare on the population. Trauma based mind control of people via weaponized media. I heard an old man writing online once about how many times he had to avert his eyes in public because of all the sexual messages that are beamed at the public. As he was saying that, I lamented the fact that I have been desensitized to a lot of it and don’t even really notice anymore.
I am glad the SportsIllustrated was posted. Someone said that Martha Stewart was cover girl modeling in her 80s? So, the media is attempting to sexualize the elderly. They also do this with obesity, where you will have grotesquely overweight people modeling things. Again, they try to sexualize everything. It is precisely for this reason that I quit bread and circuses and media and entertainment and sports. They steady beat of injecting poison into the senses of the public breaks down their standards in order to reduce them. Corporate America offers nothing to me. This stuff is repugnant to me, which is precisely why they continue with it, so that people will accept ugliness and ill health and infertility.
It’s like they don’t want me drinking their beer. They don’t want me reading their magazines. They don’t want me listening to their synthetic, autotune horrid rap and pop music. They don’t want me watching their TV shows and movies.
Because of the disgusting optics, I went back to books and, for some reason, started listening to gospel and watching faith films. For me, it actually has nothing to do with religion, but has to do with just a shred of something positive and beautiful. I have tried before to explain this and not sure if it comes out right. The material world is becoming fatter and older and uglier and can’t even decide the very gender it was born with. So, I go elsewhere for any positive and beautiful healthy message and image. It happens to be in the faith domain.
Recently I mentioned how younger drinkers in their 20s drink Miller Light over Bud Light. I wonder if this will change to White Claws, though I will say that I’ve seen more young people drinking White Claws than Miller over the past few years, so the beer preference is already changing. I prefer Tito’s with fruit juice anyway and I haven’t heard news about them going woke.
“For me, it actually has nothing to do with religion”
I notice people say that a lot in conversation. If they mention anything about God, spirituality or the supernatural they often times have to exclaim how they are not religious. As if that is some something inherently negative.
I think this need for a person to show their separation from religion (and sometimes God) is the earliest form of virtue signaling. This was leftist programming that began I would say in the late 80’s and 90’s where religion was mocked heavily and being a part of it was to make one old fashioned, uncool and less intelligent. In fact at the time running in the other direction and being anti-religion and somewhat satanic (or inferring it) was upheld to be super duper cool. Just look at the music during that time.
Now do not get me wrong. I am not saying religion is beyond being questioned or anything of the sort. There are times it deserves scrutiny and even mocking as people whom control religion are imperfect and often corrupt.
But this knee jerk reaction many people have where “religion = bad” I think harks back to the earliest of leftist social programming.
Religious charities are only interested in taking money to dump never-ending refugees on the population. Religions are the ones virtue-signaling, but they are taking bribes to traffick humans into countries against the will of the voters.
You are conflating religious charities with religion and painting all of them with 1 single broad brush. I am certain that happens, in fact I know it does. But I would not at all say well all religion is bad because all religious charities help human trafficking. We both know that is not true. And if you get down to it the times that does happen is because those organizations have been infiltrated by the very same types of people that 30+ years ago tried to tell you how negative religion was.
Satan was never going to abolish religion. He is going to infiltrate it and twist it.
“And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. “Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many.” – Mark 13:5-6
Beyond infiltration, is that most religions were probably bought, bribed and sold out and are serving Mammon in the very same form of ESG. More churches are probably paid for by globalists. Not necessarily something I would have talked about if not for the accusation of virtue-signaling. People have their own experiences, but if a person goes to church to get spiritual needs met and instead sees nothing but pandering to never-ending refugees and any other worldly cause, then it’s really no different than trannies in beer commercials. Refugees, invaders, fatties and trannies leave little room for the actual citizen consumer that showed up when they were told to.
“Beyond infiltration, is that most religions were probably bought, bribed and sold out ”
Well I mean that is how it was infiltrated as I see it. Some of the bigger organizations took more effort than others though I am sure.
“Not necessarily something I would have talked about if not for the accusation of virtue-signaling”
I was not personally accusing you of virtue signaling and I apologize if that is how it came off. My point there is it was the earliest form of virtue signaling (an act to present conformity or get attention) and it’s just been there so long it is now engrained in people and they automatically do it now even in conversation as a reflex.
” if a person goes to church to get spiritual needs met and instead sees nothing but pandering to never-ending refugees and any other worldly cause, then it’s really no different than trannies in beer commercials”
This is why I currently do not attend a physical church. I fear (even in the Catholic church) that wokeness has seeped in because wokeness is gunning for religion in every way possible, again, not to abolish it but to supplant it. For a long time in human history most were illiterate and you could only get info about God and an explanation from Church. Now that information is a click away. I can learn more, study, and hear differing opinions easily. But your point there is 100% spot on. I have seen many a video from different “churches” claiming all sorts of insanity that (as Jesus mentioned) is against God but purports to be in his name.