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So, I started to watch this episode this morning. I used to follow Milo but he fell out of favor with me for a few reasons. In the first 5mins of this show he is brash and quasi-insulting and him and Tim talk over one another. I was about to click off. Then everyone just let Milo talk. He began to emit some very interesting takes on manhood, womanhood and Trump. I could not stop watching.
Best TimCast all year just because of the level of interesting. It was also not unentertaining to hear Milo politely tell Ian he is insane on some topics.
I suggest folks watch this. I promise you it’s not what you are expecting.
Really great interview. Thanks for posting. Would not have watched it otherwise. Milo is right on target. I saw some criticisms of Tim Pool. I don’t listen to him that much but he reaches a ton of people. I think it’s hard to remain on solid ground when your popularity takes off that big. Hard to maintain a connection to the normal.
Would rather listen to that interview than SNL or other entertainment.
a clip from WeAreChange. Hope they post more little clips like this. Milo was totally in the zone, centered, grounded and I thought most of what he was talking about was really accurate as a baseline for the public. When he started, one of the things he said was that people just want their oppressors to suffer and are not really interested in other things. That is something I hear SaltyCracker say all the time that makes me laugh is that he just wants the salt. He wants those tears. He wants to see woketards breakdown and meltdown.
I like Milo’s appearance here because it seems like he does not do very many and this one was so epic quality. Before he sold out, Matt Drudge was kind of like that. Drudge’s show was not that memorable to me, but when he called into Alex Jones, Matt was really on fire. Milo said that during Trump’s term, any person in the White House who said they liked Alex Jones or Milo was escorted out of the building.
All of what Milo said was fascinating even though I disagreed with some of it, it was still interesting as hell. But much of what he said about society and people is dead on. Being a Catholic like him I clearly agree with his general world view but he takes the religious and applies it logically to life. For me, this is what everyone should be doing and ,for most, this would make them the happiest in their lives. Yes, that’s just my opinion. But many many people spend their lives chasing the wrong things and in that pursuit they are miserable. And when they finally catch what they are after they find that does not make them happy either, leading to a deeper misery.
Everyone is born with a thirst to be a part of something bigger than themselves and a deep yearning to be loved. These are God given needs so that we seek him but without force. So people are free to fill those needs with whatever they wish. But only 1 thing will create long term joy and happiness. Milo points all this out logically and succinctly.