Mods on the Facebook Group lean too much to the left

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Mods on the Facebook Group lean too much to the left

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    There are plenty of posts not related to Geek Culture, yet mods find the time to delete posts like the one below and have the audacity to ask “how is this related to Geek culture”. A while back there was a similar memo in the comics industry where men promised not to rape women, remember that one?

    I keep getting the feeling that there is serious bias on the moderators part that leans heavily to the woke side. This is ironic since the community watches Jeremy, AZ and everyone else slam woke culture every day. We wouldn’t be on this forum or the Facebook Group otherwise.



    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Lother.

      Political affiliated slogans and material are unacceptable, yet BLM, which is a political affiliated slogan, is acceptable… I ahve no idea what that One Team is but whatever it is it needs to be shut down.


      I was in an 80’s group on FB. Someone posted something, worshipping Madonna. Who boy, that started a glorious flame war. Naturally, I got banned for calling her a hag. FB is a joke. As for Goodyear, it’s not surprising. This kind of brainwashing has been pushed for decades now. Title IX anyone? Trying to brainwash people into submitting to this hot garbage. It’s nice to finally see it put into the public spotlight.


      Sites like fb is nothing more than a propaganda platform of the toxic extreme leftists.

      And anything not 100% agreeing with them is right-wing hate, even liberals.

      This is one reason I do not do fcukbook and twitters.  Pure leftist trolls.


        One of the biggest lies in America is that there is a rape culture in America.  Pretty much every rape statistic found on feminist websites is completely wrong.  They are made up.  In fact, the websites say this in the fine print.   You can even do the math for yourself.  Go read the FBI tables on rape then divide the numbers by the total number of women in society.

        Feminists like to say that 1 out of every 3 women is raped when the statistics show it is less than 1% and has been that way for the past 50 years ironically.  The data is quite consistent.  It really is telling when you look at facts.


          By the way, anyone who uses Facebook is a fool after what Snowden showed the world.  I know what Snowden said is true too.  I was in charge of legal compliance at a few ISP companies after 9/11.  The Patriot Acts were designed to fuck over the American people and not to keep them safe.

          Every single thing you are doing and saying is being recorded and a profile is being created on you.  This profile will be used in AI and Facial recognition applications.  Then eventually downloaded into robots.   I have seen the systems myself because I work in the legal field and the police want to move to what they call predictive policing.

          If you dont know what that is, rent the movie Minority Report and replace the 3 people with psychic gifts with a machine running AI.  The only thing saving people right now is there is too much data.  But with quantum computing, the reality is Americans are fucked.


          I would go a step further and say that Geeks and Gamers should be proudly right-leaning and officially support the president and the police. There are too many left-wing sites that officially support BLM and hate Trump and ban people who disagree. I’m not a fan of banning anyone as long as they’re respectful, but we who lean right must start demanding some recognition as humans and basic respect to have an environment where we don’t have to walk on egg shells to speak our minds (as long as there’s no incitement of violence etc).

          Having said that, I’ve commented on Jeremy’s political videos to try and keep those sorts of videos on his DDayCobra channel instead of the Geeks+Gamers channel because we don’t want to alienate people before they give this place a chance. It’s enough to say once that the organization is run by patriots who supports law and order without having to make the whole thing about that. Even as a conservative I often feel like there’s too much politics involved in gaming and pop culture and I just want to escape from it all. I think many people are in the middle and it’s easier to find common ground that way.


          I haven’t used Facebook since 2016 and that has helped me better cope with my depression. I don’t have any social media app or accounts other than the one I need for YouTube and this one.


          I would leave it as a neutral site, where people from all sides can come together on mutual interests.





          We welcome the left, the right, the middle.

          We welcome Americans, Europeans, Africans, those from North & South America, Asia, etc.

          Heck, even aliens (aka baby yoda lol)


          Under my proposal you could still be a communist and post things like “Black Lives Matter! Reparations now! Return the stolen land! Down with the white, male patriarchy! @#$% the police!” And the official response from Geeks+Gamers to that should be: “That’s just insane talk! We do not condone any of that here on Geeks+Gamers, just for the record.” The reason is because young people who have trouble making friends get radicalized when they find out that there’s a strong group of their peers who hold certain opinions and they just adopt those opinions without question because it’s not about any of those things to them – it’s all about feeling accepted and encouraged and having a support group and being liked and it’s a big circle jerk. Conservatives don’t really have communities that support our views and when they do exist on Facebook or Reddit etc. they get shut down. That’s why so many young people go to the other side because that’s the side that offers them the aforementioned things which they crave. This site could be the counter-weight that balances the scales a little bit (not tip them in our favor – that’s never going to happen).


          I find it funny that Jeremy literally has the Goodyear image in his latest vid, yet mods on the Facebook group deleted it before and asked how it is relevant to Geek culture.




          J has stated that most of his staff disagree with everything he thinks politically.

          What makes him relateable is he doesnt fire their sorry asses like they would if they were in charge.


          I heard they made a statement saying Blue Lives Matter is now acceptable, but purely political ones (like MAGA since it is used as a political slogan) is not.


          Guess the backlash was too much once it became public knowledge.

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