More bending the knee due to white guilt

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      I just saw THIS article and this excerpt pissed me off to see police leaders stepping down simply because the color of their skin. To make it worse, both are women so I guess “believe/support all women” is just a joke to these people. And to top it all off, one even said she wanted a black lieutenant to take her place. First of all, there is nothing wrong with being white so they should not be stepping down for the color of their skin. Secondly, if you are going to step down, shouldn’t the person replacing you be the most qualified regardless of the color of their skin? This is insane.

      “The resignation of Atlanta’s police chief, Erika Shields, who is white, was the latest in a series of shake-ups at several large police departments amid the protests after the killing of Mr. Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. In Portland, Ore., Chief Jami Resch, who is white, stepped down this week, saying she wanted a top black lieutenant to replace her.”


      Heyas BrobaFett!  Yeah, I’ve seen news about that situation on YT.  That’s a travesty, the way they’re painting that picture.  I’m in a fight with some dummy on there who swears up and down the cop coulda/shoulda shot the dude in the foot.  :::Rolls eyes:::

      That’s in The New York Times.  They play impartial now and then, but they’re a really left wing media, and not really considered to be reliable.  Tho it’s a good source to know what they left is spewing.

      The Chief of Police “quitting” was probly political, IMO.  She got told to fire the officer, and she probly told that mayor “No”.  So mayor said “Fire them, or I fire you!”   That’s just my opinion on how that probly went.  I got no facts to back it up.

      Some of the comments in the video I was watching had said that she was well thought of.  And had done good work.  The Police Chief I mean…not the mayor.


      Hadn’t heard that about the replacement.  Tho… in my mind, considering what’s going on that might be to try to appease the monkeys.  A black person running their police might look better to the black protesters.  (Yeah, I know).  But it’s the protesters that might be able to be talked to.  The other agents inside the events, there’s no reasoning with THEM.


      As for that mayor… I would honestly like to see what her reaction would have been in that situation.  If she’d had a weapon in her hand, and saw some guy spinning around on her, with a weapon pointed at her.

      People say the cop coulda done this, coulda done that, shoulda done this, shoulda done that.  I’m saying the cop reacted, and his body did what it was trained to do.  I doubt he even realized it, until a few seconds after it happened.

      There’s videos of it on YT.  That guy was putting up a hell of a fight.  I think there were…. 3 trying to restrain him?

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by DarkeWolf. Reason: added comments

        “like a top black cop” is going to be any better.   But the mayor of Atlanta is a top contender to be Biden’s VP so her forcing the chief to resign is no surprise.  Today will be an absolute key day.  Protestors are heading for the Atlanta PD headquarters.  Let’s pray it holds and does not retreat.


        Shush whitey. Learn your place beneath the righteous boot of the black man. (Heavy sarcasm)

        I’m white, American, not bending the knee for anyone. It’s allll about brainwashing the white masses into rolling over for their black masters. No, not all black people are racist or support this garbage. With that said, the most racist people I know are black people. And self-hating white people. That’s why it’s so important for those of us that see through this cult mentality to speak up and speak out against it.

        Saw two different body cams of the incident. The idiot was drunk, fell asleep in the drive through. *double facepalm* Everything was calm, until the cuff hit his wrist. The BLACK DUDE immediately escalated the situation from calm to YOU AIN’T TAKING ME ALIVE. He got what he wished for. It’s his own damned fault. A very loud and vocal sub-culture within the black community seriously believes they are above the law.


          I live in medium size peaceful town.  Today there was a BLM rally and they were screaming about ending white supremacy and getting rid of Nazis and making our town more friendly to outsiders  I was like WTF.   We are friendly to others.    My favorite thing they said is “we do not want a race war.”  Bull shit.  You are starting one by saying that.  I pray we all get though this.


          I will NEVER apologise for the colour of my skin. BLM are frauds and fakes. They couldn’t care less about Black lives (Or any lives for that matter) if they did than they would dedicate their movement to a real African American hero like David Dorn and not a criminal like George Floyd.


          On my way home from work yesterday, I saw 4 black individuals standing on different corners of an intersection with their “need food”, “homeless, need help” signs. Seeing this, my thought was “if their lives matter, why aren’t these groups helping them?” Unfortunately, there are too many radicals in these groups that prevent any real progress from being made.


          This is so stupid, can you blame a 6 weeks old Japanese baby for pearl harbour?  I’m not white and I think white people should never apologise..


          As far as what the Atlanta cop could have or should have done, there’s a certain way the higher ups are suppose to examine what happened. Simply put, the question is suppose to be what would a reasonable person do in that situation using only the information available at that time. You cannot monday morning quarterback an officer decision, especially if you’re including information that wasn’t available at the time of the incident. As far as shooting him in the foot, leg or arm, it amazes me that anyone would humor such nonsense especially a Presidential candidate. When I was in the army weapon qualification had three levels, marksman, sharpshooter and expert which was determined by a score of how many hits you had out of a certain number of shots. When I was a cop, it was a go or no go qualification meaning you either did enough to qualify or you didn’t. There’s an important reason behind that, it prevents stupid people from trying to accuse an officer of intentionally killing someone based on the officer having an expert qualification thus he should have been skilled enough to make a non-lethal shot on the suspect. I was lucky enough not to be in a shoot in my 7 years as a cop, but I was multiple times when I was in the army. The speed at which it happens is incomprehensible and everything is pure reaction and muscle memory. It’s why you are suppose to train so much and not fuck around with where all of your gear is located. I’ll end with a quick story-one night I responded to a call and eventually things went south. A guy didn’t want to go to jail and when I went to handcuff him he resisted. as we are fighting for position, still standing, another unit arrives but it couldn’t have been a worst guy. Let’s call him Steve. Steve was new to midshift (nights) and came from community policing which consisted of talking to people in neighborhoods about what issues they were having and what we could do for them. Steve was out of his comfort level on our shift, it can get serious very quickly and you need a certain mindset and a swagger about you that most don’t have. So here’s Steve moving at a lets say a little more than a jog-hoping it will be over before he has to do anything- as he approaches I call out for him to use his taser to incapacitate this individual so we can handcuff him and prevent any harm to him or ourselves. I used the short hand version which was “tase this motherfucker”. This fucktard pulls out a magazine and says “oh thats not it”. I fucking heard him say it! By the time he remembered where his taser was and how to operate it, I had the guy in handcuffs and we were done. That’s why you don’t move your shit around and I can’t even remember how I started on this rant but it’s done. Peace


          A race war is EXACTLY what they want. They picked the wrong country to start one in.


          The participation trophy generation is taking over.

          And holy shit, glad you survived with that soup sandwich backing you up.

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