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With so little evidence from “anonymous” the POTUS appeared to have made comments disparaging the military. This is complete BS by the lame-stream-media in an attempt to divide the voting base. “Veterans are divided about reports Trump disparaged military” – AP News. I highly doubt that. The only vets I see complaining on Twitter are faux bot accounts created between 2016-2018 with ~100 – 300 followers, and 3,000 comments only dating back to 2016.
This is just another pack of lies, like peaceful protesters or urinating Russian hookers. I find it amusing that Jeffrey Goldberg and the Atlantic (which published this lame pre-election hit piece) has ties to so many liberal organizations and Chuck Schumer.
^^^That woman is awesome.
The lamestream media just cant break her composure.
And yet, the legacy media does not report of the debunking facts, as if it never happened.
Selective hearing/writing.