Most Anticipated films of 2020 (if they don’t get postponed)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Most Anticipated films of 2020 (if they don’t get postponed)


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  • #157107

    Tenet is the only one for me.
    I’d have said Top Gun also, but after watching the trailer it appears to be more about diversity/inclusion than anything else.


    WW 84



    Hello Guys, hope You are well,  The Movie i’m really Looking forward to is Top Gun  Maverick, You can have all the  MCU Heroes, but Maverick whas allways my Personal hero, and i got this huge Passion for  Fighter Jets, also i  Love Days of  Thunder that is basicly a Top Gun on Wheels, i really miss these kind of Movies, i Love Comic  Super Heroes, but i think the contrast is a bit gone now, i Love to see more Heroes Like Cole Trickle and  Maverick, yea, whe got the  movie Driven, but i  rather forget about that  one, Lol


    I know the last film (KOTM) was divisive, but I really liked it. So I’m absolutely excited for Godzilla vs. Kong! I’m also excited for Pokemon: Coco, Morbius, and Venom II.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Spidey_Tron.

    When I saw the trailer for Top Gun Maverick it had me feeling super nostalgic about the old days. I can’t really stand Tom Cruise for his personal views on things, but hot damn that guy can make a movie. Great balls of fire!


    Tenet & WW84.


    with the race and gender swaps it looks woke


    Ghostbusters 3 aka Afterlife


    Wonder Woman


    Black Widow and Wonder Woman

    Great Job on the website BTW it looks awesome.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by WhizzUK.

    Tenet definitely

    That’s about it


    The King’s Man, nothing else really has me super excited


    WW 84, Black Widow, and Dune.


      They keep delaying movies and its annoying.  Look if mobs of people can protest “peacefully” people should be allowed to see a freaking movie.  The press has no problem with the protests being close together but heaven forbid an average person like you and me work or see a movie.  All agenda driven jmo.    The only other thing I fear is they are delaying the movies to appease the woke cancel culture even more by going through the film and cutting more stuff out.   I pray WW84 and Tenet are good as well as Maverick.  I will see Black Widow but its hard for me to care since poor Nat is dead.  Sorry for my long rant but phew 2020 is a trash fire!



      I would’ve told you Godzilla vs Kong, but that got pushed back to May 21, 2021. I guess I’d say Wonder Woman 84.

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