Most new music is garbage but once in a blue moon

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Music Most new music is garbage but once in a blue moon

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  • #301101

      Once in a Blue Moon you find something the industry did not crank out of a machine that is truly different and inspiring.

      I give you “Hi Ren”.

      I warn you, it’s very odd at first and it will hit you sideways.  Don’t pay so much attention to the music style as to the words being said.  It’s a man essentially sinking into madness, speaking with the madness and it revealing its true nature to him.  I had to watch it about 3 times before I got it and it’s one of 3 great songs I can think of the past few years.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Vknid.
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