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Tagged: ghost busters, ideas, movies
With Ghost Busters After Life coming out this year and it being the sequel to the original 2 Ghost Busters movies from the 1980s and not in anyway a sequel to the trash fire that was the 2016 Ghost Busters….
…..I thought why not I do give my idea for a Ghost Busters movie.
My idea for a Ghost Busters movie would be a sequel the 2 Ghost Busters movies from the 1980s but will not be a sequel, prequel or be in anyway linked to Ghost Busters Afterlife.
It will be set in another universe but unlike 2016 Ghost Busters my Ghost Busters movie will not be in the same universe as the 2016 Ghost Busters but also not in the same universe as Ghost Busters Afterlife.
My Ghost Busters movie will be set in a another universe where the 2 1980s Ghost Busters movie had happened in the past of that universe but Ghost Busters Afterlife never happens after the 2 original movie.
So my Ghost Busters movie timeline will be in a parallel universe where things are the same up until before Ghost Busters Afterlife that is when things will be different.
In my movie it would take place now in today’s world so about 30 years after the 2 1980s Ghost Busters movies. The Ghost Busters have worked out something with the American Government and the Government now acknowledges the Ghost Busters in how they have saved the city numerous times and decided to fund the Ghost Busters.
The Ghost Busters now as an organization are no longer a private business but a Government funded program like the police or military as they provide a service in protecting the public from ghostly threats.
Ghostly threats that the government can’t afford to let hurt the public that they serve.
So in this universe since 1992 the Ghost Busters have been government employees getting big government checks and having big influence in the government like the cops or soldiers.
The Ghost Busters have grown so much as an organization that they now have trained over 1000 men and women in New York and even around the world to be Ghost Busters that have the job of capturing and containing ghosts.
In this universe technology has advanced greatly because of Ghost Busting technology (so think of an alternate world that is very advanced like Independence Day 2) and now very very few people admit that they don’t believe in ghosts. The majority of people in this universe now all believe in ghosts and even see them on a regular basis like someone would see a squirrel.
The film starts off with the Ecto 1 pulling up near a tall apartment building, out of the car steps out a young man that is maybe played by Chris Pratt and we find out early on this young man is Oscar Venkman as in the baby boy from Ghost Busters 2 that is now grown up now confirmed in my movie as Peter Venkman’s biological son.
Oscar would be leading a team of new Ghost Busters into the apartment building where he is greeted by the land lord and residents of the apartment that are scared out of their minds of a ghost in the apartment complex.
The land lord explains to Oscar about the situation and Oscar assures him that everything will be fine then he leads his men up the stairs to the floor where the ghost is.
At first everything is normal until they get to the 13th floor where upon the elevator opens up to the level and Oscar along with his men come out….then one of his men takes out their ghost radar and says that the ghost is in one of the apartments nearby.
Oscar and his men search near by till they come to one door. Oscar knocks on it and says he is with the Ghost Busters and the owner of the apartment needs to open up now.
There is no response but strange noises could be heard from behind the door and Oscar asks again but no response.
Oscar gets impatient then looks to his men and they kick down the door leading into the apartment where they see in the living room a teenage boy talking to some ghost that looks an old man.
From there Oscar tells his men that it is time to bust the ghost and the teenage boy freaks out and jumps infront of the ghost and tells Oscar to stop and please let him explain.
Oscar doesn’t care and pushes the boy out of the way and teenager starts crying and screaming but Oscar doesn’t let up and the ghost gets hit by proton beams fired by Oscar and his men.
The ghost of the old man starts screaming and the teenager screams also and one of Oscar’s men throws the trap and the ghost gets sucked in.
From there Oscar and his men raise their hands up in victory as they captured the ghost that haunted this apartment building and Oscar looks to the teenager and says he is safe now along with the other residence of the apartment building.
The teenager cries and cries then says that the ghost Oscar and his men just captured…….was his recently deceased grand father.
Then the camera does a close up on Oscar’s face as he makes an expression of confusion and worry and the becomes a photo that then appears in a news report.
In the news report the news anchor talks about how Ghost Buster Oscar Venkman the son of original founding Ghost Buster member Peter Venkman is under fire from the public for his capture of a ghost of some teenager’s recently deceased grand father named Dan Derby.
Grand son of Dan Derby; Phil Derby the teenager then appears on screen in a clip wearing a white t-shirt with the words “Ghosts are people too” on it and he starts crying saying how heartless the Ghosts Busters are for capturing his Grand Father’s ghost like that and behind Phil are a bunch of other people wearing the same type of t-shirt with dyed snow white hair all screaming for justice for Phil’s grand dad’s ghost.
Then the screen switches to Oscar walking down the street getting swarmed by a mob of angry New Yorkers wearing white t-shirts and dyed white hair screaming at him for trapping Phil’s grand dad.
Then the screen cuts to Oscar having a public interview with his men behind him and him saying that it was his job to catch ghosts as that was how he was trained and that he had no idea that a situation like him capturing Phil’s grand father would happen and that he was sorry then the people in the crowd start throwing things at Oscar as he dodges it.
Then the screen gets turned off and the camera zooms away and we are now in an apartment belonging to Peter Venkman who is now an elderly man having an expression on his face of being unsure of the world.
Peter would get up off the couch and walk over to a wall where he would look at a picture of him and the Ghost Busters when they were younger. Peter would then look at Egon.
Then the scene changes to Peter sitting in a New York bus holding flowers while looking out the window at billboards with his son’s picture on it with red devil horns painted on his head and words like asshole, jerk and ghost hater on it next to him.
Peter would also see a massive protest at a college campus by some angry activists that demand that ghosts get more rights like the living.
Peter would then see the bus stop and on steps a few white haired ghost activists taking a seat and talking about how Oscar Venkman was an asshole.
Peter would duck his head down to avoid them seeing him as he is Oscar’s father and also that everyone knows who he is.
The scene then cuts to Peter getting off the bus to walk to a cemetery where Peter finds a tombstone that belongs to Egon. Peter looks sadly at the grave of his old friend then lays the flowers on them then stands there for a few long minutes then walks away as the wind blows.
Peter then walks throughout New York as he would hear random groups of people arguing about his son, some saying that Oscar was an asshole and some saying that Oscar was just doing his job.
Peter would cover his face then walk through the crowds unnoticed by the people then he would enter the old Ghost Busters HQ where the newest generation of Ghost Busters were and also a huge mob of ghost activists.
Peter would have no choice but to go past the angry mob just to enter the building and many ghost activists would recognize him and say that Peter was the father of an asshole and a bully to ghosts.
Peter would eventually get into the building past the angry mob and shut the door behind him. Once inside the building the Ghost Buster officers are all in a huge crowd around Ray, Winston and Oscar.
Ray would be yelling at Winston that the Ghost Busters need to start talking to the ghosts and getting their side of the story before making a snap judgement and busting them.
Winston would then tell Ray that not all ghosts are cute and cuddly that Ray should remember Gozer and how he almost destroyed New York City.
Meanwhile Oscar is standing between the two older men and say maybe he should resign because this angry mob might leave Ghost Busters HQ alone.
Winston would look at Oscar and say that Oscar should stay that what he did to that boy’s grand father was an accident and he had no way of knowing while Ray would look at Oscar and say Oscar should go with his gut and resign that it was the Ghost Busters as an organization’s fault for not taking into consideration that ghosts were living people once and not all were bad like Gozer was.
The other Ghost Busters officers would be on either side of either being with Winston or Ray?
Peter then tells both Ray and Winston to shut it that he didn’t want to hear either side as they needed a way of dealing with this issue without further fighting that benefits both sides.
Oscar would then go up to Peter and ask his father should he resign and Peter just looks at him and says he doesn’t know? That both Ray and Winston have a valid point and he was just as lost as they and everyone else was and that Oscar has to decide for himself on what is best.
Ray would then run up to Peter and say maybe that they should consider letting Phil’s grand father’s ghost be set free to try to reduce the public backlash?
Winston would then but in and tell Peter that doing Ray’s idea was a bad idea and that it could also lead to them having to let out the other ghosts who may not be as nice as Dan Derby’s ghost and take advantage of the situation.
Peter doesn’t respond and doesn’t take either side but listens to both then sits down and drinks his coffee not knowing what to do?
Throughout the movie it would be the Ghost Busters finding themselves in a situation they never thought they would be in and the very issue with Phil’s grand father would not only be tearing the Ghost Busters apart but also New York and the rest of the world on how people should treat ghosts?
Eventually because of public pressure Winston and Ray end up dividing the Ghost Busters into two factions one that would try to open up diplomatic relations with ghosts in an attempt for peaceful co-existence lead by Ray and another that is about capturing and containing all ghosts as they might be deceitful and deadly to the public unless prevented lead by Winston.
Ray and Winston would become the two faces representing two sides of what dealing with ghosts would be throughout the movie.
While Peter just tries to live his life as best he can and wondering what Egon would do if he was alive now and if Egon was a ghost what would be the best way of treating him?
Peter’s wife Dana would support Winston’s side as she would remember having had a bad experience with ghosts in the first movie and would tell Oscar to join her but her son still feels a bit guilty over what he did to Phil’s grand father and wants to repent for it in some way.
Phil the leader and face of the Ghost Rights movement would continue grow and gain support against the Ghost Busters.
While all this division is happening among the living an evil spirit or demon would over hear what is going on in the living world and will begin to come up with a plan to take advantage of the good will of the ghost activists and people who believe in ghost rights.
This evil ghostly entity will take the form of Phil’s grand father’s ghost then meet with the boy tricking him to believe that he indeed was Phil’s grand dad. Phil being very naive will without knowing it help this evil ghostly entity.
Later on in the film the ghost activists will find a way to break into Ghost Busters HQ then free all the ghosts all the evil and the good ones.
New York would be plunged into chaos, the Ghost Activists turned into creatures that serve the evil ghost entity and his ghost army horde and Phil gets possessed by the evil ghost entity like Dana and Louis were in the first movie.
So Peter, Winston and Ray end up putting aside their differences to save the city and Oscar joins them as their replacement for Egon to fight these ghosts that were unleashed onto the city under possessed Phil’s command.
The Ghost Busters fight the ghost hordes and creatures but then get help from the good ghosts lead by Phil’s grand father.
The Ghost Busters and their good ghost army manage to defeat the evil ghosts, save New York City while Dan Derby manages to save his grandson from being possessed by the evil ghostly entity that pretended to be him.
The Ghost Busters are hailed as heroes by New York City and the world but the Ghost Busters then say that they didn’t do it alone and that some good ghosts helped also.
In the end all the division is gone and the Ghost Busters come to a compromise with the good ghosts and that they will have dialogue with ghosts to determine what their intentions are and if they are good like Phil’s grand father they don’t trap them but if they are bad like the evil ghostly entity….they bust them.
The movie would end with Humans and good ghosts living in harmony in New York, then Slimer appears does some stuff and the credits role with an updated version of the Ghost Busters’ icon theme song.
Well this is just an idea I had in my head for a long time for Ghost Busters 3 if I could make it.
Tell me your thoughts in comments, I am interested in hearing them