My mother’s scary experience

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    As of late the mainstream media has talked about attacks on random Asian people happening all over.

    I as an Asian person myself am actually scared of this and the big reason for this was what my mother had told me had happened to her recently at a local grocery store.

    My mother told me that when she and my dad were out buying groceries a few weeks ago some young guy that was over 6 ft came up to her and randomly asked her if she was Chinese?

    My mom said nothing and just walked away and by miracle the guy left her alone.

    My mom described the guy who asked her if she was Chinese seemed like he might’ve had some kind of condition that made him seem childlike and he wasn’t all there?

    He apparently was also an employee at the grocery store and if that is true than….why is he allowed to ask a random stranger who was a costumer also about her race like that?

    Most people when meeting new strangers for the first time don’t ask other strangers what their race, sexual orientation or anything else like that is as that is private and personal stuff and also it seems extremely socially awkward along with creepy giving plenty of strangers the wrong signals about that person asking it in public.

    People who ask stuff like that give the impression that they maybe a serial killer, an offender of some kind or they are some kind of person who wants to commit an actual hate crime and with what is being said in the mainstream news numerously about attacks on Asians……my mother and other Asians like myself have a right to be on guard for whatever could come our way in these strange times we live in.

    And with how the mainstream media seems to love to sensationalize and inflate news reports on Asian hate crimes that are going on these days I worry that Asian hate crimes will become like school shootings in how the mainstream media kept sensationalized and over inflating those news headlines along with showing the shooter’s face and talking about his troubled past that lead him to do the terrible deed.

    Because the mainstream media for years kept sensationalizing and inflating school shootings it lead to copy cat shooters over the years and I fear with how the mainstream media treats Asian hate crimes that it might inspire copy cats and one of them could be the guy who asked my mother if she was Chinese at the local grocery store?

    My mom after that meeting with that young man will often bring this up with me as she watches the mainstream news alot that keep speaking about the Asian hate crimes going on and with what happened at the grocery store and I don’t know what to say to calm her down or put her at ease as after hearing her own story about the situation and me knowing how the mainstream media has irresponsibly acted over the past few years…..

    ……things seem uncertain along with scary unpredictable.

    I was thinking about calling up the store to tell management about what my mom went through as she told me the last time she shopped there that creepy guy was still working there and she was afraid to go anywhere in the store where this guy was at.

    Then at the same time I wondered to myself….what if I make a big deal out of nothing as what I hear from my older sister over the years is how my mother has a tendency to exaggerate her claims in life sometimes as she gets overly emotional.

    Also my older sister if you saw a recent posts here on the website that she herself is kinda nuts too in how my older sister flipped out and hit the steering wheel of her car when I brought up Freedom of Speech in a conversation with her?

    So should I trust my easily triggered sister over her claims that my mother might over exaggerate her claims on situations she goes through or should I trust my mom’s story?

    A strange situation


      I am very sorry your mother had to experience that.

      With that said, I have serious doubts that the whole “Asian folks are being attacked everywhere” has much credibility. Can I be wrong? Sure. But it seems to me the way it is rammed down everyone’s throats all of a sudden it appears to be another tool of division and one possibly motivated by the CCP themselves.

      Anytime I see the MSM and other progressive sources all move in unison I automatically think it’s propaganda.



      I am just really worried that this whole Asian Hate Crime thing is gonna weaponized by the mainstream media, I think they are hoping for more of these attacks to happen so they can control narrative and continue to divide the Western World. As I said before it was the media’s fault for causing the various shootings over the years to spread because they kept talking about it and inflating it so much that sickos who had the idea of shooting up a place saw their opportunity for fame….the Asian Hate Crime thing might end up being the same way.

      Those 2 men that first attacked those two Asian people on the news are cut from the same cloth as most of those shooters, just sickos who want attention in the most disgusting way possible.



      Also I agree with you that the place that makes cheap things for Walmart and their leader Winnie the Pooh is very likely the puppet master behind this. Human suffering is like the honey for that evil Disney Bear.



        I agree with you 100%

        Sure, bad stuff happens from time to time. It is always racial? No. Is it sometimes, I am sure.

        But they will take an incident or 2 (out of 320 million people) and slant it as racial (even if its not) and make it seem like it’s raining the KKK outside.

        This is how we got riots for months in some places.


        I agree with @Vknid.

        There are actually very few black people that are killed by the police, and that just means there are bad cops who shouldn’t have their jobs or should’ve gotten better training, yet you get the media and people like Lebron James claiming that it’s a common thing and that racism is still like it was in the 60s, which it’s not and the country has improved since then.



          Exactly. In fact as per FBI crime stats more white folks are killed by police. Now to some degree that makes sense because there are more white folks and that’s not to say we could not have a discussion around whether black folks are killed disproportionately in numbers. But to make it seem that police are executing black folks in the street en masse is ridiculous and disingenuous and is just a tool of division.

          This situation is so over focused/slanted/spun as to completely miss the big picture that there IS a police problem. But it’s global and has nothing to do with either the race of the police officer or the race of the offender. As someone who worked for a such an organization for a number of years I can tell you lack of training and proper filtering/selection are a SEVERE issue, especially at the lower levels (like local PDs and Sheriffs offices).

          The whole race thing is smoke and mirrors just to fan the flames of hatred. Meanwhile the actual issue goes unaddressed because it does not serve anyone politically to do anything about it.


          Might as well call it for what it is: Black on Asian crime because that describes 90% of the attacks which should be no surprise given how “peaceful” BLM truly was. Honestly, just stay away from black neighborhoods because they’re nothing but trouble. I used to live in one so I know.

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