My Steven Crowder Yelling at wife & VS the World video

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube My Steven Crowder Yelling at wife & VS the World video

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    Apologies in advance  for the TERRIBLE  mic audio, I forgot to close my window so my mic picked up the ambient sounds & disabled the noise cancelation.
    This is my video about why I am NOT surprised or shocked about Steven’s General behavior, I mean if you could not tell he was an A-hole, I don’t know what to tell you. I am a fan…a disappointed fan but I always knew this is how he was. He’s a guy you would love to meet but hate being friends with.
    I ultimately think he did all of this onto himself but I do not condemn the man. I do not know what led up to the fight & there is a lot of context that is missing but also, I completely disagree with the way he acted towards his pregnant wife.
    There is something to be said about Fighting Monsters, sometimes you fight for such a long time that you cannot tell friend from enemy & everything turns into a fight. I can speak to that EXCLUSIVELY. My job destroyed my life, mental health & every one of my relationships. That’s why I have been on severe  burnout & depression leave for over 2 years now. I got better but it’s still a struggle. That is the part of the video I had to edit out because there is likely a legal battle I will be going through & I can’t share all the details until it happens or passes.
    Dave Landau was the best thing that happened to the show & to play Devil’s advocate, I don’t see a problem with most of the restraints Steven put on Dave, I SAID MOST, not ALL. I am speaking to this from an employer’s prospective, don’t forget, this was not a buddy doing a favor or 2 friends doing a Youtube channel, Steven hired Dave for a JOB, the Steven Crowder show. Not the Steve & Dave Show. In my job, we were considered Late after 3 minutes & something else happened at minute 5. You cannot upstage the host of the show & Dave said he knew & understood that but yes as a viewer I understand why we all got upset, I was upset at the things I heard, don’t get me wrong. But because of my job, I can think about the Employer’s perspective. Maybe I’ll make a video on Dave VS Steven later if this one does well.
    Lastly, Steven is a man-child, a big pushy man child that has to have his way, that is why he made sure to marry a good Christian subservient woman.
    She wanted to go do errands & he said no because she would box him in with constraints that would prevent him from going to: THE GYM, HIS PARENTS HOUSE & HIS FRIENDS! LOL Are you kidding me. She has things to do that include picking things up for Steven but not going to the gym, mommy & daddy’s place or hang out with friends was more important than her actual ERRANDS. This is childish behavior.
    What are your guys thoughts after watching my video?
    Are you going to stop watching Steven?



    Crowder has always had this asshole vibe about him. He’s also dumb as a bag of rocks. You could tell he was during his old “change my mind” table talks.

    Then we got a real taste of it, when he misinterpreted the Daily Wire’s offer and had a hissy fit over it.

    I rarely watched him before, because he was always too low IQ for me. I’m definitely never watching him again, because he proved my worst suspicions right.


    Ok, so apparently a lot of people are sharing my video on Discord. I never share things there.  We all know how leftist & stupid people on Discord are, right.

    I don’t think Steven is Dumb, he’s pretty smart, but he can be an idiot & a Bull. He’s a big guy & he also knows how to use his size to subconsciously intimidate people into agreeing with him. I’m 6’2  230 & sometimes  240 pounds, it’s pretty easy to do, all we have to do is lean certain ways.
    He needs to take a very long break, not just a couple of months.
    Leftists also have a way of driving you crazy & doing things you normally wouldn’t dealing with them is very Scizophrenic.


    “I don’t think Steven is Dumb, he’s pretty smart”   Depends on your definition of smart. Relative to the average college student he may indeed be smart. Relative to someone like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro, Crowder is an idiot. By my own estimate, I doubt his IQ exceeds 110, which places him with the stupids in my book.
    Mine was measured at 147 when I entered school, so nearly everyone I deal with feels stupid to me. However, there is a difference in how people deal with their limitations (which we all have). When someone of average intelligence like Crowder exhibits the same level of disagreeability of someone exceptional like Peterson, he becomes an insufferable prick.

    Yes, it’s quite possible to use size to excert dominance (I’m almost your size), however it’s entirely inappropriate in a debate. Even if you disagree with your opponent, you owe it to them and more importantly the audience to take their arguments seriously and not rely on parlor tricks to win.

    Even worse, Crowder used his size advantage to intimidate his pregnant wife. While I’m sure she antagonized him, nagged and did the whole passive aggressive shtick, in the video his behavior is indefensible, and very much in line with he presented himself during his early debates. He’s a bully. Nothing more. Unlike Shapiro, Pool, Rubin and others, he doesn’t really contribute to our side. He’s just there on the sidelines, making noise and making us look like idiots. A parasite. It would be wise to ignore him and others like him in the future.


      Don’t conflate intelligence with experience or wisdom.  Peterson has command of all 3.


      Crowder on Infowars today

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