My terrible ideas for TV shows

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    In this day and age entertainment is trash from Star Trek Discovery to 2016 Ghost Busters, to Batwoman, to Supergirl to just an endless list of shit for entertainment these days because Hollywood and the whole entertainmemt world is either out of ideas or they’re woke…

    ……well now I am gonna help you terrible TV and movie execs with making up more terrible shows to put on the air waves and if you make them all…..I guarantee your viewers are gonna hate you more.

    1. The Adventures of Jonathan Kent, since Warner bros and DC did Krypton and Smallville which are both prequels to Superman then I say…why not do a yet another Superman prequel series about….Superman’s adoptive father that found him in a space ship; Jonathan Kent. Who wouldn’t want to see the adventures of Superman’s adopted dad when he was 21 years old in Smallville training to be a farmer one day in the future, meeting Martha his future wife and mother of his future adopted son, and one day…finding that baby from Krypton in a Space Ship in a cornfield. And the actor we’re gonna cast to play Jonathan Kent…..we’re gonna cast a 21 year old African American hipster to play Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent is gonna be a total wahman that served in the army and tells Johnathan how he isn’t man enough and insult him to no end.

    2. King of the Hill sequel series but we make it where Hank Hill comes out of the closet to Peggy and Bobby that he is in love with…….Propane. Yes we should totally do a King of the Hill sequel series where Hank Hill divorces Peggy his wife of many years to be married to Propane cause he couldn’t hold in his true feelings for Propane any longer. And Hank together with his propane tank with fight bigotry, racism, homophobia and….Propanophobia. Also this sequel series to King of the Hill will be totally metal just like Kevin Smith’s new He-Man sequel series on Netflix.

    3. A reality show called ARE YOU Woke ENOUGH? And the show is about a bunch of 20 something SJWs and each week they have to find out who among them is the wokest and gets to stay and who among them is a toxic male and has to leave? And whoever disagrees with the SJW belief or tries to question it  even a little bit….gets kicked off the show and get accused of being a toxic make even….if you are a biological female questioning the SJW beliefs. They keep accusing everyone of being a toxic male until only one SJW remains and they win being the wokest.

    4. Social Media Enforcement a reality show that is basically like COPS but instead of following real cops around as they arrest dangerous drug dealers, and other dangerous criminals like that….it is a reality show where a bunch of unemployed 20 something year old SJW Karan and Soyboys go around on Twitter, Facebook and other socials medias to look for hateful comments they don’t like that goes against their narrative and they get these people with common sense banned from the website to protect people from getting common sense along with the truth.

    5. Beauty is overrated another SJW reality show where a bunch of Karans and Soyboys go around finding beautiful men and women then give them unattractive makeovers because beautiful people are all fascist according to SJWs.

    6. I know Pop Culture and you’re a racist, yet another SJW reality show about a bunch of Karans and Soyboys that go around surfing the web to look up a Wikipedia page on a pop culture franchise like Star Wars, Star Trek, Batman, Power Rangers and anything else nerd or geek related then they go up to a bunch of real life geeks and nerds who are passionate about these things that have more knowledge about the franchise then them…..then accusing the geeks and nerds of being racist and that they know nothing about their favourite franchises.

    7. Accuse dogs of being racist another reality show where a bunch of Soyboys and Karans go around a neighbourhood seeing cute dogs then…..accusing them of being racist.

    8. Daily Bugle a show set in the Spiderman universe about J. Jonah Jameson as he runs the Daily Bugle day to day and hates on Spiderman…..and Spiderman never appears at all in any shape or form on but is only mentioned on the show. Also Peter Parker never will appear on the show as the show takes place after he leaves the Bugle to pursue a job elsewhere and an overweight South Korean man will play J. Jonah Jameson.

    9. The Shire, a Lord of the Rings show about the Shire from Lord of the Rings where the hobbits live and we never see Frodo, Sam, Mary, Pippin and Billbo…it will be set 100 years before the Hobbit and revolve around Billbo’s grandma living in the Shire and never leaving to do anything and stays in the Shire to yell at male Hobbits for not wanting to have sex with her because her feet are hairy.

    10. Star Wars: Geode the adventures of everyone’s favourite rock copilot from the High Republic comics….Geode and his day life of adventuring in the Star Wars universe.

    11. Dr. Henry Allen the adventures of the Flash’s dad…before he was wrongfully accused of killing Barry’s mom which lead to his son becoming the Flash in 20 years. In the show you see the Flash’s dad be a doctor in a no meta human world.

    12. Star Trek: Mr. Mot the adventures of the Enterprise D from Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Bolian barber….Mr. Mot as he cuts hair aboard a new ship he is stationed on called….U.S.S. Privileged.

    13. Robin 66 the adventures of Burt Ward as Dick Grayson in the Batman 66 universe many many years after he retired from being Robin and now lives in an extremely safe Gotham City where he just walks his dog and that is all.

    14. Star Wars: Moisture Farmer a show set in the Star Wars universe on Tatoonie where it follows a Moisture farmer farming moisture and no lightsabers, or an action of any kind just farming.

    And that is all I have thought up for terrible TV show ideas, tell me what you guys think of my terrible ideas for a TV show?





      I had ideas for a TV show… I am hesitant to say what they are. Why give away your ideas, right?

      I’ll give a hint, though. It was something that would have fit well on SciFi channel, not SyFy…


      How about a game show in which contestants must correctly guess the pronouns of a wide variety of minor celebrities looking to divert attention from their latest Twitter spat with a frozen yogurt shop?

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