Nevada school district sued for ‘pornographic’ assignment for 15 year olds

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    Nevada school district sued for ‘pornographic’ assignment that was barred from being read to school board

    … parents of children attending Law Vegas Academy of the Arts, are suing the district’s superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara, the district, and the teacher, alleging that they were involved in “unlawful grooming and abuse of a minor” which included “pornographic material,”..


    According to the lawsuit, the teacher assigned students to write a monologue, which was followed by another student performing it. The assignment given to the student “contained explicit, obscene and sexually violent material,” according to the lawsuit, which adds that “[The teacher] helped the other student edit their obscenely violent pornographic monologue knowing that it would then be provided to another student to read, memorize and perform in front of the class.”

    Like what?

    The lawsuit states that one monolauge edited by the teacher contained explicit language:

    “I don’t love you. It’s not you, it’s just (looks down) your d***. I don’t like your d*** or any d*** in that case. I cheated Joe. We were long distance and I’m in college and me and this girl, my roommate, started having some drinks and you know, I thought it was a one-time thing but then we started going out for coffee, and started sleeping in the same bed. I never thought it would get this far but God, it was like fireworks, and made me realize that with you it was always like a pencil sharpener that keeps getting jammed. I’ve tried to look at it from all different perspectives, but the truth is, I’m a f***** lesbian. I’ll never love you or any man, or any f****** d***. I hope you find a nice straight girl because that’s not me, and I’m tired of pretending that it is,” the monolauge allegedly states.

    This was what the teacher/GROOMER helped edit and approved!

    During a Board of Trustees meeting on May 12, according to the lawsuit, Candara’s microphone was cut off when she began reading the monologue.

    “I am going to read you an assignment given to my 15-year-old daughter at a local high school,” Candara Evans said during the meeting. “This will be horrifying for me to read to you but that will give you perspective on how she must have felt when her teacher required her to memorize this and to act it out in front of her entire class.”

    Of course they cut them off.  Those GROOMERS don’t want their agenda to be know.

    These sickopaths whom created the idea for such assignments, approved such assignments, etc. should ALL be fired, having their education credentials revoked, and SUED.



      You have to wonder how parents got in the position of having to beg school boards and courts not to sexualize, groom and or transition their children.  I think it’s the same situation as to how people in the west are now essentially serfs of their own governments.  And that is, during good times things were put on auto-pilot and no one paid much attention and this was quickly taken advantage of by bad people.  Those bad people now run goverment, school boards and courts.  Long story short, begging for your rights NEVER works. They can only be taken back once they are lost.

      I think for things to get better we all have a lot of work to do.  And I do think that is possible and there some signs of it but more has to happen,





      Grass roots level, VOTE those GROOMERS and PEDOs out of office.

      We have been seeing that starting to happen all over the place.

      Here is a prime example of creeps that need to see the door slam SHUT on their collected ASSES.


      All democratrs are secret pedophiles. Every last one. It follows that most teachers are pedophiles as well.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Wisdom.

      Pretty sure my mum would’ve dragged me straight out of school if she found out about anything like this. In fact, I’m sure most parents would’ve back in the early 2000’s.


        I have heard multiple first hand stories that are only 30-50 years ago.  When a groomer was caught in a school a group of Dads would get together and make sure the groomer left town.  THAT IS WHAT WE NEED AND THAT IS WHAT IS MISSING.

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