Never Was a Fan Of Ahsoka

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    I have to say this never was a fan of Ahsoka i was more into of the females in EU StarWars books then Clone Wars /Rebels most of the time fe50c808d527dedc0a90b2c44f8dbbcb


    Unlike AssKosha Mara jade was a fleshed out character almost from the second she showed up on the page.

    This is why EU fans feel the destruction so hard.


      I don’t know that much about her. But it seems she’s a controversial character. I don’t watch cartoons only the movies so.


      Her journey from the beginning of Clone Wars as a padawan to a powerful force wielder in Rebels is incredible. Should have died to Vader in Season 2 of Rebels, but other than that she is a great character with a well developed story arc. One of the best characters in Star Wars if you’re willing to watch the cartoons. I find that most people who don’t like Ahsoka haven’t watched the shows fully.


      Well that would be cause they are canon violating garbage.


      I know its hard for people to let go of what they like, but what George says, goes. If that means that one book in the EU is no longer canon, sorry. If your grievances are with Rebels, then fair play, but George had complete control over the stories of The Clone Wars (other than the final season of course). If you have a problem with George’s Star Wars and are in favor of fanfiction then be my guest, but I will stand by the  creator’s stories over anyone else’s. That includes the creation and story arc of the character Ahsoka.


      No matter how many times you claim otherwise the EU is not fan fiction.

      ASShoka is a terrible character.


      I have tried to keep an open mind with her.  As I did very much enjoy the Clone Wars cartoon.

      I was on the fence about it for years and years.

      I do my best to give everything a chance without judging it from outside influences.  Which after doing so made me think to myself, Is there something wrong with me?  Am I just being grumpy and getting old and not able to enjoy some of the new Star Wars content?

      This lead me to channels like Geeks and Gamers and I realized I was not alone.  Was a big weight lifted off my chest knowing this was not a me issue but something deeper going on in Star Wars.

      Of all the things Star Wars has had a large impact on my life and means more to me than just some kids movie.

      Ahsoka got on my nerves and I honestly hated her character at the start.

      After I took the time to get to know her, I ended up liking her so much more after she grew as a character.

      This is always going to be subjective in nature, but always like hearing what others have to say about it.


      You can hate Ahsoka all you want. George still created her so she’s canon. Nothing you can do about that. But go ahead. keep being cool and spelling her name wrong.


      Exactly. People that actually care to watch the shows will find her growth as a character as one of the best in Star Wars. You just have to give her that chance.


      Ahsoka for me was an enjoyable character with a solid story arc, however I found characters like Rex and Ventress more interesting personally. Also Ahsoka should have been killed by Vader in Rebels.


      Cowgirl Dave Felony couldnt let his pet character die. should have died during O66.




      I’ve always felt Ashoka was over rated. At first I found her really annoying as “Snips”  but I’ll give the Clone Wars writers credit they were able to develop her well. She should have died in Order 66 in Season 7 before it was cancelled. Then she most certainly should have died against Vader in Rebels S2. Her surviving causes problems for the OT as to where was she when Luke needed a mentor?


      I see no problems with the OT and Ahsoka. Remember Ahsoka left the Order as a Padawan and did her own thing after The Clone Wars ended. She was not a Jedi, just a light side force user who still didn’t know much about the force. There are more people in the galaxy that use the light side of the force than just the Jedi, so Luke is still the last of the Jedi.

      When did Luke need a mentor where Obi-Wan or Yoda weren’t around?

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