New York drafting rules to prohibit coal and wood fire stoves – (Pizzerias)

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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      Yes it’s insane and stupid and has nothing at all to do with “climate change”.  So why?  Control and precedent.  This is another step to control people and commerce via “climate change”.  They always do such things first in the big cities the radicals control so they can call it precedent and say they must now do it everywhere else.

      I ask everyone now to recall all the leftist articles saying it’s entirely false the goverment wants to ban gas stoves.  AOC is even in a video mocking people whom would dare believe their own eyes and say such a thing.  Well now months later the US goverment is discussing legislation to ban/limit gas stoves and New York has already banned new construction with gas stoves.  And now they are going for coal and wood stoves.  Do you think it will stop there?

      The difference between conspiracy theory and truth used to be 6 months.  I think we might be down to 3.



        Well now months later the US goverment is discussing legislation to ban/limit gas stoves

        Modern electric stoves SUCK!! You want to limit/ban something? Then make fucking sure the alternative works just as well or even better than what it’s substituting

        I refuse to cook on anything that doesn’t have a live flame on it



        My mum’s electric oven is around 10 years old. It’s been faulty for God knows how long and as a result we very rarely have anything in it (we now use a grill for oven based stuff unless its- you guessed it- pizzas). Also if you put too much stuff on top of it, it stops working suddenly as we found out towards the end of last year when I was making cookies and it went off suddenly. I’m basically not allowed to touch the thing unless she’s there unless it’s the top of it when I come to do cider because she’s so worried about it eventually going off completely🙄.


          This is something I thought about this morning.  It goes for us here in the USA and probably all through the west if you think about the EU and even places like the Netherlands considering the farmer thing, but how perverted is it for your goverment to make laws, limits or restrictions that the people did not ask for much less are very much against.

          I think if a people are in the position (in a free country) where you are negotiating with your own goverment or fighting them you are in a very poor position.  The core issue is not that they are enforcing or injecting bad ideas, its that they are calling the shots and the people no longer are.  If you are negotiating with the goverment (as a people) you have abdicated the fact that they have authority over you and can do as they please.

          The job of goverment is not to serve itself, it is not to protect the people, it is simply to serve the people and put into action the will of the people.

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