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NFL Owners Fined Thousands by Judge in Rams Case
A Missouri judge fined four NFL team owners for failing to comply with his July order to turn over financial information as part of a lawsuit St. Louis filed over the move by the Rams football team to Los Angeles.
Why would the financial information of non-Rams owners be needed?
St. Louis, along with the county and the city’s convention authority, want the records to calculate punitive damages should their breach-of-contract suit over the Rams 2016 relocation to Los Angeles prove successful.
So you really DON’T need the information until they are successful in their breath-of-contract suit. And with years of appeals, why?
And another than the Rams’ ownership, who’s elses are you trying to force?
(Clark Hunt of the Kansas City Chiefs), (Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones), (Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots), (New York Giants owner John Mara) and former Carolina Panthers owner Jerry Richardson were part of the NFL committee that handled relocation efforts at the time of the Rams move.
And why not the entire league? After all, they ALL had to vote to approve the move before it could happen.
A trial is scheduled for Jan. 10 and may run eight weeks. Damage requests could top $1 billion.
And punitive damages will be based off the FULL revenue of all the owners in the suits?
While I agree if the did move while they had a VALID lease, that is one thing. But to go after everyone is not only OVERKILL, but sets a bad precedence. Sue everyone, get as much information as you can, and if you can find a crime you know how much funds you can blackmail out of them.
No wonder over-reach biden wants the IRS to know ALL your bank records for those with more than $600. Which is most people.