No Jordan, you can’t say that about Justin Trudeau. You must be re-educated…

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events No Jordan, you can’t say that about Justin Trudeau. You must be re-educated…

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  • #290566

    Yes, the Thought Police is real and they’re stepping it up. George Orwell’s 1984 playing out before our very eyes…

    The Ontario College of Psychologists @CPOntario has demanded that I (Dr. Jordan B Peterson) submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining with their experts for, among other crimes, retweeting @PierrePoilievre and criticizing @JustinTrudeau and his political allies.


      I always thought the UK would go first.  Looks like Canada is taking the crown of tyranny.

      Realize, these types of things are played out not simply to punish the person involved but to scare everyone else into silence.


      God help us all.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Vknid.

      As an educated man, he is a threat to the libtard’s NPC programming.

      He is able to see those lies, and can easily debate and prove how wrong they are.  So of course they would rather brainwash him than to see the errors of their agenda, etc.



        That’s the thing, they will never see an error in the agenda.  All the agenda is, is a means to an end.  They don’t care about the agenda itself beyond where the social engineering will bring the west.  That is why no matter how egregious or insane it might seem, they will always defend it.


        Psychologists’ college silent on Jordan Peterson sanction

        The Ontario College of Psychologists says it’s unable to discuss why it is allegedly taking disciplinary action and trying to force social media training on Canadian commentator and psychologist Jordan Peterson.

        Because, it is all about politics, and trying to silence one whose views you disagree with.

        Peterson said he faces more than a dozen complaints from the public. They have all come since his “rise to public prominence,” he said, adding he faced none in the prior 20 years as a practising psychologist in Ontario.

        Twenty years nothing, now all of a sudden a dozen?

        In documents that Peterson posted to Twitter, the college says that Peterson “may have lacked professionalism” in social media posts, and in a podcast appearance…

        Lacked professionalism?  Or did not agree with your agenda/talked about things using facts/truths.

        The document, which sets out a coaching plan for Peterson, says Peterson must “review, reflect on, and ameliorate my professionalism in public statements,” and that it will cost up to $225 per hour.

        Ameliorate?  $225/hour?  for how long?  Sounds like blackmail to be.

        Peterson, who is also a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, said on Twitter he has formally indicated that he will not comply; the college’s website indicates that Peterson has sought judicial review of the college’s disciplinary proceedings.

        From what I have seem, Peterson has ALWAYS been professional in his appearance, his manner, his tone, etc.  So this “coaching” aka re-education is to make him toe the leftist line.

        Peterson has yet to make public the details of any remaining complaints, beyond noting that in the complaints, he is accused of being “sexist, transphobic, incapable of the requisite body positivity in relationship to morbid obesity and, unforgivably of all, a climate change denialist.”

        He has always stated being UNHEALTHY (obese) is…. UNHEALTHY!

        And the rest, is all political, extremely toxic far-alt left agenda cancel culture yelling points.  If you don’t 100% agree with their destructive agenda, you MUST be default be canceled.  That is what this is all about.

        Peterson says that none of the people who have levied complaints against him are — or have ever been — his clients and says that “half” of them falsely claimed to be patients. (The college declined to address this specific allegation.)

        Demented NPC Activists.  And of course the college “declined”.  That would ruin their attempt to silence Jordan.

        Indeed, Peterson threatens to make “every single word of this legal battle fully public.”

        Yes!  Expose every lie, every rebuttal, every attempt to silence your voice/opinion.

        Peterson has pledged to make public all the complaints and his responses to them.



        @ Vknid  “God help us all.”

        Only Putin can help you. Or us. Or mankind.


          Yeah, because mankind has done such a bang-up job without God.

          Putin?  Really?  I mean I don’t think he is the anti-Christ but I don’t think he is some savior either.  That is delusional.  No man will be your savior.


          He’s fighting back!


            He HAS to fight back.  What they are demanding is insane.  It is full on 1984 and I don’t mean similar I mean just as bad as.

            What they are wanting him to do is admit fault, admit everything he has been saying is wrong and to 100% capitulate to the woke mob. And only they get to decide (via the terms) if he is actually sorry and sorry enough to pass their test. Again, it is insane.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Vknid.


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